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 Dragon magazine on Disk...

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LucianBarasu Posted - 14 Dec 2006 : 22:07:56

I got the old CD roms of Dragon magazine #1-250.

I was wondering if anyone knows if any of the other ones have come out? have they done one since the move to 3.0 or 3.5?

It's be cool to have them all on disc, this coming from the packrat himself who still has his mags...

It's easier to carry them on disk than a ton of paper magazines.
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Wooly Rupert Posted - 15 Dec 2006 : 19:06:36
I think the price was too high for the time. Computers had yet to become as popular as they are now, and, IIRC, the software cost $50. This was at a time when boxed sets and new hardcovers were $20. So the software would have only been good for a limited number of gamers, and it had to compete against other gaming material. Hell, when I got both programs, I was still a couple of years away from owning my first computer -- I installed them on my roommate's computer. I've since installed those programs on multiple builds of multiple computers I've owned.
LucianBarasu Posted - 15 Dec 2006 : 18:02:43
thanks, I can't see why the discs wouldn't sell, it is such a great trove of useful information and refrence.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 15 Dec 2006 : 11:11:31
I got it for half-price from TSR's Mail Order Hobby Shop, when they were basically dumping them. Ditto for the Interactive Atlas.
silverwizard Posted - 15 Dec 2006 : 09:57:02
I've found it about a year ago in a FLGS here in Athens. Possibly the last ever to hit a greek store. And people used to tell me it wasn't very popular here! This archive is a little treasure chest, in every sense of the word!
scererar Posted - 15 Dec 2006 : 07:03:24
Yes, another item I should have purchased while it was on the shelves, years ago...
The Sage Posted - 14 Dec 2006 : 23:38:06
As I recall, this was discussed recently on the boards.

For more information, you may want to search for that discussion in their forum archives.
Kuje Posted - 14 Dec 2006 : 22:11:24
There is no such item and I doubt we'll see such an item ever again due to many reasons. Mostly because of the amount of work that will be needed to get everyone's permission to put them on CD.

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