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 Cormyr & Dwarves

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
egomann Posted - 21 Feb 2006 : 02:13:51
Can anyone tell me where the nearest large (10k +) settlement of Dwarves is to the Kingdom of Cormyr? Thanks.
8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
The Sage Posted - 22 Feb 2006 : 04:58:02
Originally posted by egomann

Is there any product out there that has ANY inforation on the Far Hills?
Ed's Dwarves Deep tome, the FRCS 1e, and Volo's Guide to the Sword Coast.
egomann Posted - 22 Feb 2006 : 02:20:28
Originally posted by The Sage
There aren't really any realms west of Cormyr that can be considered true countries... just a lot of independent cities and towns dot the region that makes up the Western Heartlands, and then to the North and Sword Coast.

The only actual country west of Cormyr, and a great deal to the North, is the Silver Marches... just north of the High Forest.

Well I guess that explains why I could not find a country on the map.

Is there any product out there that has ANY inforation on the Far Hills?
egomann Posted - 22 Feb 2006 : 02:18:54
Thank You All. You guys are the best.
Dargoth Posted - 22 Feb 2006 : 00:19:21
According to Dwarves Deep the following places have Dwarven populations

Bloodstone village in Damera: 880

Fireshear (North of Luskan):7900

Heliogabalus (Capitial of Damera): 5100

Ironmaster (West of Icewindale): 9200

Ironspur (North of Damara): 3890

Mirabar (Silver Marches): 4100

Mulptan (Unapproachable east): 2030

Neverwinter (Sword Coast): 4600

Praka (Damera): 2020

Silverymoon: 4200

Sundabar: 6600

Tomrav: 210

Virdin: 360

Waterdeep: 7100

The Far Hills Dwarves number 7000

Theres also a Dwarven town in Mistledale called Glen which sells Dragon Eggs! (Im betting we'll be hearing more about Glen in Dragons of Faerun)
The Sage Posted - 22 Feb 2006 : 00:10:05
Originally posted by egomann

I hope this is not a stupid question, but what country is west of Cormyr?
There aren't really any realms west of Cormyr that can be considered true countries... just a lot of independent cities and towns dot the region that makes up the Western Heartlands, and then to the North and Sword Coast.

The only actual country west of Cormyr, and a great deal to the North, is the Silver Marches... just north of the High Forest.
Kuje Posted - 22 Feb 2006 : 00:02:33
The Western Heartlands and then the Sword Coast.
egomann Posted - 21 Feb 2006 : 23:44:06
OK, I finally got home and can look at my maps.

I hope this is not a stupid question, but what country is west of Cormyr?
George Krashos Posted - 21 Feb 2006 : 03:12:10
For dwarves these days, outside of the Northern citadels and the Great Rift, populations of 10000+ are extremely rare - especially in the Inner Sea lands. The greatest concentration of dwarves is likely to be in the Far Hills, west of Cormyr but I'm pretty sure that they number less than 10k.

-- George Krashos

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