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 I've changed my E-Mail Address

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LWhitehead1 Posted - 10 Feb 2021 : 01:15:02
Hi I've changed my E-Mail Address it's now <REDACTED>

I can't change it on my profile or were to find it,

6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Kentinal Posted - 11 Feb 2021 : 21:38:24
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by Ayrik

I recommend redacting your email from public posts. It'll get crawled and cached by the search engines, it'll end up on every spammer's list. Most people won't notice and won't care but those who are interested in harvesting active targets will happily add it to their lists (or, more likely, their relentless software minions will tirelessly perform this task for them). Announcing your email to the world invites too much automated garbage (and introduces risk to other problems) that you won't want.

Private messages to webmaster Alaundo are the better choice, lol.

I would agree. If you want, I can scrub it from this discussion.

Hi Wooly,

It might make sense to edit it and email user (Or at least PM) that the post was edited. I have not seen any more activity by LWhitehead1 so not sure if user read my post let along any other.
Kentinal Posted - 11 Feb 2021 : 21:33:21
Originally posted by Ayrik

I recommend redacting your email from public posts. It'll get crawled and cached by the search engines, it'll end up on every spammer's list. Most people won't notice and won't care but those who are interested in harvesting active targets will happily add it to their lists (or, more likely, their relentless software minions will tirelessly perform this task for them). Announcing your email to the world invites too much automated garbage (and introduces risk to other problems) that you won't want.

Private messages to webmaster Alaundo are the better choice, lol.

Well the new email address is a gmail one, so could be deleted and another created. However clearly your point should be noted, if that email not already flooded the user is lucky.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 11 Feb 2021 : 21:31:07
Originally posted by Ayrik

I recommend redacting your email from public posts. It'll get crawled and cached by the search engines, it'll end up on every spammer's list. Most people won't notice and won't care but those who are interested in harvesting active targets will happily add it to their lists (or, more likely, their relentless software minions will tirelessly perform this task for them). Announcing your email to the world invites too much automated garbage (and introduces risk to other problems) that you won't want.

Private messages to webmaster Alaundo are the better choice, lol.

I would agree. If you want, I can scrub it from this discussion.
Ayrik Posted - 11 Feb 2021 : 20:57:20
I recommend redacting your email from public posts. It'll get crawled and cached by the search engines, it'll end up on every spammer's list. Most people won't notice and won't care but those who are interested in harvesting active targets will happily add it to their lists (or, more likely, their relentless software minions will tirelessly perform this task for them). Announcing your email to the world invites too much automated garbage (and introduces risk to other problems) that you won't want.

Private messages to webmaster Alaundo are the better choice, lol.
Alaundo Posted - 11 Feb 2021 : 17:59:41
Originally posted by LWhitehead1

Hi I've changed my E-Mail Address it's now

I can't change it on my profile or were to find it,


Well met

I notice that you have yet to update your profile. PM me if you're having issues. As Kentinal stated, you should be able to see the facility to update your profile and change your email address...the forum will then email you to confirm validity.
Kentinal Posted - 10 Feb 2021 : 01:57:43
Hi Log into your profile. The link to log in to it should be in the upper right side of page between the Home and Register links. Not the link to see any user profile, including your own on the left side of the page beside the post.

You should see this comment

Edit User Profile

All Fields marked with * are required
If you change your e-mail address, a confirmation e-mail will be sent to your new address.
Please make sure it is a valid address.

The first field below that should be your old email.

Hope this helps you.

Edit: There are two profile links. The view one and the edit one. I concentrated before edit on the one to edit profile.

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