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 Codex Quevarr

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Tigger Posted - 21 Nov 2006 : 20:02:06
The Scrolls of Windsong (or Codex Quevarr) is briefly described in the Cormanthyr, Empire of the Elves. Has there ever been more information about it. Also when (if) Windsong Tower actually left Myth Drannor did the Quess Ar Teranthvar go with it (as it seems to imply in earlier sources) or is it still in the ruins of the city (or non-ruins given current events) as described in Lost Empires.

10   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Rinonalyrna Fathomlin Posted - 02 Jan 2007 : 23:12:02
Originally posted by The Sage

RF, I'm assuming you've read "Tears so White" in the Realms of Elves anthology?


To be honest, I've forgotten where she went at the end of the story.
The Sage Posted - 02 Jan 2007 : 01:41:00
RF, I'm assuming you've read "Tears so White" in the Realms of Elves anthology?
Rinonalyrna Fathomlin Posted - 02 Jan 2007 : 01:36:10
The Srinshee was never really *gone*, and at the same time we don't know for a fact if she is back in the Realms proper, either (assuming I haven't missed anything, as always).
Tigger Posted - 31 Dec 2006 : 04:33:47
Since they new ruler of Myth Drannor has the Rulers Blade, I'd guess she at least knows where the gate to the scrolls are, and of course the Srinshee is back, and we know she knows where they are.
Ergdusch Posted - 08 Dec 2006 : 09:35:09
Well I would say no, they have not found them. IIRC the Scrolls are the best kept secret of the elves. So there would be only a very slight chance that they stubled over them but I would doubt that they are actually searching for them actively. Just my opinion.

And after all there is still this guardian wizard - his name being Tyvollus Aluviirsaan, by the way.
WalkerNinja Posted - 07 Dec 2006 : 21:08:08
Who thinks that the new residents of Myth Drannor have found the Windsong Nether Scrolls in the 5 years that they've been there?

I asked Rich Baker this, and he didn't really have an opinion (as I recall).
Tigger Posted - 06 Dec 2006 : 22:48:27
Originally posted by Beirnadri Magranth

The quess'ar'teranthvar still stands and is still guarded by whats his name (a crazy epic lvl arcane spellcasting male elf). Steven hinted at plots of his involving this being in conjuction with recent events. He also said that many people have tried to access that space over the ages and while most failed a few might have succeded and have been destroyed by whats-his-name.

I figured since Malkizid has been lurking in the city since 1355, that the Nether Scrolls were still there, since he seems to always be around them.
Beirnadri Magranth Posted - 22 Nov 2006 : 15:56:48
I had posed this same question to Steven Schend who worked on Cormanthyr EoE. He told me that the tower did in fact leave myth drannor. It was blast into the sky where it remains in some kind of stasis. The dimensional networks were the real passage ways within the school. Those are not tied to the stones that signal their presence. So the area in Ssechyrnd (sp???) where Windsong Tower once stood is full of deteriorating dimensional gaps and pockets. Within one of these (although the entrance portal may be destroyed) lies the solarium. The solarium will remain in place regardless of what happens to the entry portal or Windsong tower... since it is in another dimension completely (its own pocket plane). The quess'ar'teranthvar still stands and is still guarded by whats his name (a crazy epic lvl arcane spellcasting male elf). Steven hinted at plots of his involving this being in conjuction with recent events. He also said that many people have tried to access that space over the ages and while most failed a few might have succeded and have been destroyed by whats-his-name.
The Sage Posted - 22 Nov 2006 : 00:11:02

Only the Tower itself flew away. The remainder of the rest fell to ruin during the Fall or afterward.
George Krashos Posted - 21 Nov 2006 : 22:58:58
Windsong Tower did not go anywhere. You are confusing it with the either Abarat's Tower or the tower of the Seven Wizards. The tower itself is in ruins as I understand it, but the extradimensional hidey-hole containing the Nether Scrolls may still exist.

-- George Krashos

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