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 Affiliations in the realms

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Mortagon Posted - 25 Jul 2007 : 00:27:03
Here are some affiliations I have created for my realms campaign based on the rules from the PHB2. Some of the feats and classes here are from other than core books and the realms campaign book.

The shining host of the underdeep (Organization)

The shining host is a loosely military based organization created in veneration of Haela Brightaxe. It is a place for the most adventurous and battle craving dwarves to seek membership.
The host usually travels the underdark in search of worthy foes, guarding ancient dwarven halls and dungeons from monster incursions. In times of need the host maybe called upon by any dwarven realm as an extra elite unit, if they happen to be nearby.
The host has members in all major dwarven settlements, as well as distant and near forgotten halls, long since abandoned by other dwarves.
Many members of the host are crusaders of Haela, training in ancient mystical combat techniques, but most members are warriors, fighters and berserkers with a somewhat more liberate attitude than your average dwarf.
Young members of this group often travel as adventurers or mercenaries to gain experience and prestige to bring back to their clans and their goddess.
The host is more of a gathering of likeminded individuals than an actual organization, and their hierarchy often changes at the whim of its members. Skill and achievement is seen as much more important than wealth and heritage.

Favored in the guild benefit:
You gain +2 to any knowledge skill checks concerning monsters, excluding humanoids (but not monstrous humanoids) concerning dragons, aberrations and giants this bonus increases to +4. You gain a 10% discount on arms and armor bought from the organization.

Affiliation type: Racial/Fighting company
Scale: 11 (Elite fighting company/mercenary company)
Powers: Crusade, Raid, Terrorize
Symbol: Haela’s burning sword on a black field surrounded in a ring of gold
Motto: “When the going gets though, our axes start chopping”
Enemies and allies: The Host is allied with most good dwarven affiliations, especially the battleragers and the other orders of Haela. They are enemies with most evil monstrous organizations.

Affiliation score criteria:
Character level: X 1/2
Slays a giant, aberration or dragon of equal or higher CR than level (Must bring home trophy or at least two witnesses or one other member of the host to confirm kill): +1/4 of CR(+1/2 CR if you do it all by yourself)
Bab +5 or higher: +1
Bab +10 or higher: +2
Has the ability to rage or frenzy: +2
Has one or more levels of the battlerager prestige class: +1 per level of prestige class
You have the favored in the guild feat for this particular organization: +2
Doesn’t have any martial (or exotic) weapon proficiency: -2
Base attack +0: -2
Declines an offer or challenge to do battle or willingly flees from battle (Including magical fear): -4

Affiliation score,title benefits and duties:
3 or lower: Battle brother (sister), No particular benefits or duties
4-10: Axe of the host, is expected to bring trophies and glory to the host. You gain a +2 bonus on knowledge checks regarding aberrations, dragons and giants.
11-20: Thane of the host is expected to lead axes and battle brothers to battle if so asked. Can call on 1d4 axes (2nd level dwarven fighters) and 2d4 Battlebrothers/sisters (1st level dwarven warriors ) to aid you in an upcoming combat once every month (they appear as quick as they can from the nearest dwarven community)
21-29: High thane of the host is expected to lead axes, thanes and battle brothers to battle if so asked. Gain a +1 bonus to damage and certain skills against dragons, giants and aberrations (See the rangers favored enemy ability for details)
30+: King of the host is expected to lead axes, thanes, high thanes and battle brothers to battle if so asked by friendly dwarven or monster plagued regimes. Is expected to act as an example of the order by never refusing a hunt. You gain immunity to fear and the benefits of the diehard feat as long as you have this title.

