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 NPC capabilities as evidenced by past example

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
KnightErrantJR Posted - 23 Feb 2006 : 17:32:52
This is a little side issue that I have been thinking of. Obviously, my way of thinking is that most NPCs are there for interacting with, so as long as you know what they will say and do, and what they might be able to offer PCs or ask of them, you only need to have a rough idea of their capabilities. Still, I was thinking of creating the guys from the ground up, and building them based on what I know about them, not so much what is presented.

That having been said, I was thinking that if anyone wanted to throw out some things that you know characters have done in FR Novels that equate to classes, feats, etc. that are directly attributable to various NPCs, that would be great.

For example, I know that both Elminster and the Simbul have been shown slinging two wands at one time, and now there are feats for such things, so that would go on the list.

So anyway, if you can think of any notable skills from any major NPCs, feel free to chime in.
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Snotlord Posted - 26 Feb 2006 : 10:07:44
Originally posted by Sanishiver

Bruenor (and lots of other dwarves) can create magic weapons (in the novels at least), but are not themselvse arcane spellcasters. Isn't there a feat/PrC in the latest race book about Dwarves that allows this?

This echoes the "craft of the elders", or something like that, from the OD&D Companion Set. OD&D is defines the game for me, as far as style goes
warlockco Posted - 26 Feb 2006 : 09:55:42
Originally posted by Sanishiver

Bruenor (and lots of other dwarves) can create magic weapons (in the novels at least), but are not themselvse arcane spellcasters. Isn't there a feat/PrC in the latest race book about Dwarves that allows this?

Prestige Class in Races of Stone, Battlesmith.
Sanishiver Posted - 26 Feb 2006 : 08:03:26
Bruenor (and lots of other dwarves) can create magic weapons (in the novels at least), but are not themselvse arcane spellcasters. Isn't there a feat/PrC in the latest race book about Dwarves that allows this?

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