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 Calimshan 3e Map

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Markustay Posted - 30 Sep 2007 : 19:52:03
EDIT: I have pulled all of my maps for now from Deviantart, because someone decided to be a jerk. It was NOT WotC, so do not blame them at all. The people from there have always been very helpful to me as I mapped the realms with 2e lore, and I have NO problem with THEM what-so-ever.

BTW, Calimshan is up for any who care. Please remember to refer to my new Map Key as well - I decided to keep it seperate from now on to give the maps a 'cleaner' look.

Please let me know if you notice any irregularities. Some places I have moved slightly to better fit their description in the text.

Once this gets the official 'Schend stamp of Approval', it can be moved to the Candlekeep map Room as well.

Still waiting on GK before finalizing the Impiltur one...

(I realize how busy he is ATM, so no big).
30   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Jeremy Grenemyer Posted - 15 Apr 2012 : 18:07:31
Originally posted by Markustay

My pride and joy, strangely enough, is my 4e map of Returned Abeir
Another excellent map, by the way. I like how you applied the 3E map look to it.
The Sage Posted - 15 Apr 2012 : 01:47:05
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by Jeremy Grenemyer

Is this map from the Map Room the one that you did, Markus? It's very impressive.

I noticed there's a location called "Volothamp" on it. Is that canon? I'm assuming it's related to Volo...if yes, how did that come about?

The city of Volothamp has been canon for a long time... Pretty sure it was mentioned long before the person who shares that name.

That's pretty much it. I'm sure it was either Ed or Rich Baker who once confirmed this.
Markustay Posted - 14 Apr 2012 : 19:07:39
You need to rename it - this site (and others) like to keep 'old versions' of stuff around after you don't want them anymore (I think the thumbnail for my Erlkazar map is the newest, yet it still leads to a very old version, IIRC). If you rename it, it shouldn't be a problem anymore. Nice job, BTW.

The Calimshan map wasn't really a separate project at all - it grew out of the Erlkazar map, which kept growing in all directions (until I finally decided to start a brand new one - the one that was never finished).

My pride and joy, strangely enough, is my 4e map of Returned Abeir, with Ixinos running a close second. Laerakond (RA) had more copy & paste terrain then I would have liked (I rushed it), but Ixinos was done (almost) entirely from scratch (except for the outline). Both had a lot of homebrew things added, so they felt more like 'mine' then most. I was disappointed with the 4e Returned Abeir map, and even though I never planned on using it myself, I felt the fans deserved something with a little more polish then the official one - Ed's lore needs to be showcased in all its splendor.
xedrick Posted - 14 Apr 2012 : 10:59:04
So I've been inspired by Markustay, and I'd like to submit my enlarged maps of the Calimshan desert, as it looks like his are no longer with us?. I've got one unmarked and one marked with Calimshan and Memnon (same as on the larger map, only zoomed in with legible text). These maps are a work in progress (but are enough to work for my purposes at the moment), so please do let me know if there are any established landmarks that I should know about in order to make the map more complete. Or, feel free to use mine as a basis for an improved version, I can get the .psd files to you if you'd like.

For some reason, my browser is still showing the marked version with the wrong distance scale. I've tried to re-upload the fixed one several times, so I think it's some server lag or browser cookies or somesuch. I'll try it again tomorrow.
xedrick Posted - 14 Apr 2012 : 02:59:30
Thank you, Markustay!
I'm looking forward to seeing the rest of your collection!
Jeremy Grenemyer Posted - 13 Apr 2012 : 18:25:49
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

The city of Volothamp has been canon for a long time... Pretty sure it was mentioned long before the person who shares that name.
Interesting. Thanks for the info Wooly.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 13 Apr 2012 : 18:04:09
Originally posted by Jeremy Grenemyer

Is this map from the Map Room the one that you did, Markus? It's very impressive.

I noticed there's a location called "Volothamp" on it. Is that canon? I'm assuming it's related to Volo...if yes, how did that come about?

