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 Question with DR

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Amnezjusz Posted - 09 May 2007 : 23:14:44
Hi :)

Is there any chance to acquire DR by magic (ritual or some kind of artifact)? In the past was Karsus Avatar spell (which is now banned) and a scroll which helped Velsharoon to become god. But now? Is there any chance to became god (or just creature with DR 0) only with help of magic?
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
sleyvas Posted - 11 May 2007 : 15:47:12
Mellifleur was able to become the god of liches due to a quirk in the lich creation ritual, as well as convenient timing on the part of Bane trying to do something as well. I believe its generally accepted (at least by me <g>) that Velsharoon managed his feat to achieve divinity by using Mellifleur's physical phylactery (since Mellifleur had been SEVERELY weakened by the ToT's changes in how divine ranks worked) and learning from the aforementioned tablets how to duplicate the ritual of Mellifleur.
Of course, I also believe he used a banelich as a sacrifice to create his divine ascension and that it was his ritual that actually somehow allowed Bane to come back, but that's just me <g>.
Victor_ograygor Posted - 11 May 2007 : 10:08:55
Originally posted by Asgetrion

Originally posted by Victor_ograygor

Originally posted by Asgetrion

Originally posted by Amnezjusz

Hi :)

Is there any chance to acquire DR by magic (ritual or some kind of artifact)? In the past was Karsus Avatar spell (which is now banned) and a scroll which helped Velsharoon to become god. But now? Is there any chance to became god (or just creature with DR 0) only with help of magic?

I have no recollection of Velsharoon using a scroll to become a god. Actually, I seem to remember that Velsharoon had to perform a series of seven grueling ritual quests (all of which were comparable to old D&D "Immortality Quests") *and* he was sponsored to divinity by Talos. If it were possible to achieve godhood through Epic Magic, don't you think that he'd rather have done that?

Kentinal, I'm under the impression that Mystra's Ban on 10th level (or higher) magic stands, and the Epic Level "rehashed" versions of such spells are merely "lesser" variations and may only emulate/imitate some aspects of the original spells?

Velsharoon entered the Plains of Purple Dust where he set up a tower and began exploring ruins of ancient Imaskar.
He discovered a set of texts penned by the Storm Lord Talos, which allowed him to achieve immortality and divinity

Thanks for correcting me, Victor!

Didn't those scrolls contain some sort fo rituals that needed Velsharoon to embark on a series of quests to cast/perform them?

I dont think it was scrolls, I think it was tablets with engraved ruins that mentioned the prerequisite fore becoming a good and the rituals he had to make (The books say : He discovered a set of texts penned by the Storm Lord)

Velsharoon travelled the realms finding components and spells that he had to use fore the ritual, just like a wizard preparing himself fore the after life as a lich.

Asgetrion Posted - 11 May 2007 : 09:23:00
Originally posted by Victor_ograygor

Originally posted by Asgetrion

Originally posted by Amnezjusz

Hi :)

Is there any chance to acquire DR by magic (ritual or some kind of artifact)? In the past was Karsus Avatar spell (which is now banned) and a scroll which helped Velsharoon to become god. But now? Is there any chance to became god (or just creature with DR 0) only with help of magic?

I have no recollection of Velsharoon using a scroll to become a god. Actually, I seem to remember that Velsharoon had to perform a series of seven grueling ritual quests (all of which were comparable to old D&D "Immortality Quests") *and* he was sponsored to divinity by Talos. If it were possible to achieve godhood through Epic Magic, don't you think that he'd rather have done that?

Kentinal, I'm under the impression that Mystra's Ban on 10th level (or higher) magic stands, and the Epic Level "rehashed" versions of such spells are merely "lesser" variations and may only emulate/imitate some aspects of the original spells?

Velsharoon entered the Plains of Purple Dust where he set up a tower and began exploring ruins of ancient Imaskar.
He discovered a set of texts penned by the Storm Lord Talos, which allowed him to achieve immortality and divinity

Thanks for correcting me, Victor!

Didn't those scrolls contain some sort fo rituals that needed Velsharoon to embark on a series of quests to cast/perform them?
Victor_ograygor Posted - 11 May 2007 : 08:59:32
I agree with Wooly
Wooly Rupert Posted - 11 May 2007 : 00:30:06
Originally posted by Amnezjusz

Hi :)

Is there any chance to acquire DR by magic (ritual or some kind of artifact)? In the past was Karsus Avatar spell (which is now banned) and a scroll which helped Velsharoon to become god. But now? Is there any chance to became god (or just creature with DR 0) only with help of magic?

