T O P I C R E V I E W |
Victor_ograygor |
Posted - 21 Feb 2007 : 23:54:28 In Volo's Guide to Cormyr page 119 (unique site Wormtower)
One thing that always gave me the creeps was this place. I can only say; interesting but dangerous..
My question is, can I find more information on this place and, do any of you know the history behind what happened.
Are the wizard Nendar described anywhere?
12 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
Victor_ograygor |
Posted - 26 Mar 2007 : 10:12:55 Thanks Asgetrion
I like the idear that Nandar vanished into the Planes, and would someday come back.
But I would really like some more info from Ed.
I appreciate your idears and I am goneá use them.
Asgetrion |
Posted - 25 Mar 2007 : 23:15:54 Victor, you could use any campaign hooks you want for the Wormtower. Here are some of mine, and as you can see, I have left some of the things open:
- Nandar was a Neutral Evil human wizard 16/Archmage 3. He was either slain by the dragon, or vanished into Planes (haven't decided yet - probably the latter, so he could return one day as a foe of the PCs)
- All the wards of the Wormtower were placed by the Sword Herald Yimluth (the werestag divine servant of Eldath whom was also Nandar's tutor in the Art long long ago). Yimluth still scries the place from time to time.
- The tower was a fortress-like complex, and there are still remains of the curtain wall around it.
- There is a portal within the entrance arch (in the curtain wall, beyond the wards), activated by touching certain runes in correct order with a magical blade.
- The portal leads to an extraplanar hold, which is constructed as a death-trap (for adventurers). This complex was built by Nandar's apprentices, and their souls, life and art (=experience ;) were used to make some of the magical features permanent. They still haunt the place.
- There are some low-level magical items within the complex. In the last chamber the PCs may find Taragarth (or a blade with similar powers).
- Cult of the Dragon has tried to revive the dragon skeleton from time to time. They have spies within the village, and have actually sent "strike forces" through the portal (none have returned yet).
- There is an incognito high-level sage (wizard/expert) who guards one of Nandar's tomes in the village (Book of Vile Darkness), and tries to guard over the hoard. He will help the PCs against the Dragon Cult, if things get desperate. |
Victor_ograygor |
Posted - 20 Mar 2007 : 20:08:19 Thanks Wooly Rupert and Kuje
I will be patient then......
Wooly Rupert |
Posted - 20 Mar 2007 : 19:58:36 quote: Originally posted by Kuje
There's no set time, Ed answers when he answers. Some of us have been waiting days/weeks/months/years for an answer. :)
Yup. One time he answered a question of mine, and I'd forgotten I'd asked it! It had been several months.
To quote the lovely Lady Hooded One, from 22 February 2006:
quote: Originally posted by The Hooded One
Oh, Ed knows that, all right. His problem is threefold: 1. Total lack of time. Ed is actively writing or editing SIX projects (plus yours) right now, with another eleven sitting on his desk staring mutely at him, waiting. This means he just CAN’T go off into the basement (or the library of diskettes and Zip disks in his study, either), looking up older Realmslore. It also means he often has to drop everything to deal with emergencies (and the recent WotC layoffs have spawned a lot of those). Ed loves to answer your questions, but he’s as busy as the head of any major company or country - - without having any staff to support him. That means some of the larger-scope questions, or the really, really obscure points, just have to wait. 2. The minefield of constantly-shifting NDAs, and unfolding WotC and Paizo projects and articles Ed is aware of, but can’t publicly talk about. And doesn’t want to screw up. Many scribes ask about matters that a lot of Realms fans have wanted “cleared up” long ago. Other scribes ask about interesting things unfolding in recent books (e.g. the Shadovar). Still others ask about basics (agricultural practices, land-law). All of these things SHOULD be answered, and Ed wants to, but often other folks are already at work on answers, or MIGHT answer them as their novel or game sourcebook tromps through relevant real estate, or uses relevant NPCs. So Ed is duty-bound (and legally bound) to keep quiet. Sometimes even admitting that he’s keeping quiet will tip off Realms fans about something in the future that shouldn’t be revealed yet. So he waits…and waits… 3. Rules queries that shouldn’t be directed to Ed in the first place. You know, the “let’s use Ed’s opinion as a weapon in my ongoing argument about X” requests. 4. Questions about the gods, ditto. Yes, Ed created the great majority of deities specific to the FR setting. Yes, he detailed them, and provided spells for them. No, he’s never had the chance to put into print their prayers and rituals properly, or what daily life is like both for a humble priest and for an ambitious upperpriest in the upper echelons of church hierarchy. Yes, he wants to. No, he can’t move on this without WotC cooperation. And everyone, from other fiction writers to WotC designers to every FR fan, has their own, different - - often fiercely different - - ideas of what’s “right” and “true” about the gods. To Ed, most of this (arguing about the Dawn Cataclysm, for example, or Eilistraee) is just like arguing about the weather: fun (when it doesn’t turn nasty), but ultimately useless to the roleplaying experience (mortals can never know the truth, so the truth doesn’t matter: what matters is what priests and fiathful worshippers IN THE REALMS think). And so on. Yes, these are basics I’m reiterating, but it’s time to repeat them for all. Ed has a huge electronic file of ALL the queries not yet fully answered that have been posed in this thread. Not one gets forgotten, and Ed tries to answer one a day no matter how busy he is. So he’ll get to them, unless the gods take him from us first. Promise. (No matter how lovingly I have to persuade him. And you know how lovingly THAT can be.) love to all, THO
Kuje |
Posted - 20 Mar 2007 : 19:28:24 There's no set time, Ed answers when he answers. Some of us have been waiting days/weeks/months/years for an answer. :) |
Victor_ograygor |
Posted - 20 Mar 2007 : 19:23:04 22 Feb 2007 I asked ed about the Wormtower, but I haven’t heard anything yet
How long dose it usually take to get a answer.
I am sorry if this seems rude to ask, but I am just exited.
Victor_ograygor |
Posted - 26 Feb 2007 : 22:36:13 I have a strong feeling that there is more to this place than just an entrance to one of their extra planar holds . |
Asgetrion |
Posted - 26 Feb 2007 : 17:22:13 quote: Originally posted by Victor_ograygor
Yes I did notice that.
I were planning to make a tunnel ore fly high over the ruins with some rope and a hook (fishing some treasure up )
I asked ed about the history and about the mage Nandar?
I actually changed the history of the tower (and the village) a bit, and made Nandar one of the Sword Heralds... also, in my campaign the tower has the entrance to one of their extraplanar holds. |
Victor_ograygor |
Posted - 26 Feb 2007 : 12:51:24 Yes I did notice that.
I were planning to make a tunnel ore fly high over the ruins with some rope and a hook (fishing some treasure up )
I asked ed about the history and about the mage Nandar?
Asgetrion |
Posted - 26 Feb 2007 : 12:40:50 Did you notice that anyone could pluck the hoard with simple Telekinesis? I don't think that any of the wards mentioned around the tower prevents this... so, I decided to add a permannent Anti-Magic Field inside the tower (to prevent Teleporting and Telekinesis) |
Victor_ograygor |
Posted - 22 Feb 2007 : 00:29:19 Thanks Sage
Then I will ask ED about this interesting place
The Sage |
Posted - 22 Feb 2007 : 00:21:12 Unless I'm forgetting a particular source at the moment, as I recall, VGtC is largely it... for sources on both. There were a few tidbits about the Wormtower in the "Cormyr" books, also.
You might also want to ask Ed. He may have more to share -- NDA pending, of course.