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 Converting a Heretic

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Chosen of Bane Posted - 12 May 2007 : 20:26:21
I was wondering what some options would be to convert a heretic. In my game one of the PC's is a cleric of Kelemvor and is going to meet up with followers of Kelemvor using the Heretic of the Faith feat and bastardizing the religion. The PC knows this already and his plan is to convert them back to the true path.

How should I work this? It seems like it should be something to do with Diplomacy but I'm not sure a simple skill check is the way to go.

Any thoughts?
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Chosen of Bane Posted - 13 May 2007 : 12:39:32
To give a little more information on what is going on with the situation:

The situation right now is that a follower of Kelemvor is being manipulated/corrupted by a Devil (Harvestor Devil to be exact). The Devil has used his considerable social skills (+16 Bluff, +20 Diplomacy) to turn the Kelemvorite away from the true dogma to a heretical view. The devil is simply doing it becasuse he enjoys manipulating mortals, and seeing them turn to a darker path. He is of course profiting from this also.

He has, over time, convinced the servant of Kelemvor to judge people as his patron does. So, if he discovers any man is faithless, he executes them and hangs them on a wall around his keep. If he deems a person false, he tortures them as a warning and gives them a second chance. He does this all in the name of Kelemvor, despite it not being true to Kelemvor's dogma (hence Heretic of the Faith).

So, I'm wondering if the Devil's social skills should play a roll in this encounter as well? I'm guessing the PC's will eliminate the Devil sooner or later so I may make it a higer diplomacy DC when the devil lives, and lower it if the devil is not there whispering in the Kelemvorites ear. Or should I make it pretty easy for the PC once the Devil is out of the picture?
KnightErrantJR Posted - 13 May 2007 : 05:06:12
Page 51 of Power of Faerun has a little bit on this, when it comes to converting someone to the faith. To be honest, I don't think heretics would be easier to convert, given that they likely have heard the "real" doctrine and actively thrown in with a more radical version of the faith. But it mentions in PoF that the DC should go up by 10 when dealing with those with deeply held religeous views, so I would think this falls within that range.

When it comes to converting evil characters (for those dealing with a heresy that isn't just strongly opposed, but morally opposed, for example a heresy that allows evil worshipers of a good deity), page 28 of The Book of Exalted Deeds deals with converting "villains" and those that are actively opposed to the "heroes."
Wooly Rupert Posted - 13 May 2007 : 03:55:51
Didn't Power of Faerūn cover converting people? I'd consider it to be something akin to a regular conversion, with an increased DC, since the other character does share the deity but follows a different aspect of that deity.
Dargoth Posted - 13 May 2007 : 01:47:29
check out the Evangilist PrC in CD

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