The city of Volothamp has been canon for a long time... Pretty sure it was mentioned long before the person who shares that name.
Jeremy Grenemyer Posted - 13 Apr 2012 : 17:16:08
Is this map from the Map Room the one that you did, Markus? It's very impressive.

I noticed there's a location called "Volothamp" on it. Is that canon? I'm assuming it's related to Volo...if yes, how did that come about?
Markustay Posted - 13 Apr 2012 : 16:31:19
Some are here (at Candlekeep in the Map Room), including the Calimshan map if I'm not mistaken.

The rest (that still exist) are on my DeviantART site.

Someone recently sent me a lot of my old maps I no longer have, and I keep finding some of my maps all over the internet (thank god for 'pirates' LOL), and I will eventually try to re-post as many as possible all in one place.

I was working on a 'new & improved' version of all of them, with better textures, and stuff like shadowing, to really make them 'pop', but thats all gone now - I wish I had posted more WIPs of that stuff. Some of it can be seen in my 'naked' collection (the shadowing around the rivers, swamps, & coast, etc).

Anyhow, the only thing that really kept me from developing my own style and textures toward the end was all the work I put into my existing palette and brushes, which were almost entirely derived from the 3e-era maps. Ergo, when I eventually get Photoshop again, I will look at it as a 'new beginning', and hopefully FR fans will have something cool to look forward to (from me) down the line.

Thank you for your interest.
xedrick Posted - 13 Apr 2012 : 06:48:50
:( I'd really like to get my hands on these maps
Dalor Darden Posted - 18 Oct 2007 : 04:36:41
Where are you keeping your maps now Markustay?

Could you place a link here after editing your first post?
BlackAce Posted - 04 Oct 2007 : 22:28:57
Originally posted by Markustay


My current 'World map' is 10 feet tall and 16 feet long - Using the original WotC one as a base and building off of that.

The file is Huge, and takes forever to load in PS, even though my comp is pretty damn fast. Even if I flattened it out to a JPG, it would still probably be to big to host anywhere.

And I haven't even included the western continents or Osse yet.

Heh, I know that feeling all too well and I only did a small portion of Faerun!
Mumadar Ibn Huzal Posted - 04 Oct 2007 : 20:50:41
Originally posted by Markustay

Markustay, the CandleKeep Cartographer.

Note to the bearded one, Markustay earned this title under his name IMO

On the bright side of things, the Candlekeep Map Room should be THE place for these great enhanced maps. Please keep up your good work, and looking foward to the updated Lands of Intrigue maps.
Markustay Posted - 03 Oct 2007 : 03:11:05

My current 'World map' is 10 feet tall and 16 feet long - Using the original WotC one as a base and building off of that.

The file is Huge, and takes forever to load in PS, even though my comp is pretty damn fast. Even if I flattened it out to a JPG, it would still probably be to big to host anywhere.

And I haven't even included the western continents or Osse yet.

However, when I complete K-T eventually, I will put the continental map up somewhere. Once I get outside of the Realms proper, everything slows down. I can't 'copy & paste' so much, so everything has to be drawn by hand.

On the up side, I don't have to take forever removing names from mountain ranges one pixel at a time.
Gelcur Posted - 03 Oct 2007 : 00:42:46
Originally posted by Markustay

It doesn't really matter either way, I will continue on up the Swordcoast and should have Amn and Tethyr done soon. Also, I have newer versions of Erlkazar and the Hordelands, so I will be sending them off shortly as well.

--- Markustay, the CandleKeep Cartographer.

I just have to say w00t! That's what I like to hear, more maps. Have you given any thought of combining them all and make one big high res one? You have a good bit of the realms done I was just wondering if that was a future plan maybe?
Markustay Posted - 02 Oct 2007 : 18:07:39
I do not know the particulars, and I doubt anything 'concrete' has ever been worked out. However, remember that Brian James is one of our own, and the publishing of GHotR gives our little site quite a bit more clout and credibility (not that it didn't have those things before).

