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 The most dangerous assassin in forgotten realms

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Victor_ograygor Posted - 02 Nov 2006 : 11:06:30
How are the most dangerous / coolest assassin in Forgotten realms.

Let me here ure opinion

Assassins (guils / bands)i know of.

The Assassins of Zakhara (Assassin Mountain)
The Night Masks, a band of thieves, assassins - The Faceless
Fire Knives
Cult of Set
Shade Council
Harper Assassin
30   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Rinonalyrna Fathomlin Posted - 20 Nov 2007 : 15:50:54
Entreri is the most well-known assassin among FR fans, outside the setting. But within the setting, that doesn't mean very much.
Firestorm Posted - 20 Nov 2007 : 14:51:49
Again, Shurruppak would take Entreri and Drizzt at the same time
nbnmare Posted - 20 Nov 2007 : 12:50:29
Artemis Entreri may or may not be the most dangerous assassin in the Realms, but I can think of several characters who are more dangerous *rogues* than him. Erevis Cale for one would kick Entreri's arse .
Akeri Rualuavain Posted - 20 Nov 2007 : 02:50:39
Me too I think I would Say Entreri. Not because he would be the best... I'm really not shure of that, I know a few other character that would beat him rather... easily. But, in my opinion, he is the coolest and the more complex assasin. We are actualy able to undestand and even sympathise for him.
Pharaun Mizzrym Posted - 20 Nov 2007 : 02:46:01
Artemis Entreri, Predictable Answer but a logical one, Its not just his Skill or Level or equipment. He is a very Intellingent fighter and is able to improvise in almost any situation
BARDOBARBAROS Posted - 08 Nov 2007 : 21:14:54
There are too many...I think...Faerun is a Dangerous world...!.....
Firestorm Posted - 06 Nov 2007 : 19:33:44
Shurruppak the reaper of unther, former chosen of gilream defines assassin.
His powers are sick. He could probably take out Entreri and Drizzt at the same time back with his 2e stats. 3e he was toned down a bit, but is still one of the best epic level NPC's. Detailed in the Epic level handbook.
Cut and Paste an old post of mine.
Shurrupak "The Reaper of Unther"

He was Gilgeams Chosen, his powers in 2e were permanent gifts, I know he had a Magic Resistance of 50%, and could produce about five Mirror Images of himself at a time, most of his natural ability scores were in the low twenties, these natural abilities themselves made him a walking semi-god king in the south...

Shurrupak was an insane monster before his diety got knocked off after the ToT, in one instance he was sent to a major city in Unther to put down a riot from the starving population, he succeded by dragging people out of their homes and executing them in the street until everybody shut up about the mass starvation of the city...

Shurrupak was a 20th level fighter / 7th level southern mage in the 2e days southern mage/priest = had access to the secret-script awesome southern "mulhorandi" spells, every PC wizard or priest in the 2e days would have betrayed their party to get to use some of these spells, me favorites are the Javelin, Devastate, Death Bolt, Magic Resistance, and all the Curse/Bane spells...

Shurrupak may also have access to some of the unique southern magical items like the Ring of Thunder, Chariot of Ra, Font of Time, Staff of Fury, Witchweed, and Jewel of Kxxxxxxx forgot it's name "it makes an exact duplicate of yourself magic items and all, including any artifacts carried for 48 hours, now that is an awesome item...

Shurrupak is one of the greatest fighters of the realm
Wooly Rupert Posted - 06 Nov 2007 : 19:28:48
Originally posted by HawkinstheDM

Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by HawkinstheDM

I think that my vote has to go to Malak, Seraph of Lies, and Chosen of Cyric. He is willing to do anything, and I mean anything, if he thinks it is in the best interest of his god, even if his god disagrees with him. And he is running around with the heart of his god in his chest. Then again, he might not have gotten away from Ruha at the end of the RotAW. But I am betting that he did. I would so read another book with him as a key character.

Determination and willingness counts for a lot, but it doesn't replace skill. Malik can do a good amount, but I'm doubting he'd be all that capable an assassin.

Have you read Crucible: The Trial of Cyric the Mad? He managed, through sheer dumb luck, to kill the one person that every Cyricist in the whole of Faerun was trying to kill. It is that dumb luck, and the favor of the god of murderers, that makes him so deadly. Anyways, that is just my opinion, no need for anyone to agree with it.

