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 A reason to worship Lolth?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Kiaransalyn Posted - 04 May 2007 : 20:01:09
Spider venom could boost sex life
19   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Nighttfall Posted - 09 May 2007 : 01:33:32

Yeah well blame it on the fact I got Thrall to the Demon as free feat.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 08 May 2007 : 18:08:50
Please, let's not get another Orcus thing going on here... I saw enough of those threads before my banning from the WotC forums.
Korginard Posted - 08 May 2007 : 17:58:00
Didn't one of those "Silly Drow Gods" Kill Orcus once?
As for why Drow are sexy, it could indeed be the spider venom, but my vote is on the spider silk bikini's
Nighttfall Posted - 08 May 2007 : 15:38:47
Phttt! I'm sworn to Orcus. Believe me, I'm not afraid of a few fanatical drow serving a silly goddess that can't figure out what she's doing.
Victor_ograygor Posted - 08 May 2007 : 08:57:57
Whip him and let thousands of tiny small spider bit him. And when he is dead bring him back to life and start all over until he understands that the Dark Mother truly is the greatest

Ahh… Yes Kiaransalyn the venom works

The Test Subject
warlockco Posted - 07 May 2007 : 23:01:30
Originally posted by Nighttfall

*sticks with Orcus over Lolth and the rest of those underdark sillies*


Slay the Heretic in the name of the Dark Mother!

Nighttfall Posted - 07 May 2007 : 20:41:07
*sticks with Orcus over Lolth and the rest of those underdark sillies*
Kiaransalyn Posted - 07 May 2007 : 14:26:10
Originally posted by A Test Subject

Kiaransalyn ill give you some really good reason to worship Lolth

- You get Fee leather clothe and a leather whip
- You get as many sexy men as you whish, and they would do anything fore you
- As a female you are the stronger sex and men are just “Food”, “Slave” ore “Play things”

You just come down the cellar here at Candelkeep and ill show a reason in believing in something ells

Learned scribes,

as you can see the venom works very well.

Just kidding, Victor.
Victor_ograygor Posted - 07 May 2007 : 12:47:44
Kiaransalyn ill give you some really good reason to worship Lolth

- You get Fee leather clothe and a leather whip
- You get as many sexy men as you whish, and they would do anything fore you
- As a female you are the stronger sex and men are just “Food”, “Slave” ore “Play things”

You just come down the cellar here at Candelkeep and ill show a reason in believing in something ells
Dargoth Posted - 07 May 2007 : 07:31:57
Originally posted by Kiaransalyn

Spider venom could boost sex life

How much ya want to bet that Lolth changes her favoured weapon to longspear!
Nighttfall Posted - 07 May 2007 : 07:21:24

I'm familiar with Kanchelsis. I just thought considering he's barely noticed by some, Orcus tends to get more than his share.


You never ignore me. Besides while women might side with female demon powers, not all of them have enough "oomph" to make that much of an impression. Besides we all know women want undead men to do their work.
KnightErrantJR Posted - 07 May 2007 : 04:07:38
You know, I always kind of liked Kanchelsis . . . plus I've spent a lot of time coming up with a good elven link as a hook the way his history implies, but my muse has yet to properly reward me for my wasted time. At any rate, can anyone remember a specific Realmsian reference to the Lord of Vampires?

On second thought, don't answer that here. Don't want to derail the thread, and I'll post it in an appropriate section.
warlockco Posted - 06 May 2007 : 21:54:47
Originally posted by Nighttfall

I'll stick with Orcus. He gets vampires. We all know what women think of them. Thanks Ann Rice and Joss Wheton!

Actually, no he doesn't.
Vampires have their own deity.

DMGR4 Monster Mythology (2nd Edition)
Kanchelsis (Intermediate God)

Kanchelsis (know as Mastraacht in some worlds) is Lord of Vampires, a god to whom even the great Elder Vampires and Vampires Lords of Ravenloft give grudging respect (and fear). His origins in myth are shrouded in secrecy, but the avatar often takes half-elven form and travels with an elven or half-elven vampiric companion, so the dreadful secret of the Seldarine may indeed be a truth. Born of intermingled human and elven blood, Kanchelsis knows blood to be the very essence of life and magic, the forces which sustain him. His Abyssal home is awash with blood, entire rooms of his mansion being formed from living sculptures and flows of blood perfumed with opiates and alkaloids; and the vampyres, nosferatu, and worse which share his home slaver after the unattainable delight he so meagerly and sadisticially rations out to their ravening hunger.
Kanchelsis is a split-natured deity: part of him is the Beast, a wild adn ravening thing which runs with wolves, rips out throats, rends flesh, and gulps blood as fast as it can swallow. In this aspect, some wights have a reverence for his being. His other side is the Rake, a bon vivant who savors blood as others do wine; he is a seducer, a connoisseur, a lover of finery, an expert debauch. The Rake dominates when Kanchelsis feels well with his ways; the Beast, when he is moved to hot rage (rather than his usual cold hates and sadistic triumphalism).
Zanan Posted - 06 May 2007 : 21:00:08
If you had said Malcanthet, Shaktari, Rhyxali, Glasya or Fierna, I wouldn't have ignored that comment, Nightfall ;). Orcus is just a bloated goat-headed monster, much like the slug-devil. Can't think of any reason preferring him to anyone or -thing.
Nighttfall Posted - 06 May 2007 : 06:50:55
I'll stick with Orcus. He gets vampires. We all know what women think of them. Thanks Ann Rice and Joss Wheton!
Kiaransalyn Posted - 05 May 2007 : 10:55:27
Originally posted by Zanan
With a charisma in the "upper regions", I doubt that Lolth needs venom to be worshipped

Very true. However, the fact the venom causes priapism and thereby making males functional but also causing them pain should appeal to most drow females. Hmm, maybe this thread should be retitled as 'A reason to worship Loviatar?'

Originally posted by Zanan
Kiaransalyn, off to the Gate!

I shall wander over to the Gate in the next couple of weeks. Currently, I'm just unpacking all my boxes and beginning my second week of life in Germany. I also have to get used to the amount of work that an Assistant Professor has to do.
Zanan Posted - 05 May 2007 : 00:03:42
With a charisma in the "upper regions", I doubt that Lolth needs venom to be worshipped ... or for some nightime activities. Coming to think of it, outsiders and deities need no sleep, so nighttime activities ... ach well, Kiaransalyn, off to the Gate!
Wooly Rupert Posted - 04 May 2007 : 20:44:26
Maybe that's why so many people seem to think that drow are sexy...
Mazrim_Taim Posted - 04 May 2007 : 20:15:25
Heeeh. I heard about this on the news. Supposedly they are testing it now to see if any use can come from it, for um, enhancement purposes.

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