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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Dargoth Posted - 30 Jan 2007 : 05:20:49

Anyone have this tome yet?

Its suppose to be out next month but ussually somone breaks the release date somewhere in the world
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
KnightErrantJR Posted - 12 Feb 2007 : 22:04:19
While I'm still not sure the base class is worth the pages it takes up, after looking at the various monsters, traps, hazards, etc. in this book, I got a ton of ideas to use, and I'm one that's less likely to use dungeons than I am wilderness/roleplaying/event based items. Some of it just looked fun though.

So I'll probably pick this one one soon.
Ardashir Posted - 12 Feb 2007 : 18:46:08
I don't own it (yet) but I've read parts of it and I like it. The 'Dungeon Lord' PrC made me laugh (will we see a 'master villain' class next?), and the acidborn template was a 'WTH?' moment. "Hahahaha! Four Harpers captured! My acid sharks with fireball wands on their heads will eat well tonight!"

I will probably get it ASAP.
Dargoth Posted - 10 Feb 2007 : 08:35:10
Excerpts from Dungeonscape

Beast Heart Adepts interesting its a pity though that it doesnt have spell progression it would have been a great class for a Cleric or Druid of Malar
Dargoth Posted - 07 Feb 2007 : 04:46:55
Art Gallerys up
Asgetrion Posted - 04 Feb 2007 : 23:14:01
No more Prestige Classes for me, please! I would rather have more "dressing"/flavour tables and example dungeons... maybe one for each major campaign world, hey? (House of Stone, anyone? :)

To me it seems (judging upon the Table of Contents) that Dungeonscape may prove to be reprinted and (somewhat ) expanded chapters from DMG and DMG II.
Ergdusch Posted - 04 Feb 2007 : 14:53:36
BTW - in combination with this product: Dungeon Survival Guide, coming autumn this year, it could be even better....
Ergdusch Posted - 04 Feb 2007 : 14:40:01
I like the total concept of this book, according to the ToC. but all these new clases, feats and spells in each and every book are just not to my liking - to be honest, I have enough options with the FR specific clases already.It seems that I am too conservative or too narrow-minded or what not for all the different variants.

However, the non-spellcasting assassin class could be interesting for me as well, cause I just cannot see the reason why an assassin would neccissarily have the abilitiy to cast spells. He would multiclass for that purpose, if it comes to my understanding of it....
MerrikCale Posted - 03 Feb 2007 : 19:54:19
Originally posted by Dargoth

There are only 2 more classes I want to see

Assassin class (Not the spellcasting monstocity in DMG)

"Divine warrior" class, basicly a Paladinesque class for deities of all alignments (Something similar to what the Cleric classes in terms of customisation)

KnightErrantJR: where did you get that description for the Factotum?

As for the assassin, I could not agree anymore. As for your second class, that seems to be the domain of PrCs. Although the upcoming Complete Champion might have something
nbnmare Posted - 03 Feb 2007 : 15:25:11
Originally posted by Dargoth"Divine warrior" class, basicly a Paladinesque class for deities of all alignments (Something similar to what the Cleric classes in terms of customisation)

Something like the 2E crusader of Faiths & Avatars, you mean? I'd personally love to see this class, along with all the others from F&A, received an official conversion, though Wizards already used the name for a class (that bears extremely little resemblance) in Tomb of Battle. Perhaps they could rename it "cavalier" (though this would evoke memories of the old 1E class), or something similar.
Archwizard Posted - 03 Feb 2007 : 07:32:08
The Factotum (formerly called the Journeyman) was a big WTF! moment for me. It just doesn't seem to fit this book, but we'll see.

I like some of the new classes as well, but most of them were good ideas wrapped in unnecessary flavoring. A base class shouldn't have too much specific flavoring. Most of the original base classes fill a role, but could be from a variety of backgrounds. Classes like the Warlock and Hexblade force characters to be of a certain outlook and background, partly why the Draconic/Fiendish/Celestial/X heritage for Sorcerers is looked down upon by some. I think the Invocation system of the Warlock is an excellent idea, if the class was broader and then narrowed by prestige classes, like the Hellfire adept in FC2.
Dargoth Posted - 03 Feb 2007 : 07:15:46
Ok thanks

I suspect it may be some sort of Rogue/Bard Hybrid
KnightErrantJR Posted - 03 Feb 2007 : 06:57:13
From the copy on the Products side of the WOTC site:

"For players, the factotum class is a cunning wanderer, a jack-of-all-trades who can cope with anything the dungeon throws at him."

Which I why I said, its either a variation of a rogue, or some strange "no its not a bard" class. Knowing that there is a focus to make products attractive to both DMs and Players, so as to boost sales, there is a part of me that thinks perhaps this class was conceived to give players a reason to buy the book, rather than as a great idea that had to be presented, but I could just be getting jaded in my old age . . . and again, I'll gladly recant if I'm wrong.
Dargoth Posted - 03 Feb 2007 : 06:45:24
There are only 2 more classes I want to see

Assassin class (Not the spellcasting monstocity in DMG)

"Divine warrior" class, basicly a Paladinesque class for deities of all alignments (Something similar to what the Cleric classes in terms of customisation)

KnightErrantJR: where did you get that description for the Factotum?
KnightErrantJR Posted - 03 Feb 2007 : 06:23:20
You know, I've actually been fairly accepting of the new classes, and have worked for ways to incorporate them into my home Realms. I've liked a lot of them, and most of them haven't bothered me. But what the heck is up with a "Factotum?" The description, a character that is versatile and can adapt to what the Dungeon throws at them, seems like, well, any adventurer worth their salt. They seem like they might either be rogue like characters, or perhaps rogue/wizard types, and I don't think we really "need" another variation on this theme, unless its like some kind of superclass that can do everything that every class can do . . .

I am curious to see what else is in this book beyond that, as this could be an interesting read. Its just that between this class and the Dragonfire Adept from Dragon Magic (its like a warlock, but it breathes dragonfire instead of shooting eldritch blasts . . . ) I think that there should be a moratorium on new standard classes for quite a while. Oh, and I liked Dragon Magic dispite the Dragonfire Adept, so I'm not writing this one off at all just because I'm not thrilled about that one particular aspect.
Dargoth Posted - 03 Feb 2007 : 05:31:05
Table of Contents is up at Wizards

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