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 The Fractured Sky - Chapters 14 - 17

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
The Sage Posted - 06 Nov 2008 : 13:54:24
Well met

This is a Book Club thread for The Fractured Sky (Book 2 of The Empyrean Odyssey), by Thomas M. Reid. Please discuss the prologue and chapters 14 - 17 herein.
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Bladewind Posted - 26 Jun 2009 : 18:26:59
Liked the scenes in Dweomerhart alot. The conveyerbelt pedestrian magic lanes, the vibrant bazaarlike plains, the extravagant architecture were nice embellishments to the plane.

Several scenes in the book were written in such a way I got virtigo such as the crashing of two celestial islands or the sundering of the Court. Pretty cinematic nonetheless.

I also liked the role of Micus and his relentless pursuit. His arguments with his fellow angels, Tauran and the solars of the court were an interesting read.
Braveheart Posted - 26 Dec 2008 : 16:58:48
A really well written novel, but I still can't figure out how Shar and Cyric pulled all those stunts off in the first place. No explanation is offered as to how or why Tyr killed Helm and how exactly Zasian and Kashada managed to get into Azuth's rotunda is also left out. A bit disappointing so far, perhaps the third book answers some of the questions...
inexorable Posted - 11 Dec 2008 : 22:17:52
Just finished reading this bookd and I really liked this novel.

All the characters seemed interesting and well conceived. The mixing of angels and demons will always more than likely garner interest from me.

I was kind of bummed out by Zasian dying, as Cyric and his minions are probably my favorite characters in all the Realms, but as a priest of The Dark Sun I kind of expected that to be the result for him. It was intriguing to discover that it was his own god that deceived and lied to him.

I'm looking forward to the next novel.

Alisttair Posted - 25 Nov 2008 : 22:48:52
I like how the novel ended. The big implosion leaves me wanting to read ahead, but the third book isn't out yet, so the anticipation will exist until then. Excellent novel by Mr.Reid.
The Red Walker Posted - 23 Nov 2008 : 13:43:12
Not sure how to link the prologue and ch 14-17, but I can try Sage

I enjoyed the last of this book, especially when Zasian find out that the biggest lie was told to him by Shar. I wished that the rest of what happened with Mystra and Azuth was a lie too..but , oh well!

I liked watching Alisza groe and wrestle with her "inner demons" (pun totally intended). She showed alot of growth and added much needed depth to her. I kind of think one more of Zasian's lies will be revealed post-mortem. I am guessing that he lied to Kaanyr when he said Alisza would "return to normal" after this is all over. Just the kind of lie that would have helped Kannyr to go along with Zasian's plan.

Look forward to the last of this series.

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