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 High elf noble families

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Mask Posted - 21 Sep 2006 : 19:04:38
Greetings fellow scribes (although I doubt I should call myself a scribe),

I have a question. In an upcoming campaign I'm going to play an high elf of possibly noble descent. I have read Elves of Evermeet with much joy, but I do not own a copy myself and it's been a while since I've read it. I was wondering, because of your infinite wisdom and knowledge, if you could tell me some of the noble family names.

I know about the Nimesin and Durothil family, but I don't really want to play an elf from those families. I would like to be from a family that's not very haughty/arrogant towards other elven subraces (although I don't mind about the other races).

So if you could suggest a particular family, that would be even better, but the names of certain families are sufficient in my eyes.

Thank you very much for your time.
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
GothicDan Posted - 17 Dec 2015 : 14:19:23
Ha, thanks for the warm welcome!

And.. That was so long ago, I didn't even remember. I've had a pretty tumultuous few years.
Elven Avenger Posted - 17 Dec 2015 : 11:52:27
Wow! GothicDan! Time to speak about elves and lawful tendencies towards them again! Long time no see, welcome back, if I may say so! Haha!

A time ago you started an article about the Crown Wars, have you finished it?
GothicDan Posted - 17 Dec 2015 : 07:01:30
Wow, first time I've logged in in.. Forever. Ahem.

The NPCs you pointed out, I believe, prove my point pretty well. The Cormanthyr product was printed for 2E, when demihuman alignment tendencies were more strongly cleaved to in published NPCs. Considering "most Elves" were CG then, the fact that there's THREE Lawful ones and one Neutral one vs. two Chaotics means the Durothils very strongly favor Lawfulness for Elves.
TBeholder Posted - 24 Aug 2015 : 13:01:54
Originally posted by GothicDan

Also, note that the Durothils have historically always been described as the paragon of Lawful and Good Elven virtue and honor. I never saw them as really haughty myself. :)

Durothils are known as the oldest surviving Gold elf clan and one of the most widespread, too (they had enough of good sense to remove themselves from Aryvandaar when the fan began to take direct hits)...
But where this Lawful and Good comes from?
Prominent Members:
  Patriarch/Lord Speaker: Laosx Durothil (N gold em R7)
  Clan Heir: Vhoorhin Durothil (CG gold em W1/F1)
  Clan Elder: Uschymna Durothil (LG moon elf W22; High Mage);
  Clan Archmage: Kuornos Durothil 'The Starseer' (LN gold em W21)
  baelnorn: Lady Synnorha Durothil (LG gold elf baelnorn W20)
Lady Ahskahala Durothil (CG gold ef F16)

- C:EoE.
There is some trend toward L and G, but that's it. Not exactly a House of paladins or something, nor is it unique for them.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 24 Oct 2006 : 17:50:14
You can check the resources we've already linked to, or check out Elves of Evermeet.
Marc Posted - 24 Oct 2006 : 17:42:30
Of course that I'll suggest Mistrivvin clan (all about them is in mentioned downloadable sources, though I have a lot of homebrew history)
Alediran Posted - 24 Oct 2006 : 17:01:24
There are many Durothils residents of Myth Drannor who did that.
Dungeon Moron Posted - 24 Oct 2006 : 16:24:37
Another question related to this topic:

I wish to find a rather conservative and ancient Gold Elf family who migrated to Evermeet after the Fall of Myth Drannor and resides there still.
That is all that the profile consists off.

My thanks
GothicDan Posted - 23 Sep 2006 : 00:02:38
Also, note that the Durothils have historically always been described as the paragon of Lawful and Good Elven virtue and honor. I never saw them as really haughty myself. :)

Nimesin, on the other hand.. Eh..
Mask Posted - 22 Sep 2006 : 16:26:01
Awesome! Thanks alot people. I knew you wouldn't let me down.
Beirnadri Magranth Posted - 22 Sep 2006 : 03:33:25
i'll second that cormanthyr book as a source for you. it specifically details dozens of noble families including agendas archmages elders etc.
The Sage Posted - 22 Sep 2006 : 01:25:11
Ed's Elminster in Myth Drannor contains some various tidbits on the elven noble families as well.
Kuje Posted - 21 Sep 2006 : 21:21:04
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by Kuje

Looks through the Cormanthyr sourcebook. It's free on WOTC web page. Cues Wooly. Linkage. :)

*grins* Believe it or not, Linkage is the name of the work version of the HTML page that has all my links and everything... The home version is Linkies.

Anyway... Here's the link to the Wizards downloads page.

Knifty. :)
Wooly Rupert Posted - 21 Sep 2006 : 20:52:04
Originally posted by Kuje

Looks through the Cormanthyr sourcebook. It's free on WOTC web page. Cues Wooly. Linkage. :)

*grins* Believe it or not, Linkage is the name of the work version of the HTML page that has all my links and everything... The home version is Linkies.

Anyway... Here's the link to the Wizards downloads page.
Kuje Posted - 21 Sep 2006 : 19:53:37
Look through the Cormanthyr sourcebook. It's free on WOTC web page. Cues Wooly. Linkage. :)

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