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T O P I C    R E V I E W
SirUrza Posted - 17 Feb 2004 : 17:21:38
Well met good people of the Keep. I've return from my short sibatical (ok maybe it wasn't short) to find the *cough*novel*cough* forum I love destoryed. Hope to see some familiar faces and familiar sparring partners.
14   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Wooly Rupert Posted - 21 Nov 2004 : 17:22:58
Hey, another WotC refugee! I was wrongfully chased from those pages, so I heartily welcome anyone else who had bad experiences over there.
arilyn742 Posted - 21 Nov 2004 : 10:47:18
Well, it took thee nine months.
SirUrza Posted - 21 Nov 2004 : 06:24:36
Aww yawgy sure I remember you. Caught my eye cause of the magic referenced name. ;)
arilyn742 Posted - 19 Feb 2004 : 23:50:27
Originally posted by SirUrza

Well met good people of the Keep. I've return from my short sibatical (ok maybe it wasn't short) to find the *cough*novel*cough* forum I love destoryed. Hope to see some familiar faces and familiar sparring partners.

I came from there too, though you might not call me a familiar face for two reasons:

1. You and I didn't really talk much back there, though you may have noticed me as I noticed you, and
2. My face has been horribly twisted into some sort of fair half-elf maiden's. I used to be yawgmoth_742.
SirUrza Posted - 18 Feb 2004 : 17:07:07
Originally posted by Bookwyrm

Welcome to Candlekeep, though. It's nice to have someone other than a dark archetype come through those doors.

Dark archetype indeed. Come man, let us find this Inn Rad spoke of and a good pint of ale, THEN we can speak of dark archetypes.
The Sage Posted - 18 Feb 2004 : 13:33:22
Greetings to you SirUrza...

Welcome to all the wonderous tomes that lay waiting in the libraries of Candlekeep...

Good learning...
Bookwyrm Posted - 18 Feb 2004 : 08:31:12
Ale in the entry halls! Bah. Drinks are forbidden in the library. Except, of course, for those trusted around books.

Welcome to Candlekeep, though. It's nice to have someone other than a dark archetype come through those doors.
Lord Rad Posted - 18 Feb 2004 : 08:13:28
Originally posted by SirUrza

Rad, you guessed it.

As for loving forum as much, I've been a regular to the site for many years (never the forums), but I dunno if I can, pretty shabby welcome without a tall mug of ale. :)

Im sure the lovely Kiaran can take care of that for you over in the Candlekeep Inn
SirUrza Posted - 18 Feb 2004 : 03:46:17
Originally posted by Rad

I reckon SirUrza isnt too keen on D&D 3.5 rulebooks, Demonwise

Welcome, SirUrza, hope you learn to love this forum as much as you did over at WotC

Rad, you guessed it.

As for loving forum as much, I've been a regular to the site for many years (never the forums), but I dunno if I can, pretty shabby welcome without a tall mug of ale. :)
Lord Rad Posted - 17 Feb 2004 : 22:55:33
Originally posted by Demonwise

Heh, didn't get that last joke... Anyways, welcome to the forums! Wield your rapier high, and strike at the opportune moment. (That is when Alaundo is NOT looking.. *Snicker*)

I reckon SirUrza isnt too keen on D&D 3.5 rulebooks, Demonwise

Welcome, SirUrza, hope you learn to love this forum as much as you did over at WotC
The Cardinal Posted - 17 Feb 2004 : 22:37:31
We offer welcome and greetings to you SirUrza
Indeed you may find many of thy olde friends here (or atleast a handful of familiar names we hope).
Welcome to the Keep.... And Beware... for we know that Alaundo's eyes are ever present... tis worse than Halaster the Mad....err... Did we say that out loud?
Demonwise Posted - 17 Feb 2004 : 21:20:27
Heh, didn't get that last joke... Anyways, welcome to the forums! Wield your rapier high, and strike at the opportune moment. (That is when Alaundo is NOT looking.. *Snicker*)
SirUrza Posted - 17 Feb 2004 : 21:09:52
Even if the tome has ".5" in the title? :)
Alaundo Posted - 17 Feb 2004 : 21:01:19
Originally posted by SirUrza

Well met good people of the Keep. I've return from my short sibatical (ok maybe it wasn't short) to find the *cough*novel*cough* forum I love destoryed. Hope to see some familiar faces and familiar sparring partners.

Well met, SirUrza, and welcome to Candlekeep.

Indeed you will find much knowledge and Realmslore within our humble library, and many helpful scribes herein....... some familar, im sure As for sparring, 'ware ye who start throwing tomes and scrolls at one another.... for my wrath is swift and painful!

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