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 Towers of the Sun and Moon in Evereska

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RodOdom Posted - 26 Feb 2006 : 17:02:54

This is the mage academy that was recently blown up in the Last Mythal books. I can't seem to find in on any maps on either the Elves of Evermeet sourcebook or the electronic FR Atlas. Anyone remember if Richard Baker's novel gave any indication of where it is on Evermeet?
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Beirnadri Magranth Posted - 28 Feb 2006 : 19:29:07
(i love stuff like this... piecing together locations as if we were in Candlekeep itself poring over the worn references and crumbling maps)
seeing as they are vast stands of trees... i would suspect it would be far from civilization...
the tower in the lastmythal series by richard baker was from from a city (on a coastal island I believe) so it doesnt seem that unusual that this tower would be as well...
it also helps explain how they were breached so easily without the entire nearby settlement going up in arms...

EDIT: oh i thought we were talking about those towers raided by the traitor before the last mythal started...

so my only real point now is that it seems far from civilization
Lady Kazandra Posted - 28 Feb 2006 : 00:32:36
Originally posted by Kentinal

"The vast, ancient stands of trees that surround the towers are probably the oldest in Evermeet."
Wouldn't that really depend upon where the first great trees of Evermeet arose?

I mean, not all of these "ancient stands" are likely to be of the same age - - and perhaps the Towers reside in an area that has been virtually untouched by elves hinting at the reason why the forest is so ancient and old - - because it sees little access from elves on the outside.
Kentinal Posted - 27 Feb 2006 : 16:46:24
Well the closest I can come is

"The vast, ancient stands of trees that surround the towers are probably the oldest in Evermeet."

Which might be most places of the Island.
The Sage Posted - 27 Feb 2006 : 16:30:23
Originally posted by Lady Kazandra

Considering that the Towers were destroyed in the assault on Evermeet, and the fact that the drow struck at Leuthilspar . . . I'm inclined to think that the Towers themselves might have resided somewhere near (or around) the capital.

It's possible I suppose... but given the lack of proper location details I would assume the Towers could be placed anywhere on the island at this point.

Maybe you should ask Ed... or even Elaine. She might have an idea on where the Towers were specifically located given the events of Evermeet.
Lady Kazandra Posted - 27 Feb 2006 : 01:21:39
Considering that the Towers were destroyed in the assault on Evermeet, and the fact that the drow struck at Leuthilspar . . . I'm inclined to think that the Towers themselves might have resided somewhere near (or around) the capital.
RodOdom Posted - 26 Feb 2006 : 21:05:50
Apologies for not including the spoiler space.

In the sourcebook, the blueprints are there. But on the island map they are not. Also, the descriptions of the towers do no indicate where they are.
Kuje Posted - 26 Feb 2006 : 19:54:32
They should be on the maps in the Evermeet sourcebook......

Edit: Hmm maybe that's what I was thinking of, the tower maps.
RodOdom Posted - 26 Feb 2006 : 19:51:17
Also, there is a map for the Towers themselves in the Atlas. But when you go up a level to the parent map of Evermeet, the location of the Towers is not indicated.

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