T O P I C R E V I E W |
Alaundo |
Posted - 05 Nov 2002 : 17:34:44 Well Met and Welcome traveler!
I, Alaundo, Master Scribe and seer of Candlekeep welcome you to the great library of Faerun and the Forgotten Realms. You are now in the Chambers of Lore where you will meet many other scribes and seekers of Realmslore and knowledge. We hope you enjoy your stay here and learn many new things.
Please feel free to introduce yourself with a new topic in this forum category and be welcomed warmly.
If you need any assistance during your stay then please call on me by posting within this forum or via email.
....and now, ill leave you to browse the many tomes we have.... |
30 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
anaroy |
Posted - 05 Sep 2024 : 10:48:59 Hi everyone,
Elminster's role in the Realms has always fascinated me, especially in how his influence extends beyond his mere presence in Shadowdale. His interactions with powerful figures, along with his deep connection to Mystra, give him a unique position not just as a protector, but as a subtle manipulator of events.
From what I've seen, Elminster’s hands-off approach often allows for heroes to rise on their own, but he steps in when truly necessary—whether through direct involvement or as a source of critical guidance. His influence reminds me of a mentor who teaches you to solve problems yourself but ensures that the Realms don’t descend into chaos. His longevity and wisdom make him a force that, despite everything, strives for balance in the face of shifting political and magical powers.
Do you think his seemingly relaxed attitude toward the troubles of Faerûn is part of a grander plan, or is it simply his trust in the new generation of heroes?
Best, Ana Roy |
Zeromaru X |
Posted - 17 Aug 2024 : 05:29:23 I didn't knew about these new avatars. Thanks for letting me know! :D |
Shrub Berry |
Posted - 17 Aug 2024 : 01:01:10 quote: Originally posted by sleyvas
It also tickles me when I see people using the avatars I created, as I'm no artist, so well chosen choice of shatjan Shrubby! If you find a red furred squirrel in a green cloak standing between your antlers to fire spells at attackers, don't worry, that's just my little buddy Rakiki the kercpa. He has an affinity for shatjan warriors and druids.
When I saw that dude, I knew that I didn't need to look any further for an avatar. It is hilarious. Thank you for uploading it. |
sleyvas |
Posted - 09 Aug 2024 : 19:41:38 It also tickles me when I see people using the avatars I created, as I'm no artist, so well chosen choice of shatjan Shrubby! If you find a red furred squirrel in a green cloak standing between your antlers to fire spells at attackers, don't worry, that's just my little buddy Rakiki the kercpa. He has an affinity for shatjan warriors and druids. |
Posted - 09 Aug 2024 : 07:16:46 Hail and Well met, Shrub Berry!
Don't mistake the echoes down the halls for our lack of interest in your arrival; most of the scribes here are already far ahead on their journeys of discovery, and may take a while to rouse themselves out of whatever subject they're currently invested in. Delve in along with them, and don't be afraid to holler and waive a scroll about if you've found something of interest!
(also, forgive us for the hamster fur over everything. It's Wooly Rupert, you understand. We do try to maintain appearances but, sometimes he is just impossible. @ Alaundo if it gets too bad, last I knew he was still in charge of handing out free giant space lint rollers to anyone who needed)
Shrub Berry |
Posted - 08 Aug 2024 : 08:48:46 Well met folks! I have been playing D&D for 5 years now. 3 as a player and 2 as DM. I've written a mini adventure module for 5e as a gift for a colleague. I can't get enough of this game. It has sparked a love of writing and reading that I didn't know I had. I am really excited about this website and community, and I can't wait to continue to discover more. |
DewnMoutain |
Posted - 26 Oct 2023 : 00:54:56 I have traveled near and far. i have been in love, and have loved. i have been to war, and witnessed the dark side therin. Yet, all i seek is the story, the movement of words, upon the page, upon the lips. i desire to set the scene, to tell the tale, to enrapture those that would read, that would listen. and all i ask in return is a hot meal and a cold ale. i travel All the realms, Hyborian, Forgotten, Warhammer, and more...
i am Dewn Mou'tain, bard for all.
