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 Martial Arts Guidebook (PFRPG), by Hawkins

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Hawkins Posted - 17 Dec 2011 : 02:43:22
I just wanted to give my friends here at the 'Keep a heads up that I have a patronage project with Rite Publishing, and we will start raising funds for it on January 3rd, 2012. I will post more when I am able to.
30   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Hawkins Posted - 16 May 2012 : 20:02:28
To anyone who became a patron of the Martial Arts Guidebook,

Would you mind stopping by the Rite Publishing forums, saying "Hi," and maybe posting some opinions that would be great. So far only about two or three of the patrons are interacting, and I really would like to hear from as many as possible. If the link above tells you that you do not have access, make sure to create an account if you haven't and then email Steve [at] RitePublishing [dot] com and let him know that you are a patron (you will probably have to verify this some way).

Hawkins Posted - 13 Apr 2012 : 15:22:05
Woohoo! 4 days left and at $1300 in funding!
The Sage Posted - 11 Apr 2012 : 02:00:28
I'm really looking forward to the release of this tome. It's been a long time since I've been this excited over any martial arts-related gaming book.
Hawkins Posted - 10 Apr 2012 : 17:21:32
7 days and counting! Here is another bit of preview material.
Hawkins Posted - 09 Apr 2012 : 16:55:59
Wow. Only 8 days left! And we have raised $1250 so far! I hope they upload more of the preview material that I developed so that people may be inspired to bring it up to $2000 (the next tier for 32 more pages).
Hawkins Posted - 30 Mar 2012 : 16:35:02
Here is an audio interview with Steve Russell, the publisher behind The Martial Arts Guidebook, on the Geek Sourcing podcast.
Hawkins Posted - 25 Mar 2012 : 03:53:49
I am pretty sure it will be pretty easy to use with 3.5. But if there are a few bits that are not, feel free to bug me he here at the 'Keep.
Snow Posted - 24 Mar 2012 : 23:53:27
Hawkins, I will certainly purchase your Martial Arts Guidebook. It looks intriguing!

I am curious though ... will there be any compatability conversion instructions for playing these rules in 3.5?

If not, I'm curious if you might provide some instructions to do that are perhaps external to the published product.

Dark Wizard Posted - 24 Mar 2012 : 03:40:26
Congrats on the impending project.

Like the direction it's headed base on the preview and your post here. Already signed up, see you on the development boards when they go up.
Hawkins Posted - 23 Mar 2012 : 19:23:31
Originally posted by Lord Karsus


-If you can answer, how exactly are you handling martial arts? In 3e, they generally appeared as feat trees, which were underwhelming at best. Personally, martial arts are handled better as similar to Maneuvers from Tome of Battle.

Basically, each school will have 5-7 "techniques" (basically relabeled maneuvers because Pathfinder has many types of other maneuvers and I did not want to clutter the term) that you will gain access to by gaining prestige in a martial arts school. Techniques will in some cases be powered by a point pool instead of a uses per encounter mechanic. You can gain prestige in a school by doing quests, leveling, and taking certain feats appropriate to the school. Much of this will be showcased in the upcoming preview material that I spent that last month working on.
Lord Karsus Posted - 23 Mar 2012 : 18:42:03

-If you can answer, how exactly are you handling martial arts? In 3e, they generally appeared as feat trees, which were underwhelming at best. Personally, martial arts are handled better as similar to Maneuvers from Tome of Battle.
Hawkins Posted - 23 Mar 2012 : 15:24:46
Sweet! We have hit the initial $1000 mark!
Hawkins Posted - 22 Mar 2012 : 12:53:06
Originally posted by Lord Karsus

-How does that website work? You basically feature whatever it is that you are looking at feature, and people basically pledge however much money they want to pledge to your venture in exchange for whatever (ownership, 'special thanks to', goodwill, etc.)?
It basically works like Kickstarter, tough if you do not meet your goal the Funders can choose to still fund a produce with the lesser amount (if you don't make your goal on Kickstarter than the project is just dead).
Lord Karsus Posted - 22 Mar 2012 : 02:45:40
-How does that website work? You basically feature whatever it is that you are looking at feature, and people basically pledge however much money they want to pledge to your venture in exchange for whatever (ownership, 'special thanks to', goodwill, etc.)?
The Sage Posted - 22 Mar 2012 : 00:49:54
Interesting. I can definitely see a place for some of this material in my campaigns.

