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 Ityak-Ortheel's State

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Gelcur Posted - 06 May 2007 : 04:32:07
I was going through some material and came across Ityak-Ortheel. He is noted in A Grand History of the Realms as destroyed in 1365 DR, well I should say the legendary "Elf-Eater" is destroyed. It lists Moonshaes as its source.

I assume the elf-eater they speak of is Ityak-Ortheel I don't know of any other elf-eater. The thing is Champions of Valor doesn't seem to mention anything about the creature being dead, it even lists uses for him. Can anyone confirm or deny the Moonshaes reference? Maybe it wasn't destroyed but sent away?
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Gelcur Posted - 06 May 2007 : 16:24:16
Hey thanks! That's exactly why I was asking, I am really looking forward to this product and I thought I'd point out something that might be in error. I bet you got tons of editors over at wizards who know this stuff much better than I but there is also a lot of info.
ericlboyd Posted - 06 May 2007 : 11:47:43
Originally posted by Gelcur

I was going through some material and came across Ityak-Ortheel. He is noted in A Grand History of the Realms as destroyed in 1365 DR, well I should say the legendary "Elf-Eater" is destroyed. It lists Moonshaes as its source.

I assume the elf-eater they speak of is Ityak-Ortheel I don't know of any other elf-eater. The thing is Champions of Valor doesn't seem to mention anything about the creature being dead, it even lists uses for him. Can anyone confirm or deny the Moonshaes reference? Maybe it wasn't destroyed but sent away?

It should say "defeated" not "destroyed" in that entry and is addressed in the upcoming official product.

KnightErrantJR Posted - 06 May 2007 : 04:35:40
Actually, the last time it appeared to my knowledge was in Evermeet, Isle of Elves.

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