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 Info on Kymil Nimesin

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Lady_Silverwing Posted - 01 Apr 2003 : 18:04:20
Can anyone give me information on Kymil Nimesin's

Hair color?
Eye color?

I also need to know if he's still alive in novels. Thank you, my fellow scribes!
17   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Lady_Silverwing Posted - 16 Apr 2003 : 12:52:53
Bookwyrm, the keep and the character are for separate things. I prefer to keep myself busy. Currently, I am working on a fan-fic while making the keep for my old friend the DM and a separate campaign outline for that group of school kids. =0) Like I said, busy.
Bookwyrm Posted - 16 Apr 2003 : 04:24:31
This must be an interesting campaign you're making . . . .
Lady_Silverwing Posted - 15 Apr 2003 : 23:52:39
Well, I'm not looking for racists. =0) It's just about him...
*chuckles evily* I have good things planned. Ok, well, not for Kymil.
zemd Posted - 15 Apr 2003 : 14:24:31
If you want to go on a story with racist elfs, i suggest you read the entry in Lord of Darkness called Eldeth Velutraa
Lady_Silverwing Posted - 15 Apr 2003 : 12:42:13
OMG! Thank you thank you thank you!!!!!
lowtech Posted - 14 Apr 2003 : 20:19:13
Anti-Moonflower and Gold Elf Supremacy terrorist actions are a Nimesin family tradition; the entire family might not be in the loop, but it makes sense that the patriarch is evil (he would know most of what is going on).
Bookwyrm Posted - 14 Apr 2003 : 18:50:02
The patriarch is lawful evil? How does that follow?

I'm not one of those people who think that anyone of a "good" race (such as the gold elf) could not be evil, of course. They are, after all, human -- in the sense of a being that is capable of changing their minds and outlook on life. However, I don't know how the head of what is supposed to be a good/neutral-aligned (non-evil) clan could be evil himself. It just doesn't seem right.
Elrond Half Elven Posted - 14 Apr 2003 : 18:04:10
Hello Sorry slightly late but here it is i followed Georges diretions and came up with this:
Nimesin Clan
Type: AríTelíQuessir (Gold)
Prominent Members:
Patriarch/Lord Speaker: Dyffros Nimesin (LE gold em F11)
Clan Heir: Rychell Nimesin (LN gold em F3; adopted son (and fifth child) of Dyffros; eldest child of Llamryl, 2nd wife of the House)
Clan Elder: Goronyyv Nimesin (LN gold em F16; uncle of Dyffros)
Clan Archmage: Eyrynnhv Nimesin (LN gold em W23; brother of Goronyyv and uncle of Dyffros)
Seal/Arms & House Colors: An armored elven hand surrounded by golden flames crushing and breaking a proper long sword in its grasp against a black field; despite the age and prosperity of this House, it stands among the few that have never restricted their servants or family members to particular colors for recognition.

Sorry all that i could find
George Krashos Posted - 11 Apr 2003 : 09:59:43
The only information on the Nimesin clan is to be found in the "Cormanthyr" accessory, p.116. Note that the information there relates to the family c. 650 DR.

-- George Krashos
zemd Posted - 03 Apr 2003 : 18:35:34
I didn't find anything more, sorry
Lady_Silverwing Posted - 03 Apr 2003 : 14:36:09
ah, Thank you zemd, but I still have burning questions about his lineage- do we know anything of members of his family?
zemd Posted - 01 Apr 2003 : 23:42:08
Originally posted by Bookwyrm

Ah, good job Zemd.

I try to do my best (hopefully i have an electronic copy of all my books so it's quite easy to copy and paste, the hardest is to find the info)
Bookwyrm Posted - 01 Apr 2003 : 23:27:01
Ah, good job Zemd. They sure gave him detail, didn't they?
Bookwyrm Posted - 01 Apr 2003 : 23:22:01

Her name's Arilyn Moonblade. She's actually from the Moonflower family, the ruling clan of Evermeet, but is not actually recognized as such.

