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 Evermeeters? Evermetians?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
RodOdom Posted - 23 Feb 2006 : 22:07:48
What does one call the elves of Evermeet?
14   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
WalkerNinja Posted - 24 Feb 2006 : 17:03:53
I always just called them "citizen of Evermeet, resident of Evermeet, or True Elf." I just figured that it was like Washington DC. (Are they DC'ers? Washingtonians? Capitolers?) The news anchors always call them "Citizens in our Nation's Capitol" or "Residents of Washington D.C." Ed's answer however makes sense. Its very Greenwoodsian... Ed-ified... Greenwoodite... Edaer... ummm... maybe Greenwooderersianation...


very Realmsian
The Sage Posted - 24 Feb 2006 : 15:57:47
Heh... I'd been thinking just a basic "Everan" or "Everar"... or even "Everite/Everyte".
Wooly Rupert Posted - 24 Feb 2006 : 15:38:54
Originally posted by ericlboyd

And then Ed sent a serious answer:

They are "Everaer." This means "elves born on Evermeet who choose to
remain there" (not counting brief forays to the mainland), NOT "anyone who visits Evermeet from time to time." (So Florin and Dove weren't "Everaer.")


Considering some of the other Realms adjectives, I figured it would be something like this... I just wasn't quite sure what it would be. I was thinking something more like "Everaen", myself.
RodOdom Posted - 24 Feb 2006 : 04:52:28
Thanks so much to masters Boyd and Greenwood.

(I'm running an online campaign involving Evermeet and Evereska. The game may suffer an early death if I have the Evereskans meet the Evermeeters.)
The Sage Posted - 24 Feb 2006 : 04:41:17
Originally posted by ericlboyd

And then Ed sent a serious answer:

They are "Everaer." This means "elves born on Evermeet who choose to
remain there" (not counting brief forays to the mainland), NOT "anyone who visits Evermeet from time to time." (So Florin and Dove weren't "Everaer.")


Oooh! Ed's rapid reply... I always like these . Thanks Eric.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 24 Feb 2006 : 04:10:12
Originally posted by ericlboyd

Ed says:

Evermeeters are the elderly blue-vested folks who push a shopping
cart at you just inside the doors of every Elf-Mart, so you can carry off the elf maiden of your choice (and that have to frisk you if the Voice of Doom tells you, on the way out, that you forgot to pay for her).


Hmmm... I'd like to buy an elf maiden or two!
ericlboyd Posted - 24 Feb 2006 : 01:49:55
And then Ed sent a serious answer:

They are "Everaer." This means "elves born on Evermeet who choose to
remain there" (not counting brief forays to the mainland), NOT "anyone who visits Evermeet from time to time." (So Florin and Dove weren't "Everaer.")

ericlboyd Posted - 24 Feb 2006 : 01:47:17
Originally posted by KnightErrantJR

Yeah, when I first read this I scanned my copy of Elves of Evermeet, and at least a cursory glance failed to yeild a specific name for Evermeet elves. You know, the page in Forgotten Realms adventures that mentioned what various regions called themselves was one of the first pages that made me appreciate the little details of the setting.

Ed says:

Evermeeters are the elderly blue-vested folks who push a shopping
cart at you just inside the doors of every Elf-Mart, so you can carry off the elf maiden of your choice (and that have to frisk you if the Voice of Doom tells you, on the way out, that you forgot to pay for her).


KnightErrantJR Posted - 24 Feb 2006 : 00:38:30
Yeah, when I first read this I scanned my copy of Elves of Evermeet, and at least a cursory glance failed to yeild a specific name for Evermeet elves. You know, the page in Forgotten Realms adventures that mentioned what various regions called themselves was one of the first pages that made me appreciate the little details of the setting.
The Sage Posted - 24 Feb 2006 : 00:36:28
Regardless, perhaps you should try pinging Ed or Elaine about this...
The Sage Posted - 24 Feb 2006 : 00:35:42

I don't think Elves of Evermeet ever gave us a proper regional name for them -- not like C:EoM and how the elves there are called Cormanthyrans.

Still, I do like Eric's suggestion above .
Wooly Rupert Posted - 23 Feb 2006 : 23:53:23
How about Evermian?
KnightErrantJR Posted - 23 Feb 2006 : 22:44:45
Originally posted by ericlboyd

Originally posted by RodOdom

What does one call the elves of Evermeet?

In the absence of a helpful answer ...

Evermeeters are boring elves punished in the afterlife by being forced to stand in an endless greeting line, shaking hands with each and every elf that ever lived.


That is absolutely awful Eric . . . and yet I smile. Living in the midwest I can also picture such Evermeeters wearling little blue vests with Smiley faces on them as well . . .
ericlboyd Posted - 23 Feb 2006 : 22:38:40
Originally posted by RodOdom

What does one call the elves of Evermeet?

In the absence of a helpful answer ...

Evermeeters are boring elves punished in the afterlife by being forced to stand in an endless greeting line, shaking hands with each and every elf that ever lived.


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