Howdy howdy, Im dewn. Just a guy who loves a good story, a somewhat decent DM. I took an involuntary exile from the Realms, as it's been neigh 20 years since i last visited, in the good old 3rd edition days. A wave of nostalgia hit me a few weeks back as i found behind shelving unit in my garage an old 3.0 FR map that i had laminated, to ensure it was protected. Well, color me suprised to see it still in such good shape. so, i sat and stared at the map, and marveled at the names. Dalelands, Thay, Luskan, Waterdeep. The Undermountain called to me, and Calimshan reminded me to guard my coin pouch. all this and more made me giddy. yet i couldnt find the 3.0 book, so i bought a new one. and have spent the last week and change reading it everynight. Even have retooled my Metallica Black album inspired campaign to be set in the Realms.
ive missed the realms, and am glad to be back.
and, as an aside, it was sheer happenstance that i discovered this website. So that's cool!!! |
Libertad |
Posted - 07 Sep 2023 : 09:03:18 Hello everyone. This is Libertad, a long-time gamer and poster on a lot of ttrpg sites. Although I've been fans of the Realms for a long time, playing Baldur's Gate 3 put it back into my mind front and center, and decided to join the major fan site on the Internet for it! |
Ananda |
Posted - 05 Jul 2023 : 17:49:28 Greetings, fellow minded seekers of lore! I am Ananda, aspiring Planeswalker! It is my opinion that the search for the Planes have laid stagnant for too long, and so I seek those who would impact upon me valuable information, and those who would aid my cause! One day, all those who have dreamt it shall breathe in the foul air of Sigil, and know that they are cutters in the right place! |
DoveArrow |
Posted - 10 Jun 2023 : 04:51:44 Introducing myself rather late, since I've been off and on these boards for years now. I just wanted to ask Alaundo, when you created these forums, did you have any idea what they would become? |
Mistmaster |
Posted - 21 Apr 2023 : 08:26:25 Introducing myself at last, I'm a DaD fan, Dungeon Master of long course and player, I ran a couple of customized campaigns in the realms and I decided it was time to meet some felliw traveler. |
Vinzor Burrow |
Posted - 15 Apr 2023 : 00:56:56 hi |
JohnLovely |
Posted - 08 Feb 2022 : 23:48:47 Dropping a message here, as is customary :) Fan of the Realms for over two decades now (brought in by the videogames, mostly a lurker online). |
Rakshak the Tall |
Posted - 03 Jan 2022 : 16:06:43 Greetings!
Thank you for welcoming me as a visiting scholar here at Candlekeep! I'm Calishite by birth, but usually reside in Waterdeep when I'm not in Candlekeep. I'm happy to share what I know of Calimshan, the Marching Mountains, and especially what I've learned of the Way of Tranquility! I'm curious to learn more about these northern lands, their histories, and cultures, so I can be a better citizen of my new home and teacher of my new students.
Peace be with you! |
Reshaim_78 |
Posted - 03 Nov 2021 : 21:04:50 Well met you all, after lurking for a while i've finally decided to join this community. I'm Pieralberto from italy, fan of the Realms since the Old Grey Box (and lately i appreciate it more than the latest incarnations of the Realms). Glad to be here! :) |
Kriss-Weatherwax |
Posted - 29 Oct 2021 : 14:47:37 Hello! I,m Kriss from Spain. I love the Forgotten Realms lore,and I am a great Grimblucle Thurn fan! I want to thank all the wise men here for their great contribution |
rredmond |
Posted - 27 Sep 2021 : 18:11:54 Welcome aboard Exodite and Frerol! You both look to bring amazing experience and skills here! Well met!
Frerol |
Posted - 27 Sep 2021 : 17:33:37 Well met, everyone! I am Frerol, a common citizen of a faraway land seeking to know more of the Realmslore and perhaps work on translations of such stories and tales to my own mother language. I hope to learn much from the scholars of this place and, who knows, maybe someday I'll even contribute with something! |
Exodite |
Posted - 14 Sep 2021 : 15:30:00 Alae and well met! I've long scried from afar but have finally ventured to the great library as a member. I'm active in the Sages of the Forgotten Realms group within the Book of Faces, hoping to see some familiar sages here.