I don't think it's possible. It's been pretty clearly stated that you can't kill a god without some sort of divine assistance, so I'd imagine the same would apply to becoming one.
Victor_ograygor Posted - 10 May 2007 : 23:11:31
Originally posted by Reefy

Originally posted by Chosen of Bane

Stoneskin gives DR 10/Adamantine.

....just being a jerk, I knew you meant Divine Rank.

And I have no idea as to the answer of your actual question, sorry.

Me neither, but my first thought when reading the title was Dale Reckoning.

And I must admit that I made a bummer, I thought you meant damage reduction…

Reefy Posted - 10 May 2007 : 22:55:41
Originally posted by Chosen of Bane

Stoneskin gives DR 10/Adamantine.

....just being a jerk, I knew you meant Divine Rank.

And I have no idea as to the answer of your actual question, sorry.

Me neither, but my first thought when reading the title was Dale Reckoning.
Victor_ograygor Posted - 10 May 2007 : 22:14:23
Originally posted by Asgetrion

Originally posted by Amnezjusz

Hi :)

Is there any chance to acquire DR by magic (ritual or some kind of artifact)? In the past was Karsus Avatar spell (which is now banned) and a scroll which helped Velsharoon to become god. But now? Is there any chance to became god (or just creature with DR 0) only with help of magic?

I have no recollection of Velsharoon using a scroll to become a god. Actually, I seem to remember that Velsharoon had to perform a series of seven grueling ritual quests (all of which were comparable to old D&D "Immortality Quests") *and* he was sponsored to divinity by Talos. If it were possible to achieve godhood through Epic Magic, don't you think that he'd rather have done that?

Kentinal, I'm under the impression that Mystra's Ban on 10th level (or higher) magic stands, and the Epic Level "rehashed" versions of such spells are merely "lesser" variations and may only emulate/imitate some aspects of the original spells?

Velsharoon entered the Plains of Purple Dust where he set up a tower and began exploring ruins of ancient Imaskar.
He discovered a set of texts penned by the Storm Lord Talos, which allowed him to achieve immortality and divinity
Asgetrion Posted - 10 May 2007 : 20:35:51
Originally posted by Amnezjusz

Hi :)

Is there any chance to acquire DR by magic (ritual or some kind of artifact)? In the past was Karsus Avatar spell (which is now banned) and a scroll which helped Velsharoon to become god. But now? Is there any chance to became god (or just creature with DR 0) only with help of magic?

I have no recollection of Velsharoon using a scroll to become a god. Actually, I seem to remember that Velsharoon had to perform a series of seven grueling ritual quests (all of which were comparable to old D&D "Immortality Quests") *and* he was sponsored to divinity by Talos. If it were possible to achieve godhood through Epic Magic, don't you think that he'd rather have done that?

Kentinal, I'm under the impression that Mystra's Ban on 10th level (or higher) magic stands, and the Epic Level "rehashed" versions of such spells are merely "lesser" variations and may only emulate/imitate some aspects of the original spells?
Kentinal Posted - 10 May 2007 : 15:48:10
As far as the spell ban, spells 10th or higher were banned, however Epic magic sometimes are as powerful as the banned level of spells. It just takes a different way to cast that much magical power.

The rules for gaining Dive Rank are left somewhat to DM descrestion, however an Epic level character could very well have followers of which some might go as far as worshiping the character. A church could evolve and so on.
Amnezjusz Posted - 10 May 2007 : 10:59:01
I knew you meant Divine Rank

That's right, I meant Divine rank, no Damege Reduction ;) Thanks for your replies :) I'm waiting for more.
Victor_ograygor Posted - 10 May 2007 : 09:55:35
A lich’s undead body is tough, giving the creature damage reduction 15/bludgeoning and magic.
warlockco Posted - 10 May 2007 : 05:00:27
By the Rules as Written: Not really.

By DM Fiat: Get on your knees and pucker up...
Wenin Posted - 10 May 2007 : 02:24:24
Acquireing DR without having it to begin with, I don't believe so. Since the Time of Troubles to be a deity you must be worshipped, and prescendent shows that AO must make the mortal a god.
Chosen of Bane Posted - 10 May 2007 : 01:08:39
Stoneskin gives DR 10/Adamantine.

....just being a jerk, I knew you meant Divine Rank.

And I have no idea as to the answer of your actual question, sorry.

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