Emissaries’ of the dragon kingdom

The emissaries of the dragon kingdom is a group of humanoids (Mostly Damaran humans) that serve the King of dragons Lareth(Before the events during the rage of dragons)to act as his emissaries in the world of the small scaleless ones. Lareth believes that the good dragons of Faerûn has a responsibility to ensure that none of the lesser races suffer because of the cruelty and ignorance that dragons might show, he also wants to seal the gap between the lesser races and the metallic dragons, so that they may one day live in peace in what king Lareth hopes to be a draconic world spanning kingdom.
The emissaries try to attain positions as advisors and diplomats in various humanoid realms. They are also on the lookout for their draconic enemies, the chromatic dragons, and their allies. In part they act as spies, in part as diplomats and in part as lackey’s and tools for their draconic masters to use.
While most of the dragonblooded members are part of a much more elitist organization known as the Talons of justice, the emissaries are usually normal humanoids (or in some cases with small traces of draconic blood, but not enough to become a fully fledged member of the draconic kingdom).
Each emissary gains one specific contact within the kingdom (usually a young dragon or half-dragon). Depending upon his standing as an emissary he may request audiences with his draconic master more and more often. In the beginning the dragon will only speak with his emissary at his or her own whim. This contact relays all information he gets from his emissary to King Lareth’s court or the Talons of justice.

Favored in the guild benefit:
Once per tenday you gain the spell like ability to use a sending spell (your level as caster level) to contact your draconic master in the Dragon kingdom. Also you gain a +2 bonus on diplomacy checks with good dragons, and on saves against the frightful presence of good dragons.

Affiliation type: Racial/Spy ring
Scale: 10 (Information network)
Powers: Gift, Research, Trade
Symbol: A pair of draconic eyes inside a silhouetted golden dragon on a blue field.
Motto: “prepare for the coming of the Dragon kingdom”
Enemies and allies: The dragon kingdom is allied with the Talons of Justice and the Knight’s resplendence as well as with certain dragon slayer affiliations and Damaran knightly and courtly orders. They are the enemy of the Cult of the dragon, evil dragonslayers, and any organization sponsored by or inspired by evil dragons.

Affiliation score criteria:
Character level: X 1/2
Can speak draconic: +2
Has one or more level of the sorcerer, Dragonfire adept or dragon shaman class (does not stack): +2
Has dragon blood (dragonblooded through feat, or race): +2
Donates at least 1000 gp to the dragon kingdom: +1*
Donates at least 5000 gp to the dragon kingdom: +2*
Donates at least 10000 gp to the dragon kingdom: +3*
Donates at least 20000 gp to the dragon kingdom: +4*
Donates at least 50000 gp to the dragon kingdom: +5* (* these bonuses do not stack with itself)
Can cast a divination spell of 1st – 3rd level: +1
Can cast a divination spell of 4th – 6th level: +2
Can cast a divination spell of 7th-9th level: +3
Has one or more levels in the Hand of the winged masters or Dragonkith prestige classes: +1 per level in prestige class
You have the Dragonfriend or the favored in the guild feat (stacks): +2
Is of nongood alignment: -2
Is of evil alignment: -20
Slays, harms or steals from a good dragon: -10
Is affiliated with evil dragons: You are automatically expelled from the organization

Affiliation score, title benefits and duties:
3 or lower: Initiate of the dragon kingdom; No specific benefits, but you are required to do small services for the affiliation to prove your loyalty.
4-10:Emmisary of the dragon kingdom; You are supposed to act on behalf of the dragon kingdom. Your familiarity with draconic customs gives you a +2 bonus to any knowledge checks regarding dragons. In addition when you speak on behalf of your draconic masters you gain a +2 to diplomacy checks against good aligned and neutral listeners or on intimidate checks against evil ones. You gain a -2 penalty to diplomacy checks against evil dragon blooded or dragon affiliated organizations or creatures.
11-20: Eye of the dragon kingdom; You gain the spell like ability to link up with your dragon master once per tenday for 10 minutes per character level, this enables your dragon master to see and hear all that you sense even though he might be on the other side of the world. This is the equivalent of a 5th level spell.
21-29:Voice of the dragon kingdom; You gain the spell like ability to cast suggestion once per day at a caster level equal to your character level; the DC is based on your charisma. You also gain a +2 bonus on all diplomacy and intimidate checks. You gain a -4 penalty on diplomacy checks with evil creatures and -8 with evil dragonblooded or dragon affiliated creatures or organizations.
30+:Herald of the dragon kingdom: You become immune to the fear ability of good aligned dragons. Once per tenday you may summon your dragon master to aid you as if using a summon monster spell but this summoning will end when the encounter or task is over. This dragon will be a metallic dragon with an HD 2 lower than your character level.

