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 The Art of Dragon magazine

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Lord Rad Posted - 07 Sep 2006 : 22:05:28
Anyone seen this?

There's been some stunning artwork from Dragon. I'm definately getting this book.
10   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
sparhawk42 Posted - 30 Nov 2006 : 00:24:35
I figure I'm gonna have to figure something else out for my wife for Christmas unless I hear something back from Paizo soon. I'd prefer original artwork as well but am a bit unsure how to go about getting some.
Mace Hammerhand Posted - 29 Nov 2006 : 22:16:10
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

The link worked for me...

There's been some nice Dragon covers, but I think I'd rather get artbooks from the artists themselves -- particularly Elmore.

I prefer original artwork

I have a drawing of Lord Soth done by the late Keith Parkinson (I was really sad when he passed away...a great guy and a terrific artist!)... I asked him to draw good ole Soth for me sometime in '98 (I think).

It's framed right next to an elven mage done by Larry Elmore at the same time.

I got lucky because the next year Larry charged for the drawings and the quit doing them at the Essen game fair altogether

Larry is one of the people I love to hang with, he is FUN
Alaundo Posted - 29 Nov 2006 : 21:20:45
Originally posted by sparhawk42

Originally posted by dwarvenranger

Well I know what I'm gettin me for Christmas now.

Yeah, I thought it looked pretty good too but I'm worried about it being available in time for Christmas. I was hoping someone knew something more but I guess not. And Pazio isn't responding.

Well met

Hmmmm. I've had this on order myself for a good number of weeks. Amazon are claiming to have it shipped by 13th December. It's bundled in with a couple of other tomes which also have lengthy delays but I wouldn't be surprised if Amazon cancel the order soon.
sparhawk42 Posted - 29 Nov 2006 : 20:12:49
Originally posted by dwarvenranger

Well I know what I'm gettin me for Christmas now.

Yeah, I thought it looked pretty good too but I'm worried about it being available in time for Christmas. I was hoping someone knew something more but I guess not. And Pazio isn't responding.
dwarvenranger Posted - 29 Nov 2006 : 16:24:52
Well I know what I'm gettin me for Christmas now.
sparhawk42 Posted - 29 Nov 2006 : 15:13:55
I apologize for bringing this up again but does anyone have any info on this product? I really wanted to get it for my wife for Christmas.
sparhawk42 Posted - 27 Nov 2006 : 00:36:14
I was going to order the Limited Edition Leatherbound Hardcover copy of this from Paizo for my wife for Christmas.

But it says "Expected approximately November 2006" and now that the month is coming to an end and I have not heard anything I am beginning to worry that the item won't be available order in time for it to be shipped for Christmas as shipping times get much longer the closer we get to Christmas. I e-mailed Paizo asking about the product but have yet to receive an answer. So I was curious if anyone had heard anything new about this product and when it might be available?
Jorkens Posted - 08 Sep 2006 : 07:56:59
Well I have the Dragon magazine archives and I have a printer, so most of the good covers I have already have, inserted among the ten or so binders of articles I have printed out. I am curious though if they have included my favorite cover of all time, for nr.52, by Boris Vallejo.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 07 Sep 2006 : 23:21:11
The link worked for me...

There's been some nice Dragon covers, but I think I'd rather get artbooks from the artists themselves -- particularly Elmore.
warlockco Posted - 07 Sep 2006 : 22:55:35
Link appears to be broken

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