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 Little Help. :)

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Kuje Posted - 13 Feb 2006 : 02:34:12
I need a little help but I need an answer by Tuesday night. :)

What I need is this: A short desc, with a short summary of powers, that would be a magic item related to Azuth. The only restriction is that it is a staff of some kind.

Depending on the answers I get, I'll choose one and it'll appear in my Laborers article, which is why I'm only giving people a handful of days to brainstorm. :)
29   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Kuje Posted - 21 Feb 2006 : 18:33:41
I cleaned it up a bit as well but I guess not as well as I thought I did. :)
Kaladorm Posted - 21 Feb 2006 : 17:26:31
Yeah I tend to think as I write (or not as you see fit [:p}]) and sometimes I forget to edit stuff properly so it makes sense :).
Looking forward to seeing it in proper form rather than garbled notes :D
Wooly Rupert Posted - 21 Feb 2006 : 17:08:19
Yup. I'm trying to make the description of the Staff as clear as possible, and I simply wasn't understanding all of the elements of his description.
Kuje Posted - 21 Feb 2006 : 16:44:15
Ah, alrighty. :)
Kaladorm Posted - 21 Feb 2006 : 11:12:21
He wanted to go on a date with me on Thursday. Had to decline

Seriously though :) was just about some things I hadn't made clear (i.e. how exactly the symbols linked up, and how the staff remained dormant)
Kuje Posted - 21 Feb 2006 : 04:14:24
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Kaladorm, I just PM'ed you with a question...

Curious on what you asked.... :)
Wooly Rupert Posted - 21 Feb 2006 : 03:51:24
Kaladorm, I just PM'ed you with a question...
Kaladorm Posted - 15 Feb 2006 : 15:03:00
Alluin is a Drow, who was born and trained in Sshamath. Originally intending to become an enchanter, after an incident with controlling another pupil (a practical joke of sorts), he was placed on guard duty. There he learned more of the uses of evocation, and particularly he found himself interested in the control of the elements, more than 'force' or 'pure' magic as some of the others referred to it as. He learned briefly of the Drow gods and their practices whilst there, but never really felt a need to revere any particular one of them.
When he grew older, he was given honorary admittance into the College of Evocation (and thereafter shunned by the College of Enchantment) after defeating one of high rank in a mage duel.
There he studied and researched, until around the age of 210 when he grew bored of the single city. He left a note on the door of his office "gone to collect spell reagents", which ironically is a note he would read some 200 years later at the foot of Elminsters tower.

Focusing on a painting within his room of the surface world (which he had aquired, among other things, on a trip to Mantol-Derrith), he cast a teleportation spell, willing the magic to take him to that place.
The painting happened to be of a grove a few miles out of Silverymoon, and fortunately for him, the spell worked perfectly. The magic deposited him, and his posessions, directly into the correct location.

Whilst under cover of the grove, Alluin wove spells about his person to conceal his identity. Appearing as a blind, and much older elf, Alluin began his walk to the city. With a bandage around his eyes enchanted with a 'true seeing' spell, he toured the city and eventually found himself a place to stay.
He stayed in Silverymoon for almost 10 years, thoroughly enjoying the city of learning, and relaxing in being able to gain knowledge at his pace for pleasure, rather than a need to stay alive. It was here that he learnt of the god Azuth, and decided to dedicate himself to him. He also confused the librarians greatly, by borrowing many books (to read in the privacy of his own room). What would a blind man want with books after all?

Satisfied with the knowledge he then had of Azuth, he set off to find more about Savras and Velsharoon, the two who served his master, and who he knew little about...
Kuje Posted - 15 Feb 2006 : 02:35:36
Originally posted by Beirnadri Magranth

and after all that effort I put into them!
of course u could use them for future stuff. they dont have to be specifically for Azuth but really any wizard figure. I love doing that kind of stuff so If you ever need anything on the fly drop me a PM.