8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Ergdusch Posted - 23 May 2008 : 08:31:00
I added the Council Mage Prestige Class from DrM #307 as an affiliation score criteria to the War Wizards above.

Still feedback and comments appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Rinonalyrna Fathomlin Posted - 22 May 2008 : 01:07:11
Originally posted by Ergdusch

Has this become clearer to you now?!


As I said on the WotC boards, yes.
Quale Posted - 21 May 2008 : 22:19:49
affiliations are good for new players, gives more flexibility and depth to the character, but for me, not nearly enough, out official sources I like stuff in Unearthed Arcana and in 3e Planescape CS (good ideas like belief points, belief as allegiance, and belief as bloodlines). I did create affiliation for my character, to compare it with homebrew system, for the Revolutionary League specific cell in Unther, not sure this is the place to post it
Ergdusch Posted - 21 May 2008 : 19:46:43
Originally posted by Rinonalyrna Fathomlin at the WotC boards
I can buy that there would specific groups of people who are supporters of the Crown (or opponents of the Crown), but I wouldn't agree that everyone who has those ideals would belong to a particular group.

Well, Rino, I see the truth behind your words. However, what I ment with the Criteria of being associated with an organisation or noble that either supports or plots against the Crown was the following:
Of course there are some persons that have chosen sides but are not openly or even in any way actively doing anything to make this known. Further as long as they are just being a singe individual they hold not much thread potential or supporting influence in their position. Therefore these single individuals or minor groups do not really count for affiliation matters, as the War Wizrads do not see them as threatening opposition or supporter.

However, other persons might hold power in such an extent that they are able to influence persons, events or the likes in a variety of scales depending on their power level and degree of influence. Such persons might be either nobles, the harpers, the Fire Knifes or somesuch. These are examples of 'groups' I had in mind when designing the affiliation modifiers.

Has this become clearer to you now?!

Ergdusch Posted - 21 May 2008 : 14:55:57
My first shot at the War Wizrads of Cormyr


Background, Goals and Dreams:
see FRCS and Magic of Faerun
Enemies and Allies:
see FRCS and Magic of Faerun
Type: Government
Scale: 14 (Continental)
Affiliation Score Criteria:

Criterion Affiliation Score Modifier
Character Level + 1/2 the PC’s character level
Wizard + 2
Other arcane Spellcaster + 1
Can cast arcane spells of 3rd level or higher + 1
5 or more ranks in knowledge (arcane), knowledge (local - Cormyr), knowledge (nobility & royalty), gather information + 1 per skill
10 or more ranks in Spellcraft + 2
Can cast divination spells of 5th level or higher + 2
Has served in the Purple Dragon Army + 1
Has taken the War Wizard of Cormyr Prestige Class + 2
Has taken the Archmage Prestige Class + 1
Has taken the Council Mage Prestige Class (DrM 307, p. 48 et seq.) / + 4
Completes mission for the War Wizards + 2 per mission
Is associated with an organisation or noble that supports the Crown + 2
Is associated with an organisation or noble that plots against the Crown - 4
Attempts an act of treason against the Crown - 15 and an EL 12 team of War wizards is despatched to capture you

Titles, Benefits and Duties:

Affiliation Score Title: Benefits and Duties
3 or lower No affiliation, though the War Wizards are aware of your talents and judging you.
4-6 Candidate: You are able to find a suitable sponsor who introduces you to the organization of the War Wizards.
7-10 Trainee: You have to take part in a dual-at-words with the Leading Conclave of War Wizards. After passing you are handed over to one of the Helping Hands of Cormyr to be trained.
11-15 Neomage: You must endure a special magic ritual that has the effect of paralyzing the wizard who wants to hurt His Majesty for 24 hours per level of the caster.
You may claim excess to the library of any Helping Hand of Cormyr, receiving + 2 on any Knowledge checks made therein.
16-20 Spellcaster: You gain a +2 bonus on all Gather Information checks made within Cormyr.
21-25 Ward: You may purchase spellcasting from any War Wizards at 2/3 standard price.
25-30 Sorceror: You may claim audience with the Royal Magician of the Realms of Cormyr Caladnei within 1d6 days once per month.
31-35 Wizard:You may borrow one magic item of up to 30,000 GP value from the affiliation’s assets once per month for a period of 2-8 days
36-40 Mage: You may claim audience with the Royal Magician of the Realms of Cormyr Caladnei at any time.
41+ Member of the Council of Mages: You may claim audience with the King/Regent of Cormyr within 1d6 days once per week.

