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 Twin Towers

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
sparhawk42 Posted - 23 Sep 2006 : 23:00:20
I am a bit confused about the Twin Towers of the Eternal Eclipse. In the Lands of Intrigue I read that they are
"Situated deep within the highest peaks of the Small Teeth . . ."
and a map I have places them their as well but when I check the map that comes with the FRCS there are two marks that are labeled as The Twin Towers in the Cloud Peaks. But in the FRCS section for the Small Teeth it says the towers are there. Where are the Twin Towers really? And if they are really in the Cloud Peaks why did they move them in the first place? Or is it just a misprint on the map? Thank you for any help.
14   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Returnip Posted - 27 Dec 2020 : 20:50:58
Originally posted by Demzer

Originally posted by Returnip

Originally posted by Ergdusch

Can somebody give me the exact page number for details on the twin towers (especially in PoF).

Thanks, Ergdusch

I'm interested in a page reference too. I can't seem to find anything on the Twin Towers in Power of Faerūn.

Pages 41-43, scattered throughout the text and the timeline of the Sothillisian Empire example.

Glorious. Thanks for that. I was planning on incorporating the towers as written in Lords of Darkness into a campaign I'm planning, but since I like making my campaigns dance around and between canon lore this is relevant to my interests.
Demzer Posted - 27 Dec 2020 : 17:41:30
Originally posted by Returnip

Originally posted by Ergdusch

Can somebody give me the exact page number for details on the twin towers (especially in PoF).

Thanks, Ergdusch

I'm interested in a page reference too. I can't seem to find anything on the Twin Towers in Power of Faerūn.

Pages 41-43, scattered throughout the text and the timeline of the Sothillisian Empire example.
Returnip Posted - 26 Dec 2020 : 17:55:53
Originally posted by The Sage

More from Eric -

"Actually three things happened to the Twin Towers. Two things happened to one tower (Midnight's Mask and Power of Faerun) and one thing happened to the other (to be revealed).

The explanation of the chain of events (and the 3rd event) appears in an upcoming product.

If you're gaming in 1374, assume the starting situation is as defined in Power of Faerun and ends as defined in Power of Faerun.


Originally posted by Ergdusch

Can somebody give me the exact page number for details on the twin towers (especially in PoF).

Thanks, Ergdusch

I'm interested in a page reference too. I can't seem to find anything on the Twin Towers in Power of Faerūn.
sparhawk42 Posted - 25 Sep 2006 : 01:26:11
To Beirnadri Magranth:
I did try a search about the twin towers here at candlekeep but I didn't find a thread that answered my question. If you know where that thread is and can point it out for me that would be great.
Ergdusch Posted - 24 Sep 2006 : 13:03:55
Can somebody give me the exact page number for details on the twin towers (especially in PoF).

Thanks, Ergdusch
Beirnadri Magranth Posted - 24 Sep 2006 : 07:43:44
i think this was all discussed in a thread a year or half a year ago im not sure
sparhawk42 Posted - 24 Sep 2006 : 02:10:37
Thank you to everyone for the help in clearing this up for me.
The Sage Posted - 24 Sep 2006 : 01:44:37
Originally posted by Dargoth

Originally posted by Kuje

The should be in the Small Teeth. However, one of them is no longer there. Read Paul Kemp's Erevis Cale trilogy. :)

Didnt they replace the missing one in Dragons of Faerun?


As I recall, it was largely part of the continuity problem due to the concurrent development of PoF and Paul's Midnight's Mask novel. Eric said that both George and Paul helped to determine an explanation that he could manage to work into DoF. Eric's details in DoF reconcile the apparent contradiction that exists between Power of Faerun and Paul's novel.

More from Eric -

"Actually three things happened to the Twin Towers. Two things happened to one tower (Midnight's Mask and Power of Faerun) and one thing happened to the other (to be revealed).

The explanation of the chain of events (and the 3rd event) appears in an upcoming product.

If you're gaming in 1374, assume the starting situation is as defined in Power of Faerun and ends as defined in Power of Faerun.

Kuje Posted - 24 Sep 2006 : 01:43:25
Originally posted by Dargoth

Originally posted by Kuje

The should be in the Small Teeth. However, one of them is no longer there. Read Paul Kemp's Erevis Cale trilogy. :)

Didnt they replace the missing one in Dragons of Faerun?

Not sure. :) I didn't read my copy yet from cover to cover.

Yes, I'm behind on my sourcebook lore. GASP!
Dargoth Posted - 24 Sep 2006 : 01:23:02
Originally posted by Kuje

The should be in the Small Teeth. However, one of them is no longer there. Read Paul Kemp's Erevis Cale trilogy. :)

Didnt they replace the missing one in Dragons of Faerun?
The Sage Posted - 24 Sep 2006 : 01:13:54
Originally posted by sparhawk42

Thank you Kuje for the answer and the info about one of them being gone, unfortunately I am way behind in my novel reading and am currently trying to catch up and haven't read Paul Kemp's Erevis Cale trilogy yet. Do you or anyone else know why the map had the Twin Towers in the Cloud Peaks? Is there a different pair of towers in the Cloud Peaks?

The Twin Towers of the Eternal Eclipse are located within the peaks of Small Teeth -- as stated in Lands of Intrigue.

The Twin Towers in the Cloud Peaks are not the same location. There are no Twin Towers in the Cloud Peaks; the FRCS is in error. This has now largely been confirmed in both Power of Faerūn and Dragons of Faerūn which provides some focus on the Towers.
Kuje Posted - 24 Sep 2006 : 00:58:02
Don't recall, sorry. :)
sparhawk42 Posted - 23 Sep 2006 : 23:43:00
Thank you Kuje for the answer and the info about one of them being gone, unfortunately I am way behind in my novel reading and am currently trying to catch up and haven't read Paul Kemp's Erevis Cale trilogy yet. Do you or anyone else know why the map had the Twin Towers in the Cloud Peaks? Is there a different pair of towers in the Cloud Peaks?
Kuje Posted - 23 Sep 2006 : 23:35:26
The should be in the Small Teeth. However, one of them is no longer there. Read Paul Kemp's Erevis Cale trilogy. :)

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