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T O P I C    R E V I E W
The Last Zulkir Posted - 28 Apr 2015 : 19:43:27

Hey all! Realms fan from a couple of editions back, been tempted by a discussion with an old friend into dusting off my FR collection. Thought I'd start haunting this place a little: the Realms were my first D&D setting and through everything else I've played through since then, they've got a special place in my heart. I look forward to bickering good naturedly about things with you all

Long life, and merry days.
8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
lostgrail Posted - 12 May 2015 : 20:38:25
Greetings friend
Jeremy Grenemyer Posted - 02 May 2015 : 08:16:50
Well met and welcome TLZ. :)
Drustan Dwnhaedan Posted - 30 Apr 2015 : 14:55:41
Well met!
Artemas Entreri Posted - 28 Apr 2015 : 21:08:05
Welcome to Candlekeep!
Wooly Rupert Posted - 28 Apr 2015 : 20:41:10
Originally posted by The Last Zulkir

;) Glad to be here. I'm currently plotting for a slightly weird campaign idea I had.... but that's something to ask about elsewhere.

Also, as you might've guessed by the name/avatar, I've got a bit of a soft spot for the Thayans. Should probably get around to investigating what's been happening with them recently... And there was something about a dark and gritty new Cult of the Dragon?

:D So much stuff going on.... well, time to dive in head first. Again, happy to be here, and thanks for the welcome!

The Cult of the Dragon has become a lot more involved with Tiamat. Some of our folks have complained about that, but it goes back to 2E material that there were Cultists that worshiped her, and it similarly goes back to 2E material that she was very interested in getting the Cult on her side.
The Last Zulkir Posted - 28 Apr 2015 : 20:18:05
;) Glad to be here. I'm currently plotting for a slightly weird campaign idea I had.... but that's something to ask about elsewhere.

Also, as you might've guessed by the name/avatar, I've got a bit of a soft spot for the Thayans. Should probably get around to investigating what's been happening with them recently... And there was something about a dark and gritty new Cult of the Dragon?

:D So much stuff going on.... well, time to dive in head first. Again, happy to be here, and thanks for the welcome!
Wooly Rupert Posted - 28 Apr 2015 : 20:01:58
Welcome to Candlekeep!

Feel free to ask any questions you may have... A lot of us have been Realms fans for years, and we know a thing or three about the setting. Plus, we've got some of the authors and creators here!

As for the rest of us, we are friendly, mostly harmless, and occasionally strange... Enjoy your stay!
xaeyruudh Posted - 28 Apr 2015 : 19:47:00
Well met!

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