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T O P I C    R E V I E W
danifae Posted - 24 Jul 2006 : 03:25:51

over the past few years I bought my Dragon magazine in stores if I saw something of FR on the cover (it's the only D&D thing that I'm interested in at the moment) I'm now thinking of getting a subscription, but would like some advice. I'm only really interested in the FR stuff, would it be worth it getting the magazine just for that? Or just to buy some lone issues.

15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Faraer Posted - 05 Aug 2006 : 20:35:24
In 2004 and 2005 Dragon had less Realms content than any time since #32. Erik Mona has said he wants to remedy that, and we've seen signs of it. At the same time, we're not likely to get the level of support we'd like because Erik is primarily a Greyhawk fan and has many priorities to juggle, and because of the (I think mistaken) idea that material for a named setting is less convertible to others than material set in a brand-new setting we know nothing about ('generic' articles).

Dungeon, on the other hand, has as much good Realms stuff now as it ever had.
SirUrza Posted - 05 Aug 2006 : 18:58:37
I gave up on Realms only stuff in dungeon and dragon a long time ago. I've found Dragon a constant enjoyment for it's short stories and the prestige classes or spells. Dungeon, well doesn't really suit me, I usually only buy it if it's got Realms stuff in it.
Mr. Wilson Posted - 05 Aug 2006 : 08:34:35
There's not a bunch of Realms stuff, but some of the other features make up for it. Plus, OOTS is the back page now.
Alaundo Posted - 05 Aug 2006 : 01:05:28
Originally posted by Kajehase

How many pages was it? #333 (to pick one off the shelf) had 108 (including the spine and cover).

Well met

Apologies, Kajehase, I completely missed thy request until just seeing Xysma's pennings herein.

I have issue 346 here, which is 98 pages.
Xysma Posted - 04 Aug 2006 : 20:25:23
I let my subscription to Dungeon lapse, but not Dragon. As long as I play D&D, I'll keep my subscription to Dragon. That being said, don't expect a plethora of Realms material, but I do think the Realms material that is published is quite good. The magazine does not print enough Realms material, but I think Mona understands what Realms fans want to see. And yes, the other material is easy to convert to the Realms or it can be used as-is with no conversion.
Kajehase Posted - 27 Jul 2006 : 01:20:28
How many pages was it? #333 (to pick one off the shelf) had 108 (including the spine and cover).
Alaundo Posted - 26 Jul 2006 : 08:38:54
Well met

Whilst not answering the particular question raised here, I picked up this months Dragon yesterday and couldn't help but think it felt considerably thinner. Is it just me or has the page count decreased somewhat? (I don't have a previous issue to hand to check, although I think I recall last month being the first "thin" issue).
Faraer Posted - 26 Jul 2006 : 02:00:13
I let my subscription lapse because of scarcity of Realms articles, but I find quite a few of the others of interest and I'd resubscribe if I had more space to put the magazines.
The Sage Posted - 26 Jul 2006 : 01:14:21
Alternatively, you can just pick and choose from available back issues with FR content you might be interested in.

Use the DragonDex:-

Look up specific FR articles in particular issues and then head over to to order them.
danifae Posted - 25 Jul 2006 : 19:57:23
hmm will still think about this, but Uzzy and Dargoth's comments will be considered. (and the others 2)
Thank you for the advice!
Sanishiver Posted - 24 Jul 2006 : 23:05:14
Ditto's are bad form on message board, but I humbly commit the faux-pas as my experience with Dungeon Magazine (and to a lesser extent Dragon) has been hugely positive and beneficial to my Realms Campaign.

J. Grenemyer
The Sage Posted - 24 Jul 2006 : 13:48:20
Agrees with Wooly and Uzzy.

If you're flexible with the D&D rules as a whole, you can normally find something of use in non-FR-related DRAGON articles... for use in your campaigns.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 24 Jul 2006 : 11:20:42
I agree with Uzzy.
Uzzy Posted - 24 Jul 2006 : 09:34:55
That said, many of the articles can be converted for use in FR, and there has been some FR Fiction published in the magazines (Wizard Three by Ed Greenwood and Rivals by Richard Lee Byers) if your into that sort of thing.

While not a subscriber (living in the UK) ive bought it every month, and throughly enjoyed it.
Dargoth Posted - 24 Jul 2006 : 08:35:15

Paizo have a long history of screwing the realms you will be lucky if you get 2 Realms articles in a 12 month period.

In the last year Dragon has given realms fans exactly that 2 articles

Georges article in Impiltur (Dragon 346)

Elaines article on the Waterdeep Bards college (Dragon 335)

Yes thats an 11 month gap between Realms articles and thats why I have no intention of getting a Dragon subscription

PS Dungeons not much better the latest Dungeon 137 has a Realms Module but you'll have to go back 7 months to Dungeon 130 for another

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