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 An Alphabet for Imaskar

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Daviot Posted - 02 Jan 2007 : 04:56:35
I've already e-mailed Alaundo about this, and so I hereby request the help of the scribes and other forum-goers:

After noting the alphabets for Thorass, Espruar, and Dethek in the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting, I wondered about the dead languages. What about Roushoum?
Well, after getting a copy of the Unapproachable East and finding Imaskar pretty nifty as well as its vassal and survivor state, Raumathar, I started looking into making an alphabet for old Imaskari.
Based on a brief line from this article (, I started to work on a writing system. Borrowing on cultural similarities, I started with the real-world alphabets of Glagolitic (Pre-Cyrillic...Cyrillic), Avestan (old Zoroastrian) and traditional (non-Cyrillic) Mongolian. Like Mongolian, I picture the Imaskar script running vertically, but left to right. With this, I constructed a set of sweeping characters, with the goal of having them unusual, but still clearly human.

I currently have just a scan of my final design page posted on my DeviantArt account:

Herein is where I'd like to ask for help or collaboration. I haven't been able to find any font-creation programs that support vertical fonts, and my vector art skills are approximately half of zilch. If anyone out there would like to create or help create a .gif, a vectored high-res version, or even a computer font, just contact me any way you wish.

And even if you just find it an interesting curiosity, I'm rather happy to have filled one little patch in the quilt that is the Realms.
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Gray Richardson Posted - 02 Jan 2007 : 19:42:06
There is an alphabet in the Horde box set that I believe is supposed to be the Imaskari alphabet. It is used by the Tuigans, even though the FRCS says Tuigan is written with Thorass. Actually, come to think of it, the Tuigans might have adopted the Thorass alphabet after their defeat by Azoun. I know they were very impressed by Cormyr, even naming their new capital city after Cormyr, according to a recent article in Dragon magazine.

I think the alphabet in the Horde box set called Tuigan is the alphabet the Imaskari used. It in fact does look something like Mongolian and it appears you could write it vertically, although I don't recall seeing samples of Imaskari or Tuigan writing.

The Horde box set is available from the WotC free downloads page at this link here if you are interested in checking it out: The Horde Box Set

The alphabet is found around page 151 of the PDF.
Sian Posted - 02 Jan 2007 : 05:24:50
other than i think it is a bad habit (though sometimes legit due to the specitic alphabet) to make a letter/rune for each and every phoenic letter we have in our world, then it looks really good

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