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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Cyric-The-Insane Posted - 15 Feb 2006 : 04:45:55
I need information on Red Wizards and of Thay.. Book Recomondations Pleasssse.

Sorry.. I am such an abusive person I just rob you guys of Lore..
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
The Sage Posted - 15 Feb 2006 : 06:30:33
Also, see the novel Red Magic for insights into Thay and the conduct of the Red Wizards. The Simbul's Gift and the more recent Crimson Gold novel. See the 1e and 2e FRCSs as well. And, the Heroes and Villains Lorebooks.
The Sage Posted - 15 Feb 2006 : 06:26:08
Originally posted by Cyric-The-Insane

Which of those books hold the most lore about How Thay Operates.. Rank titles and common practises?
Spellbound first, then Unapproachable East, Dreams of the Red Wizards followed by Races of Faerun.

BTW... Thay is a realm, not an organisation. The Red Wizards are the group controlling the region.

I want the geography and demographics of The actual city and how its operated and the rules of the empire.. ughh.. I feel so dirty.. sorry guys..
See Races of Faerun for details on the mulan and rashemi -- two of the major human ethnic groups to inhabit Thay. The other sources already mentioned will cover the rest.
Kajehase Posted - 15 Feb 2006 : 05:48:44
Lords of Darkness, Unapproachable East, and Spellbound I'd say, though it's been a while since I've had look-see through Dreams of the Red Wizards
Cyric-The-Insane Posted - 15 Feb 2006 : 04:52:39
Which of those books hold the most lore about How Thay Operates.. Rank titles and common practises?

I want the geography and demographics of The actual city and how its operated and the rules of the empire.. ughh.. I feel so dirty.. sorry guys..
Arivia Posted - 15 Feb 2006 : 04:49:16
Unapproachable East, Dreams of the Red Wizards, Spellbound, Races of Faerun, Lost Empires of Faerun, the 3.5 DMG, and I'm sure I've forgotten a few.

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