No problem and yeah I will use them but in future articles. :)
Beirnadri Magranth Posted - 15 Feb 2006 : 02:07:11
and after all that effort I put into them!
of course u could use them for future stuff. they dont have to be specifically for Azuth but really any wizard figure. I love doing that kind of stuff so If you ever need anything on the fly drop me a PM.
Kuje Posted - 15 Feb 2006 : 00:23:12
Originally posted by Kaladorm

*blush* I just had a bit of fun creating stuff off the top of my head, didn't expect it would be good enough to use :D
If you want some more lore on Alluin (he was a drow by the way) I'm happy to oblige/improvise (he's loosely based on an old character)

Sure, send me over email or pm? :)
Kaladorm Posted - 15 Feb 2006 : 00:06:25
*blush* I just had a bit of fun creating stuff off the top of my head, didn't expect it would be good enough to use :D
If you want some more lore on Alluin (he was a drow by the way) I'm happy to oblige/improvise (he's loosely based on an old character)
Kuje Posted - 14 Feb 2006 : 22:28:12
I took Kaladorm's but I'll use some of the others in future articles if you allow me to and I kept a copy of them. :)
Beirnadri Magranth Posted - 13 Feb 2006 : 19:55:40
edited the info into my old post
Kuje Posted - 13 Feb 2006 : 19:00:30
Beirnadri Magranth,

Give me some details about what they look like, etc. :)
Kuje Posted - 13 Feb 2006 : 16:10:23
Looks good so far. :) Still reading even if I don't comment.
Kaladorm Posted - 13 Feb 2006 : 15:30:45
Thats the hard bit done :) Give me some time to suggest some lore once I'm finished with my lecture ;)

edit: Lore incoming

This staff was created by a mage of Azuth known as Alluin. His last name is lost to the annals of time, but he was knowledgable in all practices of magic as well as some divine granted magic.
He travelled to cities and towns to learn more of Azuth, and also those who served him (Savras and Velsharoon in particular). It was in Amn that he created the first part of the staff, imbued with a blessing from Savras. The staff was designed not to function, and to give off no magical aura, so as to dissuade any would be attackers.
During his travels, he garnered the knowledge he needed of Velsharoon in Thay, and manufactured the second part of the staff.
Some of the red wizards knew of what he was planning, and attempted to take the parts of the staff already made by force. After a heated spell battle, Alluin cast a rushed teleportation spell, which misfired, sending him to the wrong location.
For 2 weeks he travelled onwards, before setting foot in the town of Shadowdale. Under Elminsters supervision (being knowledgable in the ways of Mystra and Azuth) he was led to the power to create the final part of the staff.

The points on the symbols on the staff, mark (to scale) the distances between where the three parts were made. With the centre of Savras orb on the left, the tip of Velsharoons crown on the right, and the tip of Azuths finger at the centre (marking Amn, Tyraturos, and Shadowdale respectively.
Kaladorm Posted - 13 Feb 2006 : 15:29:42
Staff of the Three, bearing the Symbol of Azuth at highest, and minor symbols of Savras and Velsharoon (reflecting the servitude).
The staff can be transmuted by the wielder, depending on which symbol is touched, but always the symbol of Azuth is prominent in whichever form.

Similar to the way the time travel device works in Dragonlance Legends, the staff is twisted and folded by the wielder, and the magic from the symbol helps hold the pieces together (and with a minor glamer, so the staff looks different depending on which form it is int).

In Azuth form, it has access to the strongest spells stored in it. Greater Dispel magic, Spell Turning, and Break Enchantment. The staff also has a Disjunction available to it, which destroys the staff completely, leaving it simply as a long oaken shaft with no magical properties at all.

In Savras form, it has access to Zone of Truth, Arcane Sight

In Velsharoon form, has access to Halt Undead, False Life,

Staff has the properties: +2 quarterstaff, axiomatic,, spell storing. As a special ability, when readied a counterspell and about to counter a hostile spell, the wielder can instead make a spellcraft check. If he beats the spell save DC by 10, the staff absorbs the spell as if it was cast into it via the spell storing ability.
Beirnadri Magranth Posted - 13 Feb 2006 : 15:05:56
heres some shtuff I made just now! They are arcane staves just in case you wanted divine spells or something:

