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 Help: Ive missed place some realmslore

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Dargoth Posted - 26 May 2006 : 00:14:19

A while ago I remember reading a Dragon article which featured the following

A merchant cartel/criminal group based in one of the towns near Waterdeep (Secomber maybe??)

They used Dopplegangers and they had a way of stopping the Shapechangers from betraying them

One of the leaders of the group had a sword collection

I think the article may have been written by Ed (One of the Volo articles?) or Steve Schend

Any ideas?

By the way has anyone seen George lately? Im pretty sure I havent seen him on the boards for at least 2 weeks

Thanks in advance

7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Wooly Rupert Posted - 26 May 2006 : 04:00:17
Originally posted by The Sage

Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Heh, the time I took finding the article gave Sage enough time to beat me to posting the info!

I didn't even have to look this one up as I was just using #271 the other day to plan for my upcoming Star*Drive campaign that starts in June. I want to use some of those rules JAmes Wyatt presented inside.

And, as is always the case when I dig out old copies of DRAGON... I re-read Ed's articles in the issue as well .

Yeah, I left it out so I can reread it, too.
Dargoth Posted - 26 May 2006 : 01:42:31
Thanks all

Im currently writing up the background for the "Lost" Floshin Family Moon Blade for my next campaign and I need the name of its current "Owner"

The Sage Posted - 26 May 2006 : 01:26:47
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Heh, the time I took finding the article gave Sage enough time to beat me to posting the info!

I didn't even have to look this one up as I was just using #271 the other day to plan for my upcoming Star*Drive campaign that starts in June. I want to use some of those rules JAmes Wyatt presented inside.

And, as is always the case when I dig out old copies of DRAGON... I re-read Ed's articles in the issue as well .
Wooly Rupert Posted - 26 May 2006 : 01:10:15
Heh, the time I took finding the article gave Sage enough time to beat me to posting the info!
Wooly Rupert Posted - 26 May 2006 : 01:09:22
Originally posted by Swordsage

The Golden Goblet in one of Ed Greenwood's "The Adventures of Volo" articles is the organisation you are looking for I think.

The Swordsage

'Tis actually "The Great Goblet." But you were close enough that a quick search of The DragonDex helped me find the article.

It's in Dragon 271.
The Sage Posted - 26 May 2006 : 01:08:31
It was "The Great Goblet" actually -- DRAGON #271

-- As for the whereabouts of George... he's been popping in here and there -- just last week in fact.
Swordsage Posted - 26 May 2006 : 00:57:23
The Golden Goblet in one of Ed Greenwood's "The Adventures of Volo" articles is the organisation you are looking for I think.

The Swordsage

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