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 Need some to deny spellcasting ability

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Torkwaret Posted - 30 Jan 2006 : 14:56:57
Greetings fellow scribes !!

As the topic says...I remember there was either a spell or a special ability of some Prestige Class (or both...) that stripped spellcasting ability (from clerics if I remember correctly...)

If someone could point me to a book or a name of that spell/class, I would be very grateful indeed

Thanks !!
16   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
sleyvas Posted - 14 Feb 2006 : 15:20:53
the entropist prestige class has an ability to try to thwart arcane spell casting.
Beirnadri Magranth Posted - 14 Feb 2006 : 03:39:01
I think actually that clerics still haev access to their spells on different planes. Faerunian Clerics can still cast spells in 'hell' or 'heaven'.
incognito Posted - 14 Feb 2006 : 02:59:06
Ancient Ilmaskar denied worshipers and clerics access to their deities on huges scales (ie, thousands and thousands of slaves imported from other planes), and would probably have (or have had) the most knowlege about these sorts of spells.
Beirnadri Magranth Posted - 13 Feb 2006 : 20:41:40
hahaha! yes! its useful to have realms breaking events in recent history
Asgetrion Posted - 13 Feb 2006 : 19:37:31
Hm, a good idea, Torkwaret Don't you just love the Time of Troubles? I have used it many times to explain why some ancient powerful spell has faded away or twisted into something else in recent years... (my players have pondered many times during sessions why a particular mighty spell has imprisoned an NPC for decades or centuries, and now has "conveniently" stopped working just as the PCs happen by - I always say: "Uhh... you know about the Time of Troubles, hey?" ;)
Beirnadri Magranth Posted - 13 Feb 2006 : 17:46:47
well there is a reference in WotSQ on how many males will never feel the same about lolth's indomitability after the silence.
Torkwaret Posted - 31 Jan 2006 : 00:03:06
Hmmm...yes and no.

Many drow wizards would definitely want to do such a thing, but most of them being "sane" don't think seriously about it, firstly because it is a very tough cookie, secondly, you need vast knowledge and potential to try to meddle with gods.

This wizard however is a very desperate person with a really vengeful disposition ('though he is calculating and very patient). He also has some lore which helped him start even thinking about such magic - scraps of knowledge about the ancient Imaskari and their "divine barrier". During his "lockup" he put his mind in a hibernation-like state not to go mad, but this process still hasn't reversed completely and thus he has many "black holes" in his memory. He once knew much more about Imaskar but now there are only loose sraps - names of several powerful artificiers here, location of a city there, existence of several powerful artifacts (but not much more detail). He knows that connecting those elements will allow him to solve the puzzle of the spell he wants so dearly to finish.
Beirnadri Magranth Posted - 30 Jan 2006 : 22:44:16
hmm interesting story. i bet a lot of drow wizards are working on ways to more permanently silencing their goddess.
Dargoth Posted - 30 Jan 2006 : 22:28:24
there was also a cursed magic item could a Band of denial that stopped a spell caster from casting and memorising spells. One the of the NPCs in the Under mountain box set had one (Female cleric of Talona?)
Kaladorm Posted - 30 Jan 2006 : 19:12:47
Interesting story :) Looks like you beat me to a solution, oh well
Torkwaret Posted - 30 Jan 2006 : 16:32:35
Ok, got it - Anathema spell from Champions of Ruin

Thanks for all the help Beirnadri, Kaladorm

By the by, this spell is a model on which an NPC from my drow campaign is creating a powerful spell, which will allow him to effectively battle the Priestesses of Lolth.

He is a wizard from House Thaeyalla (dominated by powerful wizards), which destroyed itself to bring vengeance upon the houses ruled by the Lolth clerics. (longer story short)

The Thaeyall wizards gathered in their compound and crafted a dread spell which spent their lives, levelled a large part of the cave in which Menzoberranzan is located (creating the Quell'ar'orz plateau), destroyed several Lolth worshipping houses and slew even the great Menzoberra herself.

During an earlier skirmish with a powerful Lolthite wizard he was imprisoned and forgotten...

The Time of Troubles that came more than 4000 years after those events was his key to freedom. The influx of magic created by Mystra's death released him from his prison.

Now he is trying very hard to accumulate as much knowledge about those 40 ages as he can, all the while getting used to this new situation.
Torkwaret Posted - 30 Jan 2006 : 16:24:17
There is a spell at the Wizards website called Divine Interdiction that cut's a cleric/paladin from his turning ability...

But that's not the one
Beirnadri Magranth Posted - 30 Jan 2006 : 16:11:30
if it helps i think the ability was called interdiction or something like so and sos interdiction.... not sure still looking for it
Torkwaret Posted - 30 Jan 2006 : 15:57:29
That's exactly my problem !! I know that such spell or class ability exists, I've seen it recently even, but when it became needed today, it's gone...nowhere to be found
Beirnadri Magranth Posted - 30 Jan 2006 : 15:52:36
hmm that sounds very familiar! i think it is a classes ability but i didnt have time to check all my sources.
the only reference i can point to exactly is the 7th lvl wizard adn 7th lvl druid spell called 'Sever' from Swords & Sorceries' Relics & Rituals book. It completely severs the divinespellcasters tie to his or her spell granting deity. which eleminates his or her spells completely.

im pretty sure its in other places also... i thought it was in vile darkness but i didnt see it as a spell maybe tis a aclass in there?
Kaladorm Posted - 30 Jan 2006 : 15:52:20
There is also mention in Farthest Reach, where Araevin has his spells stripped (temporarily, I should say suppressed) from his mind.
I'm off to a lecture now but I'll hunt around for you when I get back

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