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 Urdrath, dungeon under Asbravn in the Sunset Vale

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Ronan Posted - 15 Nov 2006 : 11:16:00
Does anyone know of any sources of information for this place other than Volo's Guide to the Sword Coast? Volo mentions little, other than that it was a city called Urdrath of the Horsemen. The nomadic horsemen came to Urdrath to bury their dead and worship, but nothing else is really said about it.
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Gary Dallison Posted - 30 Jan 2020 : 14:56:36
Slow you may be, but I think many consider you and George and ed to be the benchmark of quality realmslore and if there is such a thing as canon anymore, your works are it.

It's only a small hook and only really pertinent to the western heartlands so I'm more than happy to wait for the definitive answer than run off the rails with my own thoughts when I know you will build a track for it eventually.

I am gonna do lots of cormyr research though so I may be able to narrow down a date for you.
ericlboyd Posted - 30 Jan 2020 : 14:22:28
Originally posted by Gary Dallison

Good to know you two have it in hand. I'll remember not to built anything off that until Fallen Kingdoms of the Backlands is out

I wouldn't let that deter you. We're pretty darn slow.
Gary Dallison Posted - 30 Jan 2020 : 11:24:41
Good to know you two have it in hand. I'll remember not to built anything off that until Fallen Kingdoms of the Backlands is out
ericlboyd Posted - 30 Jan 2020 : 10:29:10
George and I were talking about this recently. George made the argument that the Vund lived in the 400s DR, after the collapse of Ebenfar and after the war between Cormyr and Valashar.

I have this on my mental list to explore, either in Fallen Kingdoms of the Backlands (name is WIP!) or Fallen Kingdoms of the Chionthar Valley. :-) (Both of those are years away, so don't get your hopes up. :-) )


Originally posted by Gary Dallison

Thread necro.

I came across a mention in Volo's Guide to All Things Magical under the section about Vundwood, which mentions a tribe of nomadic bandits called the Vund that lived in the Western Heartlands and Greenfields area, which were eradicated by the forces of Cormyr and Sembia long ago.

I wonder if these nomads are connected to the horsemen of Urdrath (they could have lived in the Greenfields and come to Urdrath to bury their dead).

I've sent a twitter question to Ed to see if the two are connected. The big question is when did this campaign against the Vund occur. My initial thoughts are that it occurred around the time of the war between Cormyr and Valashar (perhaps just before or just after as Cormyr expanded). That would then intimate that Cormyr and Sembia were attempting to open up a trade route to the Sword Coast perhaps cooperatively, before finding trouble with Valashar (again i've asked Ed).

Gary Dallison Posted - 30 Jan 2020 : 09:25:30
Thread necro.

I came across a mention in Volo's Guide to All Things Magical under the section about Vundwood, which mentions a tribe of nomadic bandits called the Vund that lived in the Western Heartlands and Greenfields area, which were eradicated by the forces of Cormyr and Sembia long ago.

I wonder if these nomads are connected to the horsemen of Urdrath (they could have lived in the Greenfields and come to Urdrath to bury their dead).

I've sent a twitter question to Ed to see if the two are connected. The big question is when did this campaign against the Vund occur. My initial thoughts are that it occurred around the time of the war between Cormyr and Valashar (perhaps just before or just after as Cormyr expanded). That would then intimate that Cormyr and Sembia were attempting to open up a trade route to the Sword Coast perhaps cooperatively, before finding trouble with Valashar (again i've asked Ed).
The Sage Posted - 15 Nov 2006 : 13:28:43
There's also a reference in the Ruins of Zhentil Keep boxed set, though it doesn't reveal that much more than VGttSC.

Aside from that, Krash is on the mark... Ed may be able to share a little more.
George Krashos Posted - 15 Nov 2006 : 12:10:26
No other in-print information. You might want to ask Ed Greenwood on his thread.

-- George Krashos

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