Staff of Presence ((staff of the Azuths Image))
Project Image (3charges)
Repulsion (2charges)
Mirror Image
Greater Mage Hand [Spell Compendium]
CL13th/ functions as +1 ghost touch Quarter Staff
cost: 47,300gp
Staff of Presence: This tall staff is made of a dull metal and bares relatively few designs or patterns. It is topped with a casting of a solid metal hand pointing upward to the sky. While the staff is rather plain it commands a strange attention and the wielder and nearby spellcasters can feel a slight presence in the weave. Studying the staff for any amount of time reveals a slight aura of a blue flame-like glow. The wielder feels more attached to the world at large and becomes more aware of his surroundings and of the weave. Calling upon the powers of the staff reveals is awesome powers.
Project Image- the hand on top unfurls and mimics the gestures of casting the spell. After a brief moment the staff pulses with power and the project image of the caster is expelled from the staff.
Repulsion- approaching creatures feel the strength of the lingering presence increase. It forms a barrier that none but the strong of will could hope to cross. An aura emenating from the staff bars the movement of any object towards the wielder.
Mirror Image- The staff shudders and convulses. The Hand atop the staff (the holy symbol of azuth!) splays its fingers and multiple illusions of teh wielder spring into existence.
greater mage hand- The strength of Azuth's holy symbol grows and exists on many levels. An shimmering force flows seemlessly from the hand and travels forth at the wielders command.
Sending- the wielder can feel his or herself along lines of the weave and the staff pulls these strands closer to those carrying the hums of other creatures. By plucking into what seem like the air, the hand sends your message racing down magical paths towards your target.
The Staff of Presence should be described as plain but commanding of attention. It almost seems to be its own entity (feel free to make it an intelligent Item) and those nearby are subtly aware of more levels of existence, and the weave. The staff might be used to help apprentices first feel the presence of the weave or to aid in magical experiments... if you are using it as a relic of Azuth why not give those nearby (whoa re not hostile to the wielder) +2 divine insight bonus to spellcraft. Maybe this functions in the grasp of one of his servants or priests.

Staff of the Mage's Arena
Antimagic Field (2charges)
Zone of Respite [Spell Compendium]
Anticipate Teleportation [Spell Compendium]
Mirage Arcana
Refusal [Spell Compendium]
CL 12th functions as +1 spellstoring, eager(arms & equipment guide: gives +1 to init. when carried) Quarter Staff.

This Ornate Staff seems more ceremonial than practical. It is a short staff made of hardwood dripping with enameled diagrams of battlefields and leylines. Its ends both trail of in wisps of gold wire that remain bare like threads on the tattered edge of a tapestry. Holding the staff allows the wielder to experience a strange sensation of connectedness to the immediate environment. The wielder gets the faintest twitch in his palms alerting him to any sudden changes. With battle on the mind the staff seems to be held and carried more easily if it is traced along the patterns which would call out spell effects onto the terrain. The wielder envisions the effects of one of the granted abilities and the enameled diagrams glow in the pattern of the activation trigger. The Gold wires coil and shape themselves into arcane sigils and magical auras and fields spring into existence. When storing a spell the wires grasp like tendrils onto the developing magic and harness the energy into compartments within. When triggering the effect the wires latch on to the target and feed the spell back out into the creatures body.

Lesser Staff of Weaving
Detect Magic (Always active: as 1st round power)
Spell Enhancer [Spell Compendium]
Assay Spell Resistance [Spell Compendium]
Spell Flower [Spell Compendium]
Rary's Mnemonic Enhancer
CL 10th functions as +1 axiomatic, spellstoring, flaming Quarter Staff.
Cost: 82,862.5gp

This staff is one of just a handful replications of a more powerful artifact said to be created by Azuth himself. A small cabal of High priests and Mystic Theurges and Arcane Devotees of Azuth crafted these slender staffs out of strands of fine mithril threads. From a distance the staff appears to be a tangled length of gray cord. Only when grasped does the staf reveal its power. It shapes itself into a a straight length of hard mithril, (like a steel bridge cable). Immediately the wielder can peer (shallowly) into the weave and detect its workings. The staff appears to the weilder as a length of a thick metal wick burning in blue flames. The does fire does not harm the wielder. The staff allows the wielder to acces the weave in a way that alters spells and does not create a spell effect in and of itself.

I made a couple other staves but I dont know if you'd find them useful... (such as: staff of Sorcerous Rays, Staff of Familiar Bond, Staff of Antimagic, Basic Wizard's Staff, and a staff Im working on still that functions similarly to a Rod of Wonder)

If you are looking for an item of more power, then I have one for you:

Staff of the Magister, Mortal Staff of Azuth, Great Staff of the Wizard's Duel!