Uluvathae, Exodite |
ElfBane |
Posted - 16 Aug 2021 : 16:02:48 Welcome aboard folks. Don't know why someone official hasn't welcomed you yet, but they will be along by the by. |
Hewy Wyvernspur |
Posted - 16 Aug 2021 : 12:04:05 Hi folks of Candlekeep! I'm just a small-time bard from downcountry (really far down, our toilets flush in the opposite direction down here!), long-time lurker, first-time poster.
I hail from the beginning of the 2nd edition era, and have recently become discontented with the current timeline and returned to the good old times of the late 1350s to the early 1370s DR. I'll be asking more questions than I do provide answers, often in pursuit of lore to help with my mashing of Dungeon of the Mad Mage and my old 2e City of Splendors and Undermountain boxed sets to provide a sequel for a 5e Curse of Strahd campaign that finished up early this year. I've also recently begun the Doom of Daggerdale module for a 2e game I've managed to convince my 5e babies to play (and they're absolutely loving it!).
Can't wait to hit y'all up for that sweet, sweet lore :) As someone else noted above, I should have joined here long ago! |
Erikor |
Posted - 13 Aug 2021 : 03:54:03 Well met, my friends I'm here to seek wisdom, friends and great tales about what has been told in the books of the Forgotten Realms. |
tyriel |
Posted - 08 Aug 2021 : 18:35:23 Salutations, sagacious sages of Candlekeep! |
Alaundo |
Posted - 26 May 2021 : 09:21:11 quote: Originally posted by Wrandy
Hello, I'm Wrandy, I've lurked on these forums for years as a resource for DMing on Neverwinter Nights servers, but it never occurred to me to register. The information gleaned from searches always proved sufficient and I always figured my questions had already been asked, but my questions persist and perhaps I'll eventually manage to find one worthy of phrasing properly.
Well met
Welcome to Candlekeep and glad ye decided to don thy robe and join us for discussions and studies of lore. Enjoy thy stay. |
Wrandy |
Posted - 26 May 2021 : 06:13:02 Hello, I'm Wrandy, I've lurked on these forums for years as a resource for DMing on Neverwinter Nights servers, but it never occurred to me to register. The information gleaned from searches always proved sufficient and I always figured my questions had already been asked, but my questions persist and perhaps I'll eventually manage to find one worthy of phrasing properly.
Alaundo |
Posted - 10 May 2021 : 09:45:28 quote: Originally posted by AJA
quote: Originally posted by Adoril
Greetings fellow seekers and scribes.
I am Adoril. For a long time, the lore of the Forgotten Realms has inspired my mind to great extent. T’was about time I registered into this great library.
In these august halls, a sage is never late to register. Nor are they early. They simply arrive precisely when their curiosity is greatest.
Welcome in, Adoril. Wooly or Alaundo should be along shortly with tea and cakes.

Well met, Adoril
Welcome indeed to Candlekeep, the greatest library in all the Realms. I hope you enjoy your stay herein, for there is much knowledge and lore to peruse and many wise scribes to enquire. |
Posted - 10 May 2021 : 00:40:17 quote: Originally posted by Adoril
Greetings fellow seekers and scribes.
I am Adoril. For a long time, the lore of the Forgotten Realms has inspired my mind to great extent. T’was about time I registered into this great library.
In these august halls, a sage is never late to register. Nor are they early. They simply arrive precisely when their curiosity is greatest.
Welcome in, Adoril. Wooly or Alaundo should be along shortly with tea and cakes.
Adoril |
Posted - 09 May 2021 : 19:59:16 Greetings fellow seekers and scribes.
I am Adoril. For a long time, the lore of the Forgotten Realms has inspired my mind to great extent. T’was about time I registered into this great library. |
Alaundo |
Posted - 04 May 2021 : 09:19:19 Well met, Caldwhyn
Welcome to Candlekeep, long-time traveller. There is much knowledge and lore herein, which i'm sure will aid in thy quest for knowledge. |
rredmond |
Posted - 02 May 2021 : 16:23:31 quote: Originally posted by Alithir Thank you Rredmond. Oh I do enjoy being the DM a lot.
Awesome! It is fun. :D
quote: Originally posted by Caldwhyn
Hello sages of the realms, long time (as in since Realms-L time) lurker who took up dm-ing again here, still profiting from the huge amount of knowledge contained in these pages. Glad to be here, glad to see Candlekeep is still around <3
Welcome Caldwhyn! Great username. Be well and be welcome! |