I rather enjoy that book. But I don't see that a bit of dumb luck counts as skill. Malik may have committed murder, but he's not really an assassin.
Hawkins Posted - 06 Nov 2007 : 18:30:48
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by HawkinstheDM

I think that my vote has to go to Malak, Seraph of Lies, and Chosen of Cyric. He is willing to do anything, and I mean anything, if he thinks it is in the best interest of his god, even if his god disagrees with him. And he is running around with the heart of his god in his chest. Then again, he might not have gotten away from Ruha at the end of the RotAW. But I am betting that he did. I would so read another book with him as a key character.

Determination and willingness counts for a lot, but it doesn't replace skill. Malik can do a good amount, but I'm doubting he'd be all that capable an assassin.

Have you read Crucible: The Trial of Cyric the Mad? He managed, through sheer dumb luck, to kill the one person that every Cyricist in the whole of Faerun was trying to kill. It is that dumb luck, and the favor of the god of murderers, that makes him so deadly. Anyways, that is just my opinion, no need for anyone to agree with it.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 06 Nov 2007 : 18:08:19
Originally posted by HawkinstheDM

I think that my vote has to go to Malak, Seraph of Lies, and Chosen of Cyric. He is willing to do anything, and I mean anything, if he thinks it is in the best interest of his god, even if his god disagrees with him. And he is running around with the heart of his god in his chest. Then again, he might not have gotten away from Ruha at the end of the RotAW. But I am betting that he did. I would so read another book with him as a key character.

Determination and willingness counts for a lot, but it doesn't replace skill. Malik can do a good amount, but I'm doubting he'd be all that capable an assassin.
Brynweir Posted - 06 Nov 2007 : 17:21:04
I think that the best assassin could be known as a great assassin as long as no one knew his real identity. You know, he could have a standard MO or even a calling card to identify who did the work, but no one would know who he was. His alter ego would be someone that no one wold ever suspect of being an assassin.

Think The Scarlet Pimpernel (great movie if you've never seen it)who was not an assassin but you get the point.
Hawkins Posted - 06 Nov 2007 : 17:10:17
I think that my vote has to go to Malak, Seraph of Lies, and Chosen of Cyric. He is willing to do anything, and I mean anything, if he thinks it is in the best interest of his god, even if his god disagrees with him. And he is running around with the heart of his god in his chest. Then again, he might not have gotten away from Ruha at the end of the RotAW. But I am betting that he did. I would so read another book with him as a key character.
Hawkins Posted - 06 Nov 2007 : 17:04:24
Originally posted by dalor_darden

The most dangerous Assassin in Faerun: do they have to have the assassin prestige class?

I would vote no on that. They should just have to kill people for a living; whether that be money or politics or something else that benefits them. The assassin PrC helps them in this, but is not necessary.
Dalor Darden Posted - 06 Nov 2007 : 16:32:41
The most dangerous Assassin in Faerun: do they have to have the assassin prestige class?
Amraz one arm Posted - 06 Nov 2007 : 15:28:54
Well I think the top assassin in the realms would have to be, a highly succesfull cleric/assassin of Cyric. And probably a loner-type. Who's only motivation is murder and getting away with it.
What good would it do, to be famous when all it wants to do is murder and murder some more. A Jack the Ripper with no trade-marks.
Dalor Darden Posted - 06 Nov 2007 : 01:25:53
Originally posted by AlorinDawn

Originally posted by Ranin

I admire Entreri due to the fact that he uses NO magic.

The blade Entrari uses is VERY magic, so was ther cloak of the bat he used.

Perhaps they meant he doesn't cast spells.
AlorinDawn Posted - 05 Nov 2007 : 23:54:44
Originally posted by Ranin

I admire Entreri due to the fact that he uses NO magic.

The blade Entrari uses is VERY magic, so was ther cloak of the bat he used.
Rinonalyrna Fathomlin Posted - 05 Nov 2007 : 18:23:15
I would agree with anyone who thinks the most dangerous assassin is someone no one's ever heard of. A smart assassin doesn't call attention to himself (or herself).
Hawkins Posted - 05 Nov 2007 : 16:48:16
Originally posted by Victor_ograygor

Jaezred Chaulssin.??? Where can i find info on this Drakul?

