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 Ed Greenwood on Twitter

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Wooly Rupert Posted - 09 Jan 2019 : 16:19:25
It occurs to me that Ed has been posting Realmslore on the Twitter, and not everyone has the Twitter.

So I thought a single place where such lore could be collected would be a good thing.

Ed is a frequent poster there, adding all sorts of Stormtalons and Epic Fantasy stuff, but for the purposes of this thread, I'd like to keep it focused on his Realmslore.

(I'm also stickying this thread, to make it easier to find)

Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) on Twitter

The #Realmslore hashtag on Twitter
30   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
questing gm Posted - 14 Jun 2024 : 18:01:52
On the canal near Innarlith connecting the Nagaflow to the Lake of Steam

Jun 14, 2024


@TheEdVerse Was the canal near Innarlith connecting the Nagaflow to the Lake of Steam finished & is it still extant? It is only on maps in the Watercourse trilogy(?). IF this exists, what prevents a city on it from becoming a MAJOR trade hub rivaling any Sword Coast port? Thx!



The canal was finished. However, it started to silt up due to the velocity with which the Nagaflow emptied through it almost immediately, and the canal quickly became impassible to deep-draft ships: only small boats, coracles, and rafts could pass through it reliably. On several occasions, larger ships “ran aground” in it and became obstacles that had to be set afire (to burn to the waterline), and then the hulls dragged out with the assistance of water elementals and the like. Eventually barge travel began along it, but was immediately plagued by fighting between mercenary forces hired by various Calishite straps, the Zhentarim, and various merchant costers who set up bases in Innarlith and in encampments and nearby keeps. Barges were sunk, burned, boarded and taken, retaken, and then ships were hired to blockade the Lake of Steam end of the canal, then deliberately sunk to block the Lake of Steam end of the canal (as the silt brought from the Nagaflow piled up around these hulks)…all in the name of controlling canal traffic to enrich this or that interest.

In the end, the canal never became a fast, profitable trade route for anyone, because the fighting was still going on when the canal was utterly destroyed in the Second Sundering (in 1482 DR), blocked by a mountain range from Abeir that changed the course of the Nagaflow 107 years after the canal was completed. When the Sundering was done (Abeir and Toril had “passed through” each other and moved on—for now), the canal was little more than tortured ground, full of mountainous heaps of loose rock, and no water. With various Red Wizards sent to spy on, and prevent, any Zhentarim (or anyone else’s) attempts to dig a new canal.

So, entrenched interests successfully prevented this new competition for trade flows between the Sword Coast and the Sea of Fallen Stars.
questing gm Posted - 11 Jun 2024 : 08:52:49
On beholders dealing with logs and specks in their eyes

Jun 11, 2024


Do beholders know how to deal with the logs in their eyes yay the specks in others. Now there's a condundrim


Beholder spittle, swiped out of their maw with one eyestalk and swabbed in any other eye, cleans it without irritating it. Don’t try this your own spittle!
questing gm Posted - 11 Jun 2024 : 08:47:34
On Clarorna Amaerityl

Jun 11, 2024


She looks like she means business. Who is she? @TheEdVerse #Realmslore


That’s Clarorna Amaerityl, wizardess of Athkatla, often hired by House Selemchant when they ran into mercantile resistance that might involve violence. Known to be researching longevity alternatives to lichdom, as her years weigh on her (she’s over ninety, though she looks about 48 winters old) and her body starts to ache, pain, and become increasingly frail. Her everpresent pain has noticeably shortened her temper.

A brilliant woman who is kind to simple and common folk, but expects the wealthy and powerful to behave responsibly. Has been known to speak very bluntly to the Council of Five when she thinks their policies are cruel or shortsighted.

A formidable foe in a fight, thanks to her chain contingency spells, that unleash four to six “hanging” spells in succession, once triggered, that usually whisk her away from a fray to healing elsewhere, and unleash various “parting shot” magics.

