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Cyric-The-Insane Posted - 07 Feb 2006 : 22:51:49
Other then a brief history of how Calimshan was founded by Djen. I can find next to nothing about this region that I didn't read out of an RA book.

Can someone please direct me to a book (hopefully free..but Im desperate) that gives all the information I could ever want aboutt his location. PLEASE!

oh and does Calimshan have a region symbol? What organization is in most control of that region? (Wizards of Thay, Harpers, Zhents ect ect.)

Thank You Once Again. I Love this forum.
18   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Cyric-The-Insane Posted - 11 Feb 2006 : 21:12:43
*hugs everyone* Thank you!!!
Kajehase Posted - 11 Feb 2006 : 06:09:24
And I bet the part of Amn not controlled by the Sythilisian empire has started to take a fairly dim view on people selling weapons to monsters these days.
The Sage Posted - 11 Feb 2006 : 00:29:32
A few more...

For Waterdeep:- Smuggling, black market operations, selling stolen goods

For Amn:- trading in contraband and illegal goods [includes illegal magical items] (Council patrols along the Eshpurta Road ensure that no such items enter Athkatla)
Cyric-The-Insane Posted - 10 Feb 2006 : 22:48:00
I bought the Book Empires on Shining Sea.. Wow just amazing.. Such a wealth of knowledge.. totally worth the price.

Thank you all once again.. *hats off* without this forum I wouldn't even know where to start.

Also Calimshan is known for having lots of freedom in what you can/can't do.

But as far as waterdeep and Amn go..
What are Illegal Trade Practises Besides the Below Listed:
Selling Drugs/Poisons
Supplying Monsters with weapons? (Gobliniods ect..)
The Sage Posted - 09 Feb 2006 : 13:53:50
Originally posted by Steven Schend

There's as much or more info on the Twisted Rune in LANDS OF INTRIGUE, which is a free WotC download IIRC.
Aye... and 'tis available here:-
Steven Schend Posted - 09 Feb 2006 : 13:26:51
There's as much or more info on the Twisted Rune in LANDS OF INTRIGUE, which is a free WotC download IIRC. (Bear in mind that the Runelords mentioned in LOI have more to do with Tethyr and the group as a whole, and those mentioned in EoSS have more to do with Calimshan et al.) That source also has good cross-over historical info that ties into Calimshan quite heavily, so it might be of use to you.

On djinni in Calimshan--they're about as liked as witches were in 17th century Salem. Genies are considered a WMD down Calimshan-way, as they've no wish to even give the tiniest potential toehold to the genies who might try and free Calim or Memnon to give rise to their power again. Thus, even djinni bottles or rings are scarce and frowned upon at best.

And the Calim Desert is more dangerous than Anauroch only because it has the potential to be sentient and rather ticked-off at times. I'll leave you with that snippet and let you read up on your own. Hope you enjoy the trip among the southlands....

The Sage Posted - 09 Feb 2006 : 00:24:51
Originally posted by Cyric-The-Insane

I have read the downloadable book of calimport and I will be heading out and buying "Empires of the Shining Sea" shortly. Hopefully it provides better information about Twisted Rune and the current relationship with Djinni.

Oh, you'll definitely learn more about the Twisted Rune in EotSS... it's jam-packed with great lore on the organisation.

As for Calimshan and Djinni... well, Lost Empires of Faerun also provides some great details on the relationships between those two entities throughout much of the country's history.
Faramicos Posted - 08 Feb 2006 : 20:22:54
I hope you find what you seek. I have a calimshan based campaign on the drawingboard for my current group. It is an exciting setting to research and very different from what you are used to from the more ordinary areas of Faerun.
Cyric-The-Insane Posted - 08 Feb 2006 : 18:37:50
I have read the downloadable book of calimport and I will be heading out and buying "Empires of the Shining Sea" shortly. Hopefully it provides better information about Twisted Rune and the current relationship with Djinni.
Faramicos Posted - 08 Feb 2006 : 18:32:33
As mentioned above, i can really recommend the Calimport accesory. It gives a good and colourful image of the life in the region.
ShadowJack Posted - 08 Feb 2006 : 17:12:49

As far as I can remember the Djinni and Efreet were very common in this region a long time ago. However after the people of the area rebelled againist their Djinni masters the Djinni have not been as prevalent. I do not know what current feelings toward the Djinn are.
Cyric-The-Insane Posted - 08 Feb 2006 : 02:28:27
What is the current relationship with Djinni?

Are they liked in Calimport? Do they live in Calimport? Are they slaves in Calimport? Hated in Calimport? Killed on sight?

I am getting conflicting opinions on these creatures over google...
Cyric-The-Insane Posted - 08 Feb 2006 : 01:39:47
Sage you have been VERY helpful with that Link/info. If anyone can think of anything. Don't be shy.. just because I sacrifice your Players to the True God.
The Sage Posted - 08 Feb 2006 : 00:16:55
Talking about Steven Schend though... I would recommend that you also perform a search through his scrolls here at Candlekeep, as you'll find the great Sage has presented some intriguing comments about the region as well as discussions about various Calimshan-based aspects.

Alternatively, you can search through Steven's compiled replies, taken from Candlekeep, in Kuje's file (see his sig for the URL).
The Sage Posted - 08 Feb 2006 : 00:12:31
Originally posted by George Krashos

The 2E product "Empires of the Shining Sea" by Steven Schend is the definitive look at Calimshan. I'm not sure if it is a free download but someone will be along directly to point you to somewhere where you can find/get it.
Not quite... EotSS is not available as a free download unfortunately... but you can pick-up a PDF version at $4 US at

Calimport is a freely available download though, and 'tis located here:-
Kuje Posted - 07 Feb 2006 : 23:49:59
Don't forget the Calimport sourcebook as well. :)
Cyric-The-Insane Posted - 07 Feb 2006 : 23:21:23
Thank you!

Also.. How lethal is the Calim Desert in comparison to say Anauroch Desert. Do any cities reside in the Calim desert?

Thanks for the book name.. I will try to pick it up tommorrow from chapters.. hopefully the price of lore is cheap..
George Krashos Posted - 07 Feb 2006 : 22:56:00
The 2E product "Empires of the Shining Sea" by Steven Schend is the definitive look at Calimshan. I'm not sure if it is a free download but someone will be along directly to point you to somewhere where you can find/get it. Calimshan is ruled by a syl-pasha who is quite a powerful, ruthless individual. However, behind the scenes, a group called the Twisted Rune (a cabal of liches and other evil nasties) and the Rundeen (a trade/merchant-oriented power group) also wield considerable power.

-- George Krashos

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