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 Trobriand and construct familiars

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
KnightErrantJR Posted - 13 Feb 2006 : 04:06:56
Again, a topic inspired by Dragon 341, I was just wondering if any learned scribes out there would picture Trobriand with a construct familiar, and if so, what one would he have?

If you have read the article, I would picture him with either the Mercurial Spider or the Salvage Rat.
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
KnightErrantJR Posted - 14 Feb 2006 : 00:53:07
So Steven, if you are still looking in on this one (I was actually kinda hoping you would see this thread), do you picture his little familiar night flyer as more of a bat sort of construct (oddly enough, there were no bat construct familiars in the article)? I love the idea of the constrictor/metal whip guardian. I'd love to see that written up somewhere . . .
Asgetrion Posted - 13 Feb 2006 : 19:30:16
But where has Crunch the Gondsman disappeared?
You know, the one described in City of Splendors?
Steven Schend Posted - 13 Feb 2006 : 18:39:04
I picture him with an entirely unique familiar AND an "animal companion" of sorts. Since the familiar, by nature, is smaller, I'd probably make it handle things he can't at all times, so it's a flier with night vision and a way to communicate with him that cannot be intercepted by others.

His animal companion I'm imagining as a sort of massive metallic boa constrictor/massive version of the Alien Head-Sucker that wraps around his torso and protects his torso and/or limbs from grievous harm...and lies in wait as an especially nasty and unexpected attack that he unleashes like a whip (and successful strikes either create a smaller version that tries to suffocate or crush your head or it simply latches onto the target and crushes the life out of you).

How's that for nasty? May not work as you requestes, as I've not read the referenced article but had a little do with the creation of the Metal Mage.....

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