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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Lord Rad Posted - 02 Nov 2004 : 12:23:41
Well well, whats this I see, not one, but THREE old scribes of Candlekeep back in the halls?

Good to see you again, Mumadar Ibn Huzal, Artalis and Edain Shadowstar? Where HAVE you been? Welcome back, I hope.
18   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Alaundo Posted - 20 Nov 2004 : 17:53:04
Originally posted by Elrond Half Elven


I'm back for a while. The past 6 months or so have been very hectic and the next 6 months promise to be similar.With this in mind my postings might vary and be somewhat inconsistant. That been said I trust everyone has been well?

I can't stand around chatting all day there volumes of scrolls to read through.


Well met and welcome back, Elrond.

Oh there are far too many tomes for ye to read since your absence. Sit down and take in the lore for a while... just for a little while
Elrond Half Elven Posted - 20 Nov 2004 : 17:16:01

I'm back for a while. The past 6 months or so have been very hectic and the next 6 months promise to be similar.With this in mind my postings might vary and be somewhat inconsistant. That been said I trust everyone has been well?

I can't stand around chatting all day there volumes of scrolls to read through.

Alaundo Posted - 20 Nov 2004 : 16:15:18
Originally posted by Arivia

*pokes head in*

Hello again, Candlekeep.

Well met

Ahhh, welcome back, Arivia.

Quick quick, no time to waste, back to thy desk...for there is Realmslore to be read and scrolls to be penned
Arivia Posted - 20 Nov 2004 : 13:16:45
*pokes head in*

Hello again, Candlekeep.
Dracandos the Spellsage Posted - 07 Nov 2004 : 16:51:27
welcome back Tethtoril indeed!
Looks like the moderators are back in force, there must be something brewing
exactly what i was thinking
Lord Rad Posted - 06 Nov 2004 : 19:56:46
Welcome back, Tethtoril

Looks like the moderators are back in force, there must be something brewing
Tethtoril Posted - 06 Nov 2004 : 18:42:16
Originally posted by The Sage

Anyways, I'm just happy to see my second favorite Master Moderator back in the Halls...

Been away with no time to play, now I'm back and ... well still no time to play. At least I can work at what I love.
The Sage Posted - 06 Nov 2004 : 14:21:33
Originally posted by Tethtoril

Originally posted by Lord Rad

Well well, whats this I see, not one, but THREE old scribes of Candlekeep back in the halls?

Good to see you again, Mumadar Ibn Huzal, Artalis and Edain Shadowstar? Where HAVE you been? Welcome back, I hope.

Tethtoril knows where Artalis and Mumadar have been. Scrying crystals are wonderful when you try to keep track of lagging scribes. Oh wait ... Alaundo has been trying to scry me for weeks ... I best start running again.

Teth... you're back . I was beginning to wonder... Master Sage Alaundo assured me recently that he'd set you on some grand task that had kept you away from the library for many tendays.

::Before he continues, the Sage takes a moment to scan the reminder of the chamber he is currently occupying. Assured that a certain master scribe is nowhere to be seen, the Sage whispers his next words carefully... and cautiously... ::

Anyways, I'm just happy to see my second favorite Master Moderator back in the Halls...
Tethtoril Posted - 06 Nov 2004 : 14:15:31
Originally posted by Alaundo

Tethto... why I oughta! Where hast thou been, scribes are almost running riot herein, and all these scrolls are piling ever higher. Welcome back, nevertheless

Riots? Where? Oops, nevermind. I'll go get the cleaning supplies.
Alaundo Posted - 06 Nov 2004 : 13:58:46
Originally posted by Tethtoril

Originally posted by Lord Rad

Well well, whats this I see, not one, but THREE old scribes of Candlekeep back in the halls?

Good to see you again, Mumadar Ibn Huzal, Artalis and Edain Shadowstar? Where HAVE you been? Welcome back, I hope.

Tethtoril knows where Artalis and Mumadar have been. Scrying crystals are wonderful when you try to keep track of lagging scribes. Oh wait ... Alaundo has been trying to scry me for weeks ... I best start running again.

Tethto... why I oughta! Where hast thou been, scribes are almost running riot herein, and all these scrolls are piling ever higher. Welcome back, nevertheless
Tethtoril Posted - 06 Nov 2004 : 13:48:36
Originally posted by Lord Rad

Well well, whats this I see, not one, but THREE old scribes of Candlekeep back in the halls?

Good to see you again, Mumadar Ibn Huzal, Artalis and Edain Shadowstar? Where HAVE you been? Welcome back, I hope.

Tethtoril knows where Artalis and Mumadar have been. Scrying crystals are wonderful when you try to keep track of lagging scribes. Oh wait ... Alaundo has been trying to scry me for weeks ... I best start running again.
Dracandos the Spellsage Posted - 05 Nov 2004 : 02:42:09
the Spellsage has returned as well. my returning post is here
Mumadar Ibn Huzal Posted - 02 Nov 2004 : 19:28:32
No gnomish inventions or glorious pursuits of obscure lore for me, but I do have an Inn to run in Berdusk, and with the caravan season in full swing it demands most of my time.

That and three realms characters that require some attention too as the quest through and under the streets of Waterdeep, romp through the Marching Mountains or splash through the Mere of Dead Men.

Yet once in a while I have a little time to travel to the keep and search for some lore or provide advice to fellow scribes.
Alaundo Posted - 02 Nov 2004 : 18:19:46
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by Alaundo

Back in my day, we only had the sun, moon and stars to tell the time

They had time back then? I thought that was a more recent invention...

*ducks and runs*

:: bellows down the corridor:: AYE, THEE WILL DO WELL TO RUN, WOOLY RUPERT


::sheepishly walks off, remembering he is in a library::

Wooly Rupert Posted - 02 Nov 2004 : 17:35:41
Originally posted by Alaundo

Back in my day, we only had the sun, moon and stars to tell the time

They had time back then? I thought that was a more recent invention...

*ducks and runs*
Alaundo Posted - 02 Nov 2004 : 16:40:31
Originally posted by Artalis

"Well you see it all started when I bought this gnomish compass/watch...."

It's good to be back. I'm no master of Realmslore mind you I haven't the time to dedicate to that noble endeavor but I"ve found a bit of time here and their to put my two cents in on certain things where an experienced FR gamer's input is worthwhile (or perhaps not)

Well met

Welcome back nevertheless, Artalis, it is indeed good to see thee back So after all this time, that pesky timepiece is still going awry? Pah, new-fangled contraptions! Back in my day, we only had the sun, moon and stars to tell the time
Artalis Posted - 02 Nov 2004 : 16:34:57
"Well you see it all started when I bought this gnomish compass/watch...."

It's good to be back. I'm no master of Realmslore mind you I haven't the time to dedicate to that noble endeavor but I"ve found a bit of time here and their to put my two cents in on certain things where an experienced FR gamer's input is worthwhile (or perhaps not)
The Sage Posted - 02 Nov 2004 : 13:35:36
I know nothing about the past whereabouts of Mumadar, or Artalis. But Edain has been severly busy utilising his impressive elven skills, supervising my delterium mining operation on the Elemental Plane of Earth...

There's simply no other elf I could trust for this delicate assignment .

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