Looking forward to learning more.
Hawkins Posted - 21 Mar 2012 : 19:37:13
Ok. The first bit of Preview Material is up!
Hawkins Posted - 20 Feb 2012 : 20:20:24
Thank you! I am excited that we are already $575 out of the first $1,000 of funding to be raised. Basically, for every $1,000, I will be designing approximately 32 pages of material.
Zireael Posted - 20 Feb 2012 : 19:49:15
Love the interview. Brilliant!
Hawkins Posted - 17 Feb 2012 : 02:49:18
Okay, fundraising has finally begun!
Hawkins Posted - 08 Feb 2012 : 16:47:12
Here is a new blog post of more Q&A for anyone interested.
Hawkins Posted - 31 Jan 2012 : 15:33:37
Here is yesterday's blog post. I think that there is going to be one of these every Monday and Wednesday until the funding launch on February 14th.
Markustay Posted - 29 Jan 2012 : 21:30:38
Congrats. Let me second Sage's envy.
Dark Wizard Posted - 27 Jan 2012 : 23:27:38
Congratulations, Hawkins.

I just saw the announcement on the KQ forums. I've had my eye on Rite Publishing projects for some time now, still kicking myself for not signing onto some of their previous projects. I have a keen interest in this topic and funds permitting you likely have another backer.
Hawkins Posted - 27 Jan 2012 : 16:49:15
Originally posted by Kiaransalyn

Originally posted by Hawkins

Ok, Everyone. Here is the first blog post about my project.

Congratulations. This looks exciting, and I bet you're thrilled.

Have you read the source-book "Qin: The Warring States"? I'm pretty confident, having read your blog post that you've got lots of relevant books, I'm just wondering on your opinion on it.

No, I have not read that one yet. I do have plenty of material; I would love to read every one that a potential patron suggests, but my main problem with that is my budget.
Kiaransalyn Posted - 27 Jan 2012 : 10:42:36
Originally posted by Hawkins

Ok, Everyone. Here is the first blog post about my project.

Congratulations. This looks exciting, and I bet you're thrilled.

Have you read the source-book "Qin: The Warring States"? I'm pretty confident, having read your blog post that you've got lots of relevant books, I'm just wondering on your opinion on it.
The Sage Posted - 27 Jan 2012 : 00:52:08
Originally posted by Hawkins

Originally posted by The Sage

Originally posted by Hawkins

Ok, Everyone. Here is the first blog post about my project.

Colour me envious, Hawkins.

Good stuff!

Why thank you, Sage. For anyone who is interested, there is a thread on the Paizo forums to announce and discuss it.

Bookarked for later perusal.
Hawkins Posted - 26 Jan 2012 : 19:30:34
Originally posted by The Sage

Originally posted by Hawkins

Ok, Everyone. Here is the first blog post about my project.

Colour me envious, Hawkins.

Good stuff!

Why thank you, Sage. For anyone who is interested, there is a thread on the Paizo forums to announce and discuss it.
The Sage Posted - 26 Jan 2012 : 01:46:36
Originally posted by Hawkins

Ok, Everyone. Here is the first blog post about my project.

Colour me envious, Hawkins.

Good stuff!
Hawkins Posted - 25 Jan 2012 : 20:59:34
Ok, Everyone. Here is the first blog post about my project.
idilippy Posted - 04 Jan 2012 : 15:40:49
Excellent, I'm a big fan of Rite Publishing's work. Congratulations and I'll definitely look into it when it comes out!

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