A friend to Laeral, but cool to Alustriel. Regards Elminster as a useful “loose cannon,” and has been known to jest with him.
AJA Posted - 10 Jun 2024 : 01:45:08
questing gm, thank you for continuing on with your efforts here. I continue to get a great kick out of coming in here every week or so and finding bundles of Edlore, just waiting to be read!

– One minor housekeeping note, there was no dates given in your post for the pair of On "awesome facts" about Ilmater and Malar tweets (both Jun 05, 2024)

questing gm Posted - 10 Jun 2024 : 01:21:54
On mimic reproduction

Jun 10, 2024


@TheEdVerse How do mimics reproduce?


I'm tempted to reply "Very carefully."

However, there is a canon answer for this: when a mimic eats enough to grow too big for its personal body chemistry, it splits into two smaller mimics.
questing gm Posted - 10 Jun 2024 : 01:19:02
On Elminster's magical pipe

Jun 9, 2024


Why not repost this fellow hmmm?



Do you have the D&D stats for the five pipes? #128521;

Did @TheEdVerse ever give Elminster a magical pipe? #129300;


He did. There's a published, canon article describing Elminster's Eversmoking Pipe, in all of its magical might.
questing gm Posted - 07 Jun 2024 : 02:29:32
On Daggerdale

Jun 7, 2024


Do you think Shadowdale is the only place of note in the Dalelands? Think again!

Join me as we adventure through Daggerdale, home of Dagger Hills and Dagger Falls!

This is also the first video using the new footage!

questing gm Posted - 06 Jun 2024 : 09:03:46
On "awesome facts" about Ilmater and Malar

Jun 6, 2024


My greatest Man! I love Malar and FR bald Jesus aka Ilmater! Can you name some awesome facts about them as well?


And now, lore of Ilmater:

* Most Ilmatari clergy who advance in the regard of the deity accept pain and suffering to aid others rather than self-inflicting. Self-inflicting is usually done only as self-punishment for transgressions from tasks set for Ilmatari by superiors. In the original Realms campaign, the only Ilmatari cleric who sought out harm for himself was driven to do so by dream-visions he believed were sent by the god as guidance. Most Ilmatari think self-harm is “cheap show” rather than real devotion.

* The Book of Torment isn’t the same as the Tome of Torment (which is a hair shirt I detailed in the Prayers From The Faithful 2e Realms sourcebook). The Book of Torment began as an in-house (not for public eyes) Church of Ilmater account of the times that Ilmater directly responded to prayers, entreaties, and queries from his clergy. Copies were made and distributed to every temple. And then, over time, spells and rituals and church rulings were added, new editions of the book produced, and old copies “retired” to altar flames. Each new edition has multiple copies written out by hand, so they can be distributed to every temple (not all the shrines, just full temples).

* Priests of Ilmater can and do fight on behalf of others, but when their own faith is attacked, are essentially pacifists; they’re “turn the other cheek, take the punishment” sorts (with a few paladin exceptions).

* Ilmater will occasionally send altar-visions or dream-visions to his faithful (clergy and lay worshippers, adventurers in particular) that to achieve a specific result, battle, aggression, and even deception on their part are approved by him—but only for this particular purpose. As a result, no others can “depend” on Ilmatari “always” surrendering or standing aside or submitting.


Here’s a quick list of interesting Malar lore:

* Worgs worship Malar, as “The Great One,” who rewards them when they pass by accepting them into the Great Hunt that never ends; bloodlust time, when they can savage former masters along with all other juicy prey.

* The more “elemental/natural” the essential nature of a deity (Malar, also Auril, Chauntea, Eldath, Silvanus, and Talos), the more they feel the need to connect directly with the land.

* Followers of Malar openly seek to destroy the church and works of Helm.

* Malar personally hunts and seeks to slay and devour other deities (of a power level he thinks he can overcome), quasi-deities, and the divine servitors of other deities. He lurks and watches such targets for weaknesses, and so, knows more about their doings and habits than many. His goal? To replace deities, receiving their worship (and granting spells to their clergies in their name, so not even their churches will realize what he’s done). It remains to be seen how far Ao will let him go, down this murderous path.