Here's how I think it works, after looking closely at those few sites that WotC has gone after -

As long as you NEVER try to make any money off of their Intellectual properties, they will ignore you. If you put them into a position where they can no longer ignore you, then they HAVE TO come after you to protect their IP, weather they want to or not. A lot of bad feelings went down during the 'Sarbreenar Affair', but in the end they did it to themselves by being too successful.

So if we keep our heads low and our pockets empty, everything should be fine.

My problem, I think, was that I entered a 'grey area'. Once a canon locale has made it into print in source or a map, then it's up for grabs (sort of) for fan-development. If it appears ONLY in a novel, it might still belong exclusively to the author. I'm not really sure how all of that works, but that is the only thing that was different about that map then any of the others which no one complained about.

It doesn't really matter either way, I will continue on up the Swordcoast and should have Amn and Tethyr done soon. Also, I have newer versions of Erlkazar and the Hordelands, so I will be sending them off shortly as well.

--- Markustay, the CandleKeep Cartographer.
freyar Posted - 02 Oct 2007 : 16:25:19
Markustay, I just want to say that I also appreciate your maps and second your comments that WotC has been pretty lenient about fan sites reposting a pretty hefty amount of material. I'm glad that we should be able to see your maps here at Candlekeep.

Just out of curiousity, since the copyright issue has come up, does Candlekeep have an agreement with WotC for using WotC IP, or is it just a fan site that "flies under the radar" as far as legal issues are concerned?
Gelcur Posted - 02 Oct 2007 : 15:45:06
Yeah that is a shame I was just surfing through all your maps the other day, I have your page bookmarked and I check regularly.

I hope you will continue to make your amazing maps and host them here. I have commented before on how much I like them but there is also a lot of respect tied with the effort you obviously put into them to keep them open for public use and canonically accurate.
Daviot Posted - 02 Oct 2007 : 03:57:54
Originally posted by Markustay
I'll mail my Calimshan Map to Alaundo, and see if he wants to put it up here. After all the work I did, it would be nice if folks got to actually use it.

And Marcus, if that doesn't work out, toss me a private message. I've only been using mere fractions of the bandwidth I've been paying for on my private site, and I'd be more than happy to host your maps—they've certainly been useful in my campaign.

Edit: Typo removal. Take that, typographical demons!
Markustay Posted - 02 Oct 2007 : 02:05:20
I have mailed the map off to Alaundo and it should be up soon. I appreciate the work everyone here at CK does, and I'm glad I can do what little I can to help encourage people to run games set in the Realms.

Originally posted by Wenin

Why would you think it was the inclusion of the Dalabad Oasis that would trigger someone's ire?

I have no idea... it's just that all of the other locales have appeared on previous maps, or were my own creation (very few). This is the first time I used something that was an author's creation that was never referenced in any source material. Thats the only place I figure the lines could have blurred a bit.

Dalor Darden Posted - 02 Oct 2007 : 00:56:58
Well, I really hope it can get published here at least...along with all your other awesome maps! I was just getting into downloading them for my own use when they went POOPH!
Wenin Posted - 01 Oct 2007 : 23:08:16
Why would you think it was the inclusion of the Dalabad Oasis that would trigger someone's ire?
Markustay Posted - 01 Oct 2007 : 18:50:57
I have a rather bizarre conspiracy theory, but I don't feel like going into it here in detail.

I don't think it was one of the scribes here - just a lurker.

Also, do not be angry with WotC (lord knows they don't need any more bad press ATM). They had NOTHING to do with this - it was only that one single Calimshan map that pissed someone off; I pulled the rest myself out of anger. Wizards would have requested they ALL be taken down, which wasn't done.