Executive Powers: Law, Mint, Research

feedback and comments appreciated!
Afetbinttuzani Posted - 20 May 2008 : 13:52:48
Originally posted by Ergdusch

I would be interested in affiliations of power groups of the Forest Kingdom. [...]Any help, thoughts or inspriation on this matter is highly appreciated. Maybe somebody has created affiliations for one or two of the above mentioned groups already?

I haven't detailed any affiliations but here's a few more, admittedly vague, possibilities for affiliations in Cormyr:

The supporters of Arabel's independence
The Thieves Guild of Tilverton
A Marsember based Merchant's Guild

Ergdusch Posted - 20 May 2008 : 10:16:39
Resurrecting an older scroll for my purposes:

Today I thought of introducing the option of affiliations into my new Cormyr Campaign. Therefore I would be interested in affiliations of power groups of the Forest Kingdom. Possibile Power Groups I could think of from the top of my head would be:

The Supporters of the Crown/Obaskyrs
The Purple Dragon Army
The War Wizards
The Harpers
The Sembians
The Zhentarim
The Fire Knifes
The Night Masks of Westgate
and possibly the Noble opposition to the Crown

Any help, thoughts or inspriation on this matter is highly appreciated. Maybe somebody has created affiliations for one or two of the above mentioned groups already?

Thanks in advance, Ergdusch
Mortagon Posted - 29 Jul 2007 : 08:23:35
Here is a couple of more I made for my campaign:

The order of the Knight’s resplendent

This order is an offshoot of the Talon’s of justice, dragon-riding knights that serve the talons as a fighting force, spies and investigators when evil draconic presence or influence is suspected in the communities of scaleless ones. They are especially popular in Chessentea and Damara.
The most elite of this order is allowed to ride a dragon into battle, while the lesser knights often ride drakkensteeds and other draconically related mounts.
The order venerates Xymor (or Bahamut as he is also known as) and follows the ptarian code. Many members are paladins, and some have become dragonborns after the rise of the spawn of Tiamat.

Favored in the guild benefit:
You gain a +4 bonus to ride checks when riding a dragon or dragonblooded creature and a +2 bonus to saves against the frightful presence of good dragons. You also gain a +2 bonus to Knowledge arcana checks with regards to dragons and dragonblooded creatures.

Affiliation type: Racial/Fighting company
Scale: 9 (Small stronghold)
Powers: Crusade, Terrorize, War
Motto: “Justice and good above all”
Symbol: A sword within the silhouette of a silvery dragon on a blue field rimmed in gold
Allies/enemies: The churches of Tyr and Torm are friendly with the Knight’s resplendent, the Talons of Justice and Emissaries’ of the dragon kingdom also. Many good aligned Damaran and Chessentean organizations support the Knight’s. The Knight’s enemies are all evil dragons, those who serve evil dragons, and the enemies of good dragons (such as various dragonslayer organizations).

