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 Please help me price this magic item!

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
thom Posted - 27 Mar 2006 : 18:17:44

OK folks, I'm try to help my Cleric PC out and I'm thinking of giving him the folowing magic item:

Incense of Enhancement (feel free to suggest a better name!)

Burning this block of incense during your one hour of spell preparation time enhances your casting abilities. Your caster level for all prepared spells you cast during the next 8 hours is increased by 2 (or 4 or 6).

Now, how much should I value this at? Any help would be appreciated!
9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
thom Posted - 28 Mar 2006 : 15:48:55
That's a good point Sarta; the only way I can see to limit it is to remind them that only 1 block of incense can be created in a day.

Taking the 1/50th rule I figure:

Incense of Maximizing: affecting 3 spells of 1st-3rd level costs 300gp; 3 spells of 1st-6th level costs 1,100gp; and 3 spells of any level costs 2,500gp; that seems fairly reasonable to me. How can you add to this cost without making PCs grumpy

Thanks everyone for the help! It'll be fun to see how my cleric of Lathander responds to these!
Sarta Posted - 28 Mar 2006 : 02:27:23
I'd make certain that it is still fairly pricy or at least have a good grip on production. You wouldn't want a situation to occur where the players are buying these in bulk and burning them every morning.

The difficulty with this one is that it does scale, so is just as useful at level 18 as it is at level 4. If priced to be manageable at level 4, you may run into problems once the pc's get to level 18.
Arivia Posted - 27 Mar 2006 : 23:47:46
Originally posted by thom

Well that's exactly my problem Arivia; I've managed to ask for something (increased caster level) that isn't easily quantifiable in the current system. I got the idea from the beads of karma, that increase a player's caster level by +4 for 10 minutes. And now I'm trying to extend that ability to 8 hours.

I'm ending up with effects and math so thorny I think it might almost be best to just leave this in the realm of an artifact just to save our brains...


I'm thinkin' for now that it'd be easier to go with Snotlord's idea and have:

Incense of Maximizing (Extension, Empowering)
Burning this block of incense during your one hour of spell preparation time enhances your casting abilities. During the next 8 hours as a free action you may choose to maximize (extend, empower) up to three spells of your choice...

And then price as 1/50th of a lesser, normal or greater metamagic rod depending on what level of spells the PC can choose to affect.

I think I agree. Go with that, instead.
thom Posted - 27 Mar 2006 : 22:42:26
Well that's exactly my problem Arivia; I've managed to ask for something (increased caster level) that isn't easily quantifiable in the current system. I got the idea from the beads of karma, that increase a player's caster level by +4 for 10 minutes. And now I'm trying to extend that ability to 8 hours.

I'm thinkin' for now that it'd be easier to go with Snotlord's idea and have:

Incense of Maximizing (Extension, Empowering)
Burning this block of incense during your one hour of spell preparation time enhances your casting abilities. During the next 8 hours as a free action you may choose to maximize (extend, empower) up to three spells of your choice...

And then price as 1/50th of a lesser, normal or greater metamagic rod depending on what level of spells the PC can choose to affect.

I still want to do the "increase your caster level" but obviously it needs more research...although the heighten metamagic rod idea is an obvious starting point. Hmmm...divide by 50 to get the price for 3 times a day as a baseline, and then multiply by some unknown # to reflect being able to heighten spells for 8 hours. So figure an average # of spells that could be cast in 8 hours to get that unknown constant?

Arivia Posted - 27 Mar 2006 : 21:56:07
Originally posted by EytanBernstein

I would take a look at the two candle items - candle of invocation and candle of truth to help get a price. Generally, these items only work once and are rather pricey. For a bonus of +6, you may be looking at upwards of 10,000 gp. I've never though it was worth the price, unless you have a monumental task ahead of you (destroying the evil artifact for instance).

I disagree. Neither of these items deals with a straight CL bonus, which is the most difficult part here to price. A metamagic rod of heighten spell is closer, but still not *exactly* what we want here. The closest thing I can think of is an ankh of ascension[Rac], but that doesn't grant complete CL bonus. Hmm...
Beirnadri Magranth Posted - 27 Mar 2006 : 19:56:38
i think snotlord's way wouldnt make sense bc metmagic rods take into account spell level
using candle of invocation things make more sense as a base to work with becuase they are more similar
so you might say they are cheaper by x amount because they provide a smaller bonus but they are more expensive by x amount because they depend less on alignment and caster type etc. so they have the same price (about 10000gp)
thom Posted - 27 Mar 2006 : 19:51:01
Oooh! That's a great idea Snotlord! I'll check that out pronto--thanks! I knew I could count on this forum!
EytanBernstein Posted - 27 Mar 2006 : 19:15:31
I would take a look at the two candle items - candle of invocation and candle of truth to help get a price. Generally, these items only work once and are rather pricey. For a bonus of +6, you may be looking at upwards of 10,000 gp. I've never though it was worth the price, unless you have a monumental task ahead of you (destroying the evil artifact for instance).
Snotlord Posted - 27 Mar 2006 : 18:33:59
Use the most appropriate metamagic rod. Divide the number by 50. The result reasonable? If so, go with it.

Cool item.

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