- Edited on 10/6/24 to add dates. Thanks for the heads-up AJA!
questing gm Posted - 04 Jun 2024 : 07:55:42
On Bane's first appearance

Jun 4, 2024


Another week, another Monday and another #RandomWhiteDwarfCover

Issue 60. December 1984



Interesting that "The Fear of Leefield" features a worshipper of Bane (later to find fame in the Forgotten Realms)! Had to check when he first appeared, and it was 1981 in Dragon Magazine (created, of course, by @TheEdVerse)


Bane first appeared in the Mirt the Moneylender short story "Even Her Fangs Had Talons" published in SWORDS OF THE NORTH Issue #2, September 1968. (Yes, before D&D was created.)
questing gm Posted - 04 Jun 2024 : 07:51:43
On word for the troglodyte language or culture

Jun 4, 2024


Building a setting primer for a particular sword coast ting, largely as a fun worldbuilding exercise, n finding myself wishing there was a word for the troglodyte language or culture - idk if @TheEdVerse has one anywhere


Troglodytes in the Realms use scent, gesture, and spoken language to communicate, but beyond lone marker glyphs, don’t write. The language they use is Draconic (with a simplified vocabulary), but troglodytes just call it “Glav” (which is “speech” in Draconic).

They call themselves Vechrand, a name derived from the Draconic versvech = strong and arand = core, heart of, and when speaking of something they own or have made or that is of their culture, will say “uvech” which means ours, us, of us


would this mean that "Uvech Glav" or some variation would be a suitable way for one of the Vechrand to refer to their particular dialect / way of communicating?


Sure. Just "Glav" with one another (fellow troglodytes) in daily usage. "Uvech Glav" only when they're trying to distinguish between Vechrand converse and, say, a dragon and a human wizard speaking Draconic.
questing gm Posted - 04 Jun 2024 : 07:39:04
On weddings

Jun 3, 2024


a question for science: does anyone know how tieflings get married? or how people in D&D get married in general? do they give vows in front of their deity? are there any interesting rituals?


I can't speak for D&D in general. In the Realms, ceremonies vary over time, place, budget, clan, and species, but primarily by the clergy the couples want to wed them (i.e. predominant faith, out of all the gods that everyone believes in). Over the years, I've detailed over a dozen wedding rituals. Tieflings in the Realms don't have "tiefling weddings" based on race, no. As in our real world, ceremonies can vary if you're noble, if you're wealthy, and if the clergy approve of you or not (i.e. how much control you can get over the ritual and surrounding celebrations). Some priests want a large donation, some (clergy of the Joybringer, for example) are happier with a huge feast with good musicians, dancing, and revelry...the same things that would offend other clergy.


all my weddings are at the Temple of Karsus


Heh. Reminds me of Mirt's old jest: "All MY weddings are in the end bed, on the right."


thank you so much for giving an answer!


My pleasure!

For most weddings, in the Realms these days, the couple crafts their own ceremony with the clergy (or paladin) they want to wed them.

For tieflings, I'd expect they'd entwine tails during their vows, if said tails are long enough.


Ed Greenwood, on Forgotten Realms weddings!

If my Adventurers League Conjurer ever gets married, I'd want to attend since she follows Azuth; my Illusionist's might be confusing, her veering towards Leira and all... #128569;#128575; "Are you two married, now, or not...? What's goin g on?"


Those who venerate Leira strongly discover: for major life choices (getting married, sacrificing one’s own life, taking a life) Leira wants NO deception, but The Truth of Revelation (“Truth Revealed”): showing the world plainly and clearly where one stands.
questing gm Posted - 04 Jun 2024 : 07:33:37
On the D&D cartoon set in the Forgotten Realms

Jun 3, 2024


@TheEdVerse I was wondering if you could settle some speculation for me from fans of the D&D Cartoon from the 80s? There are some saying the show took place in Forgotten Realms back in 1983-1985. But most know it was called “The Realm” created just for the show.