Spell Enhancer [Spell Compendium]
Symbol of Spell Loss [Spell Compendium]
Duel Ward [Spell Compendium]
Spell Turning (2 charges)
Lesser Globe of Invulnerability
Dispel Magic, Greater
Antimagic Ray [Spell Compendium]
Srinshee's Spell Shifter [Lost Empires of Faerun] (3charges)
"Simbul's" Spell Matrix, Greater [Spell Compendium] (3charges)
Spell Engine [Spell Compendium] (Staff crumbles irreparably to dust after using this ability. Not even a miracle or wish can restore its power)
Special Ability: Retributive Strike as Staff of Power [Dungeon Masters Guide]
CL 19th functions as +2 axiomatic, Spell Storing Full Staff [Arm & Equipment Guide]. As a prerequisite the creator must be able to prepare the spell "Mycontil's Last Resort" (for the Retributive Strike effect, [Shining South]), in addition to the usual craft staff, craft arms & armor and being able to prepare the other spells on the list.
Cost: Major Artifact! (approximate cost 235,023.43gp)

This epic staff appears to be nothing more than a finely carved full staff, made from an exotic and mysterious wood. (The staff, depending on the campaign, could be made of a branch of the Quess'Taranthvar [the nether scrolls of windsong tower] or a magical tree in the gardens of the floating enclaves of netheril.) The top of the staff widens to a gnarled slanted disc-like surface. The Arcane Mark of whoever used the staff last is deeply and beutifully engraved onto that surface. Behind the mark, it appears that the surface is actually in the form of a left hand curled and withered and made out of this eerie wood. After peering into the top of the staff a charcter would notice that the whole staff seems to be a desiccated wooden arm disguised by fine carving and faint gold leafing over some more elgeant curves. This staff is a fullstaff and is extremely large! In fact some mages might not be able to wield it even if they overcame the imposing presence of the artifact.

I hope u like these!
Arivia Posted - 13 Feb 2006 : 05:40:44
Originally posted by Kuje


Think people are missing the point. :) All I'm asking is for ya'll to brainstorm me a staff related to Azuth. :) If I found one that seems fitting, I'll finish it with my article. I could have made it up myself, but I thought I'd post an offer for others to brainstorm. :)

Ssh. Now that I'm done writing a review for a metal album I promised myself I'd write to go with the NA release of the album, I'll crack the books and start thinking, okay?
Kuje Posted - 13 Feb 2006 : 05:30:51

Think people are missing the point. :) All I'm asking is for ya'll to brainstorm me a staff related to Azuth. :) If I found one that seems fitting, I'll finish it with my article. I could have made it up myself, but I thought I'd post an offer for others to brainstorm. :)
The Sage Posted - 13 Feb 2006 : 05:23:51
I haven't looked in quite a while, but have you tried searchingthrough the Candlekeep Magic Shop Kuje? As I recall, there are a number of staves included in the catalogue -- I crafted a few myself -- and even if they aren't dedicated to Azuth, with a little tinkering... they probably could be.
Kes_Alanadel Posted - 13 Feb 2006 : 04:55:53
Hmm.....I may just have to dig out the staff I made for another campaign that ended. With a few tweeks, it could work well.
Kuje Posted - 13 Feb 2006 : 04:24:45
Originally posted by Kentinal

" Calm and caution are the watchwords of azuthan clergy members as they strive to avoid mistakes that even magic cannot undo. The are taught to use the Art wisely and to be always mindful of when it is best not to use magic."

Based on this, I would craft a staff with detection of some form to provide insight as to posible mature of others. As there is no spell limit the staff could contain True Seeing even, so indeed how powerful a staff a staff do you seek is important to know.

As I said, it's up to all of you. :) My only restriction is that it has to be a staff. :)
Kuje Posted - 13 Feb 2006 : 04:23:31
Originally posted by Dargoth

How about using this from Sean Reynolds site

Admitedly its not a Staff but you could alsways change it so it was one...

Well, I don't really want to use that since it's on his page and he created it. :) I was just looking for some items that others are willing to make and allow me to include in my next article. :)
Dargoth Posted - 13 Feb 2006 : 03:32:03
How about using this from Sean Reynolds site

Admitedly its not a Staff but you could alsways change it so it was one...
Kentinal Posted - 13 Feb 2006 : 03:24:30
" Calm and caution are the watchwords of azuthan clergy members as they strive to avoid mistakes that even magic cannot undo. The are taught to use the Art wisely and to be always mindful of when it is best not to use magic."

Based on this, I would craft a staff with detection of some form to provide insight as to posible mature of others. As there is no spell limit the staff could contain True Seeing even, so indeed how powerful a staff a staff do you seek is important to know.
Kuje Posted - 13 Feb 2006 : 03:00:45
Don't care. :) Brianstorm away. :) As I said, the only restriction is that it has to be a staff. :)
Arivia Posted - 13 Feb 2006 : 02:35:50
What power level? Artifact? Epic? Non-epic? Azuth's Staff of Mundane Does-Nothing-Special-Besides-Look-Pretty?

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