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 Velsharoon and Undead

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Gelcur Posted - 17 Jul 2007 : 03:36:24
Velsharoon became a god in 1368 DR if I remember correctly by reading a tome penned by Talos. Who had the undead portfolio before him? I want to say Myrkul but I think he only had control over lower level undead like skeletons.

Can someone trace the timeline of this portfolio for me, ideally I'd like to know who it was in 1364 DR but the more info the better.
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sleyvas Posted - 17 Jul 2007 : 22:05:52
Kiaransalee possesses the portfolio of undead, and Orcus did (does) as well. However, Orcus not being a true god and all, and Kiaransalee technically being tied to the drow pantheon, leaves it open for the Vaunted One.
The Sage Posted - 17 Jul 2007 : 04:29:22
Velsharoon achieved demi-godhood at the end of 1368 DR, as noted in Powers & Pantheons. Myrkul doesn't have any power over undead of levels higher than skeletons and zombies.

As for the 'Undeath' portfolio itself... Jergal had the 'Undeath' portfolio during the time of Netheril. He apparently looses it at some point before the rise of the 'Dark Three,' since Myrkul never received the 'Undeath' portfolio from Jergal when the Pitiless One stepped down. Velsharoon's entry in Powers & Pantheons would seem to suggest that it was a relatively unused concept -- during the time Velsharoon was pursuing methods of obtaining godhood -- among the various divine portfolios of the deities.

Pg. 76 -

"...who is striving to add general undeath as well."

and -

"(Sages speculate Ao allowed his [Velsharoon's] ascension to provide a balance to the new Lord of the Dead's dislike for undead.)"

Both bits could support the notion that the 'Undeath' portfolio wasn't in use at the time Velsharoon became a deity.
Kuje Posted - 17 Jul 2007 : 03:40:12
As far as we know, no one in the Faerun pantheon had undead until Velsharoon. Myrkul never had it, at least in published material on him going back to the grey box.....

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