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 Zero Hour, Weddings, and Brief Partings

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
KnightErrantJR Posted - 27 Aug 2005 : 17:32:26
Well, currently there is only an hour and a half until my wedding. I have to jump in the shower and throw on my tux, and then I will be incomunicado for the next week or so. Thanks everyone for some great mental exercise, friendship, and well wishes. I'll be back soon. Keep us in your prayers, and again, thanks for everything, guys!
11   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Crennen FaerieBane Posted - 03 Sep 2005 : 16:45:45
Welcome back, KEJR! I'm glad to hear everything worked out! I told you that you had nothing to worry about!


P.s. - now comes the tough part!
Kes_Alanadel Posted - 03 Sep 2005 : 15:19:13
Welcome back, and may you have many happy years
KnightErrantJR Posted - 03 Sep 2005 : 14:56:59
Thanks everyone for your well wishes. I am home now, exhausted and very happy. As much as I normally miss my fellow scribes . . . well . . . I had better things to attend to for the past week. The wedding and reception went perfectly, and our modified plans for the honeymoon worked out very well. Thanks again everyone!
Melfius Posted - 03 Sep 2005 : 07:06:01
Welcome back, Knight! Hope all went well! Congrats again!
Tremaine Posted - 28 Aug 2005 : 10:56:04
congrats and all the best KnightErrantJR have a brilliant day
Shadovar Posted - 28 Aug 2005 : 08:25:56
My heartiest congratulations to you, KnightErrantJR, may your wedding be a joyous and memorable event.
Crennen FaerieBane Posted - 28 Aug 2005 : 02:52:26
Best of wishes to you and your new bride, KEJR!!!! Welcome to a great adventure!!!

Kajehase Posted - 27 Aug 2005 : 22:31:35
Well, since it's been a while...

Congratulations! May your marriage be blessed by the appropriate god(es)(s)(es) to your liking.
Alaundo Posted - 27 Aug 2005 : 20:08:07
Well met

Now there's a scribe with dedication Apologies for my late arrival, KnightErrantJR, I hope all went very well indeed and that thee and thy lady wife and the most splendid day
Kes_Alanadel Posted - 27 Aug 2005 : 18:20:22
Melfius Posted - 27 Aug 2005 : 17:55:07
Congratulations! Hope all goes well!

Also - just know that a private chopper can be there up until 15 minutes before the wedding, just in case you need it!

But, seriously, have a wonderful time.

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