The D&D Cartoon was deliberately set in its own "world." Not the Forgotten Realms.

The name "the Realm" was likely borrowed from FR, which was well established in the pages of The Dragon (DRAGON Magazine); Realms articles started appearing therein in 1979.
questing gm Posted - 01 Jun 2024 : 02:16:28
On Jergal still a god

May 31, 2024


@TheEdVerse Is Jergal still a god? Is he a quasi-diety, or something else even? Are quasi-dieties considered gods?

Pendantry is fine; the specifics matter for my campaign! Thank you in advance


Jergal remains a god. All gods are divine beings, but not all divine beings are gods. For instance, many deities have servitors (e.g. the Chosen of Mystra). Some are effectively immortal, unless destroyed; they are divine but not gods. "God" is just a mortal label.
questing gm Posted - 31 May 2024 : 02:27:05
On drow craft mechanicals

May 30, 2024


More drow lore!

This time, we're talking about the process by which the drow craft mechanicals, magical devices, and even prosthetic limbs. :}

questing gm Posted - 31 May 2024 : 02:24:54
On the Night of Too Many Wizards

May 23, 2024


It's time for another Edtime Story™#65039;!

This time, we follow a king hoping to impress a princess by reclaiming his lost youth and the wizardly shenanigans that follow! ;}


#dnd #realmslore #forgottenrealms

questing gm Posted - 15 May 2024 : 10:35:02
On befriending a mimic

May 14, 2024


Hail and well met Mr. Greenwood,

If you have the time to humor a strange question, I would be extremely grateful. Is it possible to befriend and/or train a mimic to act as a companion/pet?


Oh, yes. Like humans, they vary widely in personality. Some are loyal and affectionate, many are as self-minded as the Luggage (Discworld), and a lot are "in between."


Thank you so much for answering my question! It brightens my day immensely to gain wisdom from the master himself


My pleasure! (Some are companions or pets, others decidedly not. There's even a spelljammer sailing Realmspace crewed entirely by "treasure chests," meaning mimics that ate the goblin crew, and now go hunting the gullible to get fresh meals.)
questing gm Posted - 11 May 2024 : 06:50:28
On taste of a Beast of Malar meat

May 11, 2024


How tasty do you think a Beast of Malar would be? Do you think @Artie_Pavlov could make a cooking entry about one?



Elminster asks if you've ever eaten bison. Well-done, not rare.

He advises a marinade. And for some, generous applications of barbeque sauce.
questing gm Posted - 11 May 2024 : 06:21:41
On Trelasarra Zuind's ale mug

May 9, 2024


Ye can get a wizard to drink
But ye cannot make a wizard think
So drown his wits in this here mug
Thy safety grows with his every glug!



Is this a mug Trelasarra Zuind would use drink her ale in?


Trelasarra prefers moonwine, in long, slender drinking horns.

However, Elminster won her over with hot chocolate in one of these mugs. She got all giggly.

(I think it was the tiny marshmallows, myself.)

questing gm Posted - 05 May 2024 : 09:25:15
On "By my halidom!"

May 4, 2024


@TheEdVerse, in Crown of Fire, Mirt exclaims: "By my halidom!" and even gets questioned about it by one of the Harper 'ladies'. Is it just an out of fashion nonsense saying folks use or something else?


Heh. Mirt picked it up from Elminster, who got it while visiting our real world Earth and hanging out at a Ren Faire. When El said it, it sounded REALLY dirty to Mirt, so he took to using it with gusto.

We actually covered this in a panel at a Milwaukee-era GenCon.
questing gm Posted - 03 May 2024 : 07:05:45
On Imberlur

May 3, 2024


Are you looking for an exciting new location for your party to explore?

Well, I've just released some brand new Realmslore where I talk all about the mysterious drow city of Imberlur!
questing gm Posted - 03 May 2024 : 06:47:57
On what inspired Ed to make the Forgotten Realms

May 1, 2024


What inspired you to make the forgotten realms!