The Dragons of Faerun, Part 3: City of Wyrmshadows Web Enhancement covers them pretty well.
Aravine Posted - 05 Nov 2007 : 15:51:49
any rougue who kills a dragon.
Asgetrion Posted - 07 Feb 2007 : 00:57:27
Originally posted by Grandmaster Kane

in the Fr campaign setting it says that the grandfater of assasins is Lord Tagreth and is only ftr3/rog7/asn7 but i have trouble seeing knellict (17 wiz/ 2 asn) follwing that guy

I agree with what Knight said - level isn't everything. But if you do look at their character levels, Lord Tagreth *HAS* more assassin levels than Knellict (whom evidently relies on magic to kill his victims).

Lord Tagreth used to be a member of a very old, powerful and respected noble house, with connections (probably) all around Faerûn. It is also likely that he possesses a high Diplomacy score, Charisma and Leadership-feat - not to mention that he may have also used propaganda to bolster his reputation as a deadly schemer and assassin even beyond his not-so-modest abilities in these fields.
KnightErrantJR Posted - 05 Feb 2007 : 05:09:06
Well, two things here . . . level isn't everything. If he is skilled and knows "the trade" and has the loyalty of a large number of the important members, and is well connected and thus more effective as a leader, it doesn't really matter what level the character is.

However, if you shift this around and look at the levels, Knellect is only two levels "higher" than Tagreth, which isn't a whole hell of a lot and in the "real world" of the FR setting, it would be hard for a person that can't see what stats another person has, to figure out much of a difference between a 17th level character and a 19th level character.

The other thing is that some people just aren't that comfortable in some positions of authority. Knellect might be fine leading a group of assassin trained wizards, but isn't as comfortable leading a group of rogues and fighters that obviously use different methods for their trade, even if they do the same thing in the end, the methods to get to that point is different.
Grandmaster Kane Posted - 05 Feb 2007 : 05:01:11
in the Fr campaign setting it says that the grandfater of assasins is Lord Tagreth and is only ftr3/rog7/asn7 but i have trouble seeing knellict (17 wiz/ 2 asn) follwing that guy
Zanan Posted - 29 Jan 2007 : 17:59:48
Coming to think of it, Lolth is reported as posing as Zinzerena on Toril. And that she's been seen around that one oh-so famous city up there beneath the North. Imagine someone posing as a demipower of chaos, assassins and illusion using her avatar ... and try to beat this. ;)
Victor_ograygor Posted - 29 Jan 2007 : 14:02:33
I don’t know what Timshenko is Grandmaster Kane

I just want to say that i have made a post at the wotc message board about finding information about the grandfather of assassins.
Grandmaster Kane Posted - 29 Jan 2007 : 11:59:01
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by The Sage

If it's not referenced on the DragonDex, then there's every likelihood that it wasn't included in DRAGON.

Perhaps you've seen it as part of an D&D article on the WotC site? Some of their more "rules-heavy" articles tend to feature subjects on fighters and the like...

Or, it's referenced under something else. As in, a write-up of "Bob Smith", who happens to be the grandfather of assassins, rather than a write-up of "the grandfather of assassins."

Try searching for him as Timshenko (or something like that)
The Sage Posted - 29 Jan 2007 : 05:02:23

It may also have been an article from DUNGEON. They've featured themed articles like this, at times...
Wooly Rupert Posted - 29 Jan 2007 : 03:36:56
Originally posted by The Sage

If it's not referenced on the DragonDex, then there's every likelihood that it wasn't included in DRAGON.

Perhaps you've seen it as part of an D&D article on the WotC site? Some of their more "rules-heavy" articles tend to feature subjects on fighters and the like...

Or, it's referenced under something else. As in, a write-up of "Bob Smith", who happens to be the grandfather of assassins, rather than a write-up of "the grandfather of assassins."
The Sage Posted - 29 Jan 2007 : 01:48:02
If it's not referenced on the DragonDex, then there's every likelihood that it wasn't included in DRAGON.

Perhaps you've seen it as part of an D&D article on the WotC site? Some of their more "rules-heavy" articles tend to feature subjects on fighters and the like...
Victor_ograygor Posted - 29 Jan 2007 : 01:00:37
Finally.. One of my favourite sages. Yes Wooly Rupert and on the net, and in almost all of my dragon magazine’s. I really think this is strange, and i am almost a 100% that I did read about them in one of them ???????

I would really appreciate if someone could tell me what one it is in.

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