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 Anyone know of a good PrC for a Psychopath?

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Dargoth Posted - 21 Feb 2006 : 01:15:52

Im trying to create a Hanibal Lector/Charles Manson type villian does anyone think of a good PrC for that sort of villian?

The Villian wont be a spellcaster and will probably be have levels of thief
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Unski Posted - 25 Feb 2006 : 09:53:59
Of course, if an NPC becomes too difficult to create, you should go gestalt and forget about classes.

Scanning through different d20 products might be useful, since fantasy rarely has "psychopaths", it has "dark villains" who are corrupted by evil, hate and so on. Not madness or pure insanity - perhaps Cthulhu d20 could help you here?

Volo Posted - 23 Feb 2006 : 10:07:43
Strange as it sounds, I could see warping the Assassin class around that theory. I mean, an assassin doesn't /have/ to be the cold, calculating, emotionless killer we're used to seeing in fiction. The skills the class provides are the same kind of skills a truly sick lunatic could develop to hide his handiwork, while still reveling in the perversity of his 'art'.
Kaladorm Posted - 21 Feb 2006 : 23:26:18
Have you seen the ghostwalker prestige class in Sword and Fist?
Dargoth Posted - 21 Feb 2006 : 23:09:15
Originally posted by KnightErrantJR

Do you have the Book of Vile Darkness? Warrior of Darkness might work for this. Its a warrior dedicated to doing evil, they scar themselves up and learn how to make alchemical substances to grant them vile abilities. So they aren't spellcasters, but they are more intelligent destructive types.

Also, they don't strike me as mastermind types, but when I used a Black Blood Cultist in my game, the guy was more devestating to the players than the Black Blood Hunter that he worshipped.

I had a look at Warrior of Darkness PrC but its not what Im looking for its seems to be a bit to obvious (Ritual scaring etc) and combat focused

I dont want the villian to be obviously evil. Im aiming for the sort of villian where when the law finally catches up with him his neighbours all say "He was such a nice person, kept to himself most of the time never caused any problems"
Beirnadri Magranth Posted - 21 Feb 2006 : 15:00:27
mostly Mental Derangement is handled in game mechanics by decreasing several points from wisdom... the rest is roleplaying and picking skills & feats apropriate to the character.
The Sage Posted - 21 Feb 2006 : 13:36:56
Originally posted by Dargoth

Im trying to create a Hanibal Lector/Charles Manson type villian does anyone think of a good PrC for that sort of villian?

The Villian wont be a spellcaster and will probably be have levels of thief

Hmmm... I seem to remember a "Terror Technician" PrC, based on a Lector-type character, detailed in one of the 3e RL tomes... I'll have to take a look for it.
Arivia Posted - 21 Feb 2006 : 12:59:44
Originally posted by Kaladorm

Book of Vile Darkness is your best option by far :)

Yep; outside of maybe the ravager from CW, I can't think of anything better. I thought there was something in Heroes of Horror, but it turned out to be a template(tainted raver).
Kaladorm Posted - 21 Feb 2006 : 11:10:34
Book of Vile Darkness is your best option by far :)
KnightErrantJR Posted - 21 Feb 2006 : 02:34:56
Do you have the Book of Vile Darkness? Warrior of Darkness might work for this. Its a warrior dedicated to doing evil, they scar themselves up and learn how to make alchemical substances to grant them vile abilities. So they aren't spellcasters, but they are more intelligent destructive types.

Also, they don't strike me as mastermind types, but when I used a Black Blood Cultist in my game, the guy was more devestating to the players than the Black Blood Hunter that he worshipped.
Dargoth Posted - 21 Feb 2006 : 02:26:06
Outside of the PrC Im probably going to give him the Touch of Benevolence and Snatch Trophy (He cuts out the tongues of his victims so a Speak with dead spell wont work) feats from CoR
Wooly Rupert Posted - 21 Feb 2006 : 02:10:09
I've not a clue for a PrC... But I'd say that the mental instability would grant bonuses against mind-influencing and mind-reading magics.

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