I was five years old, and (bored) in kindergarten had a daydream about two ladies with silver hair. I wanted to know more about them, and their world around them. So I started writing stories. A decade before D&D.
questing gm Posted - 27 Apr 2024 : 04:17:11
On education in mother-belly for half-elves

Apr 27, 2024


Hey, @TheEdVerse , according to Cormanthor: Empire of Elves, Elves take some kind of education in mother-belly. Question is how that works for half-elves? Like if had an Elf mother and human father or half-Elf mother? How that affects the child?


Elf and half-elf mothers do this alike, regardless of who their child's father is. What differs with every individual mother and unborn babe is how well the teaching goes, and the child-to-be learns; it varies a lot (partly by the life experience of the mother).
questing gm Posted - 27 Apr 2024 : 04:14:51
On Nar demon binding

Apr 27, 2024


I've just released some new #realmslore, this time on binding demons, just like the Nar folk. ;}

May 8, 2024


I'm incredibly excited to share an essential resource for those looking to master the Abyss in their campaigns! ;}

Come with me as I guide you through the process of binding DEMONS... just like the Nar folk #128520;


- Edited on 8/5/24 to add new tweet
questing gm Posted - 26 Apr 2024 : 02:17:28
On Maraloi video

Apr 24, 2024


Join me as I reveal the secrets of a mysterious group in the Realms called the Maraloi (also known as the Ancient Lords and the Spirit Folk) in my new video!
questing gm Posted - 23 Apr 2024 : 12:52:16
On charges for "services" by worshippers of Sune

Apr 23, 2024


@TheEdVerse I have ab it of a weird question: But do worshippers of Sune ever charge for their uhhh "services"? Free love and all, but wouldn't this sort of "tithe" help keep the church going?


Yes, but NEVER directly, and no tipping. The roundabout way it's done is to have "special" clean sheets and special undergarments worn, and then charge a side fee (a trifle inflated) for their "after cleaning."
questing gm Posted - 18 Apr 2024 : 14:43:41
On the Court of Eilistraee

Apr 18, 2024


I've finally released some long-awaited and much-requested lore on THE COURT OF EILISTRAEE, the chaotic good drow goddess that so many Realms fans love. ;}

#dnd #realmslore #forgottenrealms
May 2, 2024


I have finally released new #realmslore about Elistraee!

Fans have been asking me for years to give them anything on "The Dark Dancer" and the wait is over! I hope you all enjoy watching it as much as I enjoyed making it :}


- Edited on 3/5/24 to add new tweet to full video
questing gm Posted - 18 Apr 2024 : 14:40:45
On Lady Darktalon

Apr 17, 2024


Want more lore on Manshoon and the Zhentarim? Come with me as we unveil the story and influence of Alicia, also known as Lady Darktalon! :}

#realmslore #forgottenrealms #dnd

questing gm Posted - 13 Apr 2024 : 08:35:40
On new realmslore on the Maraloi

Apr 13, 2024


I just released some new #realmslore

questing gm Posted - 11 Apr 2024 : 12:59:42
On Shadowdale today

Apr 10, 2024


Forgotten Realms fans: Not a Decepticon wants to talk about Ed Greenwood's "What has befallen Elminster's home of 650 years?" video:

What do you think about Elminster's tower, what Elminster is doing in Waterdeep and Storm Silverhand nursing Mordenkainen?


'Tis never unwise to get on the good side of a wizard of peerless power.

And Storm's good side has nursed many a mage and Harper back from death or insanity.

She's my walking tribute to nurses and caregivers everywhere.
questing gm Posted - 11 Apr 2024 : 12:55:03
On 3 hour discussion of factions and organizations in Greyhawk and Forgotten Realms

Apr 9, 2024


Wonderful 3+ hour discussion with @TheEdVerse @anna_b_meyer with @Littlebird_84 & @CourtneyWads94 surprising Ed! Vid here on Twitch:

And on YouTube:


Current intrigues and skullduggery amid factions of the Realms AND Greyhawk!!!

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