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 How do the mountains in The Great Glacier called?

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Horatio Posted - 27 Feb 2006 : 19:30:31

I'm looking at this map -

Amidst "The Great Glacier" there are mountains, but I can't see their name clearly. Can anyone tell what it is?

Furthermore, where can I find information about these mountains?

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The Sage Posted - 28 Feb 2006 : 12:49:58
Originally posted by Horatio

If you like to know why I needed that-- I'm building a server in NWN based on the Great Glacier.
Hmmm... interesting.

If you'd like to further discuss the NWN project you've got going, perhaps in the hopes of getting further ideas, I would suggest you also open a scroll in the FR Computer Software section here at Candlekeep:-

You're sure to find plenty of fellow scribes eager to discuss such a project with you.
Horatio Posted - 28 Feb 2006 : 11:16:39
Ah great,

I found more information about the Arctic dwarfs here -

Furthermore, I went ahead and got "The Great Glacier" by Rick Swan which is quite detailed.

If you like to know why I needed that-- I'm building a server in NWN based on the Great Glacier.

Again, thanks for the help
KnightErrantJR Posted - 28 Feb 2006 : 05:08:35
Novularond is populated by frost giants and arctic dwarves, and some of the arctic dwarves are slaves to the frost giants there due to an agreement a long time ago. The two species, oddly enough, are not on good terms. The mountains remain free of ice because some of the stones there are heated, and the theory is that when the necklace of Ulutiu drains the heat out of the region to create the great glacier, the heat is shunted to the stones in the mountains, keeping them free of ice, though they are still plenty cold apparently.
The Sage Posted - 28 Feb 2006 : 04:50:48
Originally posted by Lady Kazandra

Novularond it is.

And as Wooly said, the are in fact detailed in the Great Glacier resource.

And they're marked out on the maps in more detail within the sourcebook. The map linked to above doesn't provide enough focus on the Great Glacier as a whole.
Lady Kazandra Posted - 28 Feb 2006 : 00:28:45
Novularond it is.

And as Wooly said, the are in fact detailed in the Great Glacier resource.
Horatio Posted - 27 Feb 2006 : 21:49:56
Thank you guys
Archwizard Posted - 27 Feb 2006 : 20:24:24
I make it out to be "Novularond (Peaks in the Ice)."
Wooly Rupert Posted - 27 Feb 2006 : 20:02:53
I don't have any sources handy that deal with the Great Glacier, so I can't help you with the mountain names...

But I'd imagine that they are detailed in the old 2E sourcebook FR14 The Great Glacier. It's been a while since I flipped thru that one, so I'm not certain.

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