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T O P I C    R E V I E W
jordanz Posted - 11 Apr 2007 : 18:44:00
Hey guys, just wondering... for those of us who are less "cultured" and are concerned with "who is the most powerful..", NPC stats, and battles between the powers of the realms,I request a Battleboard thread. I agree that this sort of topic does not belong here (General CHat) but I think the demand is high enough to warrant it's own title thread. Comments?
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Arkhaedun Posted - 11 Apr 2007 : 22:35:15
Keep in mind when I post this, I am by no means speaking for Alaundo or for the site in general. This is just my own take on why the Code of Conduct contains what it does, and why its not likely to change. Granted, this opinion is informed by discussions with my fellow moderators and with Alaundo, but again, its just my take on what has been mentioned.

First, let me point out that character stats have been posted on the forums often, and have been updated from time to time, even fairly recently. No less a luminary than Paul S Kemp has allowed us to post the stats of his character Erevis Cale on the boards. So character stats are not taboo, and don't need a special place in the forums to highlight them, at least to my way of thinking.

While versus threads aren't likely to be overly popular (I'll explore this a bit later), I there are a few more scribes that find statting up characters more enjoyable, and still others that at least appreciate a compressed stat block (Name/Race/Gender/Class/Level/Alignment) to give a general overview of the character in question.

The main reason that many do not enjoy statting each and every character, and again, I'll not profess to speak for the entirety of the scribes here, is that this encourages the view that all of the NPCs are there to be measured against, or to serve as adversaries, when this is not the case. Also, when a character is "officially statted" down to the last skill point, then then limitations are introduced to the authors that might use a given character. If Elminster has no skill points devoted to survival, for example, and a novel then shows him tracking someone in the wilderness, this is going to cause a "disconnect" between the game rules and the fiction of the Realms.

As far as "versus" threads go, I think that one of the main reasons that the CoC generally proscribes these is that, quite honestly, they don't serve much of a purpose. Posters that are emotionally invested in one side or the other will naturally support that side, and given that the game statistics (see above) only provide a limited reflection of a fictional character, it becomes a popularity contest, which again, really doesn't serve much of a purpose.

When a "versus" thread has to do with a protagonist verus a villain, generally most side with the protagonist, except for those that disliked the protagonist when he appeared. When the "versus" thread is between protagonists of different books or source materials, often times all that happens are hurt feelings between fans of different elements of the same setting, which tends to only engender hard feelings in the community.

Again, I've no official voice here, I'm only giving you my view of this given what I've seen both as a moderator and as a participant on various boards pertaining to such subjects.

That having been said, thank you for taking the time to post, and it is always of use to know what the various scribes that frequent the keep are interested in.

Mazrim_Taim Posted - 11 Apr 2007 : 21:49:34
I had always thought the appeal for such a thing would be low at Candlekeep. So I am not sure where this "high demand" is.

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