In fact, everyone at WotC is well aware of my site and what I do, and I included all neccessary disclaimers and copyright notices in my WotC sig. Whenever possible, I conferred with the original creators of the material included therein (like Schend or GK) to check their accuracy, and have only met with approval. I have made sure to never, ever attempt to make money off of WotC's intellectual properties, and even disabled the "buy this print" option at Deviantart - even though several people request I activate it. I even make sure to tell people that none of it is my original art - all textures were derived from the original official maps at WotC. I am not an artist, just someone who is pretty handy with photoshop.

Nope - I did everything right and didn't step on any toes AFAIK. That leaves me with one conclusion - that it was something on that one single map that someone took offense to. After wracking my brain about what might have been different I realized that I included a single location that was canon, but NEVER appeared on any other map anywhere.

Dalabad Oasis.

Bizarre, huh? I hope I'm wrong, because that's an awfully petty thing to have concerned anyone.

Anyhow, since WotC has never had a problem with me, I will see about posting everything here from this point forward. Since there is no way for me to challenge the verdict of Deviantart, I will not use them to host anymore maps. I would say about 50 % of the stuff I see there is based off of novel characters or games - all derivitive and all against the rules. All it takes is one jerk to single you out and there's no way for you to fight it.

I'll mail my Calimshan Map to Alaundo, and see if he wants to put it up here. After all the work I did, it would be nice if folks got to actually use it.
The Sage Posted - 01 Oct 2007 : 11:38:44
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by Markustay

Someone has reported me for a copyright violation.

Since I only announced this here, and none of my other maps were reported, I wonder who around here has a bug up his @ss?

It could have been someone who stumbled across it on their own searching... Or it could have been someone who lurks here.

Either way, it sucks.


Markus, while I am saddened to hear this, I wouldn't be so quick to point the finger at those scribes here at Candlekeep. We're usually all fairly open-minded when it comes to such "non-official" creations. So, until you have evidence that does indeed suggest a scribe from Candlekeep was responsible, I would advise you to keep such accusations to yourself. I don't want to see this kind of thing quickly degenerate into online warfare or debates about just who suspects who.

If you have any further concerns about this, I would suggest you contact Alaundo privately.

Thank you.
Ugly is the new black Posted - 01 Oct 2007 : 11:19:17
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

It sucks because I didn't get to see my Skyship Glade!

Yeah, and I was really looking forward to the Calimshan map.

Wooly Rupert Posted - 01 Oct 2007 : 11:08:51
Originally posted by Markustay

Someone has reported me for a copyright violation.

Since I only announced this here, and none of my other maps were reported, I wonder who around here has a bug up his @ss?

It could have been someone who stumbled across it on their own searching... Or it could have been someone who lurks here.

Either way, it sucks.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 01 Oct 2007 : 11:07:25
Originally posted by dalor_darden

Wait, I'm the heck is it copyright infringement when you aren't selling anything or saying it is official?

I mean...what is wrong with fan-based maps...I don't understand why you would have to pull them. That is like saying I would have to take down the maps I have on my yahoo group that are an alteration to the general map of the Forgotten Realms! Crazy...

Some people are really sticky about that kind of thing. There are well-known authors out there who send out cease and desist letters to people that create fan websites of their material, or create fan fiction based upon it.

It sucks because I didn't get to see my Skyship Glade!
Dalor Darden Posted - 01 Oct 2007 : 08:31:52
Wait, I'm the heck is it copyright infringement when you aren't selling anything or saying it is official?

I mean...what is wrong with fan-based maps...I don't understand why you would have to pull them. That is like saying I would have to take down the maps I have on my yahoo group that are an alteration to the general map of the Forgotten Realms! Crazy...
Ergdusch Posted - 01 Oct 2007 : 08:04:15

And I wondered why the link did not work........

Sucks big time. Hope we get this going again somehow.
Markustay Posted - 01 Oct 2007 : 07:49:27
I just pulled them all down. Thats what happens when one person ruins it for everyone.

Party's over --- later.

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