And that's Evermeet: Island of Elves. Learn the title of that book, or face the wrath of . . . [Bookwyrm pages through his spellbook] Tasha's Hideous Laughter!
zemd Posted - 01 Apr 2003 : 23:19:37
I looked in Villain's Lorebook and i didn't find it. So i chacked again

Kymil Nimesin
Elf male 12th-level fighter
MOVE: 12
THAC0: 9
MAGIC RESISTANCE: 90% to sleep and charm
ALIGNMENT: Neutral evil
STR 14, DEX 17, CON 15, INT 13, WIS 12, CHA 17
Personality: Kymil longs for the past. Heís old
enough to remember the glory that was Myth Drannor,
and he hates the ill fortune that has befallen the
elf race since then. He blames the humans for this
decline and hopes to restore the elves to their former
positions of stewardship over all the Realms, with
him leading the elves in this, of course.
Locales Frequented: Evereska, the North, Waterdeep,
and Evermeet.
Appearance: A gold elf of noble family, Kymil has
a bronze complexion, long golden hair streaked with
copper highlights, and eyes like polished black marble.
Heís graceful, tall, slender, and a very handsome
Foes/Enemies: Arilyn Moonblade and the elves
of Evermeet.
Weapons of Proficiency: Short bow, dagger
(thrown and wielded), footmanís flail, knife, morning
star, long sword, short sword.
Nonweapon Proficiencies: Ancient history
(Myth Drannor), bowyer/fletcher, direction sense,
modern languages (Common, elvish); 4 open.
Equipment: Kymil has access to standard gear,
much of it of high-grade elven construction.
Magical Items: None known; though magical
items of elven manufacture or even those from the
time of Myth Drannor are possible.
Combat/Tactics: Kymil is an excellent swordsman,
and he prefers the personal feel of a melee over
the detached exchange of missiles.
Allies/Companions: For a time (before his betrayal
of her), Arilyn Moonblade was a student of
Kymil. He also used the elfshadow of Arilynís moonblade
to set her up as a killer of Harpers. See the Heroesí
Lorebook for information on Arilyn and her
realizing that in many ways, the time of the elves is
passing. The past can never be regained.
Campaign Uses: Kymil survived the defeat of his
scheme. He could escape the Harpersí justice and
seek revenge on them or Arilyn, or begin another
quest to elevate the elves to lordship of all.
Sources: Elfshadow.
History: Kymil was responsible for the death of
Arilynís mother, though this was not revealed for
years. Kymil then became Arilynís mentor.
After Arilyn had become an operative of the
Harpers, members of that semisecret organization
began turning up dead wherever Arilynís missions
took her. Arilyn and another Harper, Danilo Thann,
later discovered that Kymil was using the elfshadow
of Arilynís sword to kill the Harpers. He assumed the
Harpers would punish Arilyn, letting him use the
moonblade to go to Evermeet and overthrow its
rulers. Heíd then lead the elves back to their former
glories. Arilyn defeated her former master and
turned him over to the Harpers for judgment.
Motivations/Goals: Kymil wanted to return the
elves of Faer°n to their lost position of greatness, notrealizing that in many ways, the time of the elves is
passing. The past can never be regained.
Campaign Uses: Kymil survived the defeat of his
scheme. He could escape the Harpersí justice and
seek revenge on them or Arilyn, or begin another
quest to elevate the elves to lordship of all.
Sources: Elfshadow.
AraznBlair Posted - 01 Apr 2003 : 22:17:13
He is the Elf that trained the Danilo's girlfriend the HalfElf that carries a Moonblade. I can't remember her name of the top of my head. As for Stats on him if you had the 2E Villans Handbook tome handy he is in there. I don't have it with me but maybe one of the other scribes might.

As far as I know he is still alive. He was originally tried by the Harpers and placed in a magical cell that put him on another plain of existance. I can't remember the last book he was in but I do recall that he was rescued by Lloth and another evil god. I think (I emphisize THINK) that it was in Evermeet the Novel. Again I could be wrong.
zemd Posted - 01 Apr 2003 : 20:39:50
Who is he?

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