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 The Fell Pass

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Calrond Posted - 15 May 2007 : 02:29:03
I just finished reading The Thousand Orcs, and I'm looking at Complete Mage's article on "Boneyards". A boneyard is defined as a "vast expanse of humanoid remains that covers up to 500 square feet", but with the understanding that those humanoid remains have not been sanctified.

My question is could the Fell Pass, where thousands of dwarves and tens of thousands of orcs died, be considered a massive boneyard, or at least a large collection of several hundred boneyards? We know that the Fell Pass is very haunted, full of bones, and generally a pretty spooky place. I doubt the orc corpses were sanctified, although the dwarf corpses might have been, although since they weren't buried and their ghosts still haunt the Fell Pass, it's pretty doubtful.

Just curious. It could make for a sort of Mecca for necromancers wanting to boost their arcane abilities, if that's the case.

Edit: Maybe less Mecca, more Ozzfest since they are necromancers after all.
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
The Sage Posted - 16 May 2007 : 00:51:09
I've not read The Thousand Orcs, nor do I have a copy of Complete Mage... though, from everything else I've read about the Fell Pass, I could see it functioning much as you describe.
Kuje Posted - 16 May 2007 : 00:25:24
I see no reason why it couldn't be considered a graveyard....

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