Affiliation score criteria:
Character level: X 1/2
Is of Lawful alignment: +1
Is of good alignment: +1
Can speak draconic: +2
Has one or more level of the Paladin or Knight class (Does not stack): +2
Has dragon blood (dragonblooded through feat, or race): +2
Has one or more levels in the platinum knight, Vassal of Bahamut or Dragonrider prestige class: +1 per level in prestige class
You have the Dragonfriend or the favored in the guild (The Knight’s resplendent) feat: +2 (stacks)
Has 5 or more ranks in Knowledge (Arcana): +1
Has 10 or more ranks in knowledge (Arcana): +2
Has 15 or more ranks in knowledge (Arcana): +3
Slays a dragon or dragonblooded creature with a CR at least equal to your level: 1/4 of CR
Is of nongood alignment: -2
Is of evil alignment: -20
Slays, harms or steal from a good dragon: -10
Is affiliated with evil dragons: You are automatically expelled from the organization

Affiliation score,title benefits and duties:
3 or lower: Squire, do simple tasks for other knights like tending to equipment and mounts, no particular benefit
4-10: Knight errant, do simple quests on behalf of the order like delivering a message, you gain a +2 on all ride checks due to extensive training in this field, you also gain a +2 bonus on will saves against the frightful presence of good dragons
11-20: Knight, you are called upon to aid in dragon hunts and acts of war and can be sent on quests, you are responsible for training squires and knight errant’s, you learn special combat techniques against evil dragons and dragonblooded creatures’ and gain them as a favored enemy just like a ranger as long as you continue training with the organization
21-29: High knight, You can call on squires, knight errants and knight’s to aid you. Once per month you gain 2d4 squires (1st level human warriors), 1d4 Knight errant’s (2nd level human fighters) and 1d2 Knight’s (5th level human knight’s), also your extensive training in riding flying mounts grants you a +4 on ride checks and you’re so accustomed to good dragons that you gain a +4 bonus on saves against their frightful presence. If you like you can call upon a drakkensteed mount
30+: Wyrm rider, you are supposed to lead strike teams against the most powerful draconic threats, you gain the companionship of a young metallic dragon 2 HD lower than your character level and it will serve as your mount if you so wish. You are immune to the frightful presence of good dragons

NPC’s of note:Wyrmrider Arasha Dragonsong of The knight’s resplendent
Human Chessentean female paladin of Xymor 5/knight 7/Dragonrider 5
CR: 17, AL: LG, HD: 5d10+7d12+5d10+51, HP: 180, Init: +0, Spd: 30 ft., AC: 27 FF: 27 T: 10, Bab/grapple: +17/+22, Attacks: “Scalerender” +20/+15/+10/+5 melee* (1d8+13 19-20/x2) (* Includes 5 point power attack), Sa: Charging smite (PHB2), Smite evil 2/day (+4 to hit, +5 to damage), Favored enemy evil dragons and dragonblood (+2), Rebuke dragons (7/day) (Dragon Magic), Paladin spells, Fighting challenge (+2), Sq: Knight’s challenge, Knight’s code, Aura of courage, Divine health, Dragonriding, Mounted Spellcasting, Flyby attack, Spur mount, Immune to frightful presence, Lay on hands (20 HP /day), Shield block (+1), Bulwark of defense, Armor mastery (Medium), Test of mettle, Vigilant defender, Shield ally, Detect evil, Aura of good, Divine grace, Saves: Fort: +17 Ref: +8 Will: +16, Abilities: Str: 20 Dex: 10 Con: 16 Int: 10 Wis: 14 Cha: 18, Skills: Diplomacy: +19 (+21 regarding dragons), Handle animal: +9, Knowledge (Arcana): +13 (+15 regarding dragons), Ride: +29 (+35 when riding a dragon), Tumble: +2 Feats: Dragonfriend, Favored in the guild (The knight’s resplendent), Mounted combat, Ride by attack, Spirited charge, Power attack, Close quarter fighting, Skill focus (Ride), Dragonhunter, Dragon hunter defense, Equipment: “Scalerender” (+3 Holy, Bane of dragon’s longsword, special power each time a critical hit is scored against a dragon the dragon looses 1d4 of natural armor which can be regained as if it was ability damage), +3 heavy adamantite Shield, +2 sure striking heavy lance, +4 mithril moderate fortification full plate, Cloak of charisma +2, Belt of giant strength +6, Amulet of health +4, Winged boots, Ring of feather falling

Dragon Mount
Ascascarix “Silverclaw”
Juvenile bronze dragon

Order of the setting sun

The order of the setting sun is a group of elven and half-elven archaeologists and scholars, searching for lost elven lore and artifacts. The group is sponsored by the church of Labelas Enoreth, the elven god of time and longevity.
The members of this group travels extensively picking up every small clue there is to be found about ancient and lost elven lore. The write this down in a vast chronicle kept at the main temple of Labelas in the High forest.
Most members are sun elves, since the founding of the order was by a sun elven noble and cleric of Labelas some 3000 years ago. The order is small, and the members few in number, but the members are spread out across the world, every place the elves has ever sat foot or touched history in some way.

