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 Piazza's 6th Birthday Meetup invite (Sat 24th May)

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Big Mac Posted - 16 May 2014 : 00:47:36
The Piazza is doing another birthday thing in a London pub and anyone from Candlekeep is very welcome to come along.

This year there is going to be a Saturday pub thing and a Sunday online thing.

Here are the details, I have so far, from Ashtagon's Piazza Birthday Party thread at The Piazza:
Originally posted by Ashtagon
How many years is it now? Six? I lost count.

Anyway, rough schedule...

Saturday 24th: Face to face pub meet at a pub in central London (exact pub tbc), starting from 12pm-ish. At some point will will adjourn for a side trip to Orc's Nest and Forbidden Planet.

I've created a Facebook event called Piazza Birthday Party - Pub Meetup for this 24th May event. (Please don't add yourself to this event unless you think you can actually make it to London that day.)

Originally posted by Ashtagon
Sunday 25th: Live chat all day. I will be hanging out in a chat room hosted by The Piazza. Exact URL will be announced closer to the date.

I've created a second Facebook event called Piazza Birthday Party - Live Chat for this 25th May event. (Anyone with access to the Internet should be able to attend this, so I'm expecting a larger number of people signing up to it.)

Originally posted by Ashtagon
Custom user titles: On Sunday, I will create a thread. The first six replies with a request for a custom user title will get their request fulfilled.

I'm looking forward to seeing what titles people get.
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Big Mac Posted - 24 May 2014 : 01:46:28
Originally posted by The Arcanamach

Um, hail and well met?

Thanks Arcanamach.

Do you live near London, UK? I would love to meet some Candlekeep members this year, so that I can chat about Forgotten Realms. (Last year some Dragonsfoot and GitP members came.)

I have the details of the pub event confirmed:

Originally posted by Big Mac at The Piazza
Just got confirmation (from Ashtagon) that we will be at the Head, Africa House, 64-68 Kingsway, Holborn, London WC2B 6BG.

We will try to grab one of the three big round tables, if we can.
Hope to see some of you there.

Ashtagon said she is planning to be online between 9am and 9pm (with breaks for food, etc). I'm planning to be there the same times.

The URL for the chat is in this post.

The Arcanamach Posted - 16 May 2014 : 00:53:52
Um, hail and well met?

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