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 A Lack of Official D&D Gencon 2013 Videos?

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Hawkins Posted - 16 Aug 2013 : 18:47:35
Is it just me, or did we get all sorts of informative videos last year. The only thing I can find from this year on the Official D&D YouTube Channel are clips about sword smithing.
13   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
SirUrza Posted - 21 Aug 2013 : 23:06:52
WOTC has posted the 2 hour Forgotten Realms panel up on youtube.
Hawkins Posted - 21 Aug 2013 : 17:33:11
SirUrza Posted - 20 Aug 2013 : 23:13:16
WOTC posted 2 vids on youtube.
Steven Carroll Posted - 20 Aug 2013 : 19:01:12
I think you will enjoy it overall. Sounds like they had quite a bit of fun.
Jeremy Grenemyer Posted - 20 Aug 2013 : 16:29:40
The Tome Show has posted a recording of the Salvatore chat from Gen Con.

The audio is a little iffy, but so far (I'm not all the way through it) it's not too bad.

Tip of the hat to Gwathir on the WotC forums for posting the Tome Show link there..
Steven Carroll Posted - 20 Aug 2013 : 15:49:37
Originally posted by Irennan

I hope that they're going to update a video of the ''Fate of the FR'' seminar, which they are holding today.

I really hope either The Tome Show went and recorded this or a video pops up. This was the Seminar I was most looking forward to getting news about. So far...nothing...not a peep about it from anyone, anywhere as far as I can tell.
Hawkins Posted - 19 Aug 2013 : 22:23:37
Added my own pestering tweet.
SirUrza Posted - 18 Aug 2013 : 04:50:22
I commented as such during their Q&A spam on twitter..

Not only got a retweet out of it, but an indirect response..

Nifty huh? :)
Steven Carroll Posted - 18 Aug 2013 : 04:27:37
I am not sure if they are recording all of the seminars, but i am pretty sure that Mike Mearls mentioned that they did record the Q&A session and that it would be posted, though he did not give a timeline.
sleyvas Posted - 17 Aug 2013 : 15:20:57
it is still ongoing no? I mean, for a lot of people, today may be their first day.
Irennan Posted - 17 Aug 2013 : 10:38:24
I hope that they're going to update a video of the ''Fate of the FR'' seminar, which they are holding today.
Dark Wizard Posted - 17 Aug 2013 : 07:01:16
These are the only outside press coverage articles I've seen thus far:

Others could still be composing their event reports.

An individual/participant recorded the opening event and his own interaction with the event/activity:

Will WotC's own recording of this show up on the D&D page like the keynote from 2012? Who knows.

I felt the 2012 events (partly on live stream, ultimately uploaded on the web) were a step in the correct, modern direction, one befitting WotC as an industry leader both in terms of event planning and internet accessibility. As much as the Gen Con attendance increased over the years, a good part of a game's reach (even one as well known as D&D) will occur from such event videos uploaded to the pertinent internet channels. At Gen Con only a few thousand see the show, on the internet, anyone can see it and the numbers of viewers can continue to grow over the years.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 16 Aug 2013 : 18:55:46
Well, they are forging a new version for us...

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