Favored in the guild benefit:
You gain a +4 bonus to Appraise checks regarding elven items; you gain a +2 bonus to Knowledge (History) checks regarding elven history. Your gain a +2 bonus to search checks and the range of your elf sense ability (If any) doubles.

Affiliation type: Racial/College
Scale: 7 (Small scholarly group)
Powers: Research, Trade, Gift
Motto: “yesterday’s darkness is today’s sunshine”
Symbol: An eye within a setting sun with an open book floating above it.
Allies/enemies: The church of Labelas Enoreth and its affiliated orders, most of the Seldarine, Elven wizardly and scholarly organizations, The churches of Oghma, Deneir and other gods of Knowledge and many other archaeological and historically inclined organizations. Most dwarves find the organization to be incursive and digging in places they shouldn’t be and have a dislike for them. The church of Clangeddin Silverbeard has a small cult that is mainly concerned with foiling the plans of the Church of Labelas after an incident during the Time of troubles, where Labelas’ avatar defeated the avatar of the dwarven god of war. Most Drow organizations are opposed to the order, as are the Shade and secretive orders like the Eldreth Veluthra, The cult of the dragon and the church of Shar.

Affiliation score criteria:
Character level: X 1/2
Has 5 or more ranks in Knowledge (History): +1
Has 10 or more ranks in knowledge (History): +2
Has 15 or more ranks in knowledge (History): +3
Speaks or reads Seldruin (Ancient elvish): +2
Can cast 1st-3rd level divination spells: +1
Can cast 4th-6th level divination spells: +2
Can cast 7th-9th level divination spells: +3
Has the Relic hunter feat (Dragon magazine): +1
Has the Favored in the guild (Order of the setting sun) feat: +2
Gives an ancient elven magical item to the order: +1 per 10.000 gp vale of item (Max +5)
Gives an ancient elven artifact to the order: +10
One or more levels in the Olin Gisir prestige class: +1 per level of class
Discover some vital lost elven lore: +2
Hides discoveries from the order: -4
You have no elven blood: -2
Can’t speak elven: -2
Steals from the order: -10

Affiliation score,title benefits and duties:
3 or lower: Seeker of the setting sun; You are allowed to do independent research and may be asked to do simple favors for the order like delivering messages, and act as a courier. You gain access to the outer libraries of the order.
4-10: Relic hunter of the setting sun; You are often sent out to look for ancient magical items and pieces of history. You may run your own archaeological digs. You gain a +2 bonus to Appraise checks regarding elven items and a +2 bonus to search checks.
11-20: Historian of the setting sun; You are allowed to help write new pages on the history of the elves from the discoveries of the order. You gain a +2 bonus to Knowledge (History) checks regarding elven history. You also gain a 25% reduction in costs for scribing new spells in your spell book or researching spells when using the orders facilities.
21-29: Chronicler of the setting sun; You help to put the pieces of elven history together and are allowed into the inner sanctum of the order to access the most sacred texts. You gain a +4 bonus to Knowledge (History) checks regarding elven history, you can also consult the library to identify elven magical items, this works just like the identify spell, except that it is a nonmagical ability and costs no money. The only requirement is that it takes 1d4+1 hours to find out about the item, and that you must have access to the library of the inner sanctum.
30+: Keeper of the setting sun; Once per month you may borrow a magical item worth up to 20.000 gp from the order. You must deliver the item within a month, unless you want to borrow the same item again. If the item is destroyed or has less than its full complement of charges you must pay for the expenditure or damage. Also you can ask the order to aid in creating magical items, giving you a 10% reduction in costs (Both XP and GP).

Please comment and/or add affiliations of your own.

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