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 Realms Spells

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Firhyanda Posted - 29 Oct 2005 : 08:00:41
Greetings All

A long time lurker first time poster with a request for realms lore is there an index with a link to a description of every spell in every source book and module from 1e to 3.5 written for the Realms. Preferably with the old regional descriptors that show where it comes from, Thay, Amn, or what ever. I would eventually like to see all of these spells converted to 3.5. It is my humble opinion that Realms magic is the best magic, and that any campaign would greatly benefit from a focus on more Realms specific spells. PHB spells and complete arcane spells are fine but they just don’t have the flavor of the Realms. There should be a complete source for all of the Realms spells, if the sages have this hidden under a rock some where please point the way thanks in advance.
16   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Dewaint Posted - 18 Nov 2005 : 00:58:51
Well met

IMO this could be a great work of "historical research". To look at the first description used decades ago and to see how this particular spell evolved throughout the editions of (A)D&D. It will be a good source for everyone looking for long lost FR spells.

Many of the old 1e/2e spells were originally printed in the Dragon mags of the 80' and early 90'. It would be a pleasure to give this informations (Spell name - issue & page) to the one with this great task .
Actually i am stil using the old ToVK. Years ago i had enough time to put about 350 of the FR spells in the db. Now i am trying to fill a new db for the ToVK with teh 3 & 3.5 versions of FR Spells with the actual description and some additional information about the Origin(developed by which person and geographical area) and most recent 2Ed. source. Maybe this would be also of some help.

I apologize for my terrible english
sleyvas Posted - 10 Nov 2005 : 15:24:45
One very important thing to keep in mind is that a lot of the "abilities" of previous realms spells have been comprised into item creation and metamagic feats. In my view, this has done a SERIOUS good job of improving the magic system and limiting the abilities of the various mages. For instance, in 2E, there were dozens of contingent spells that stored other spells. This was a serious flaw (granted, I used them because they were there, after all that was the realms of the time...). The fact that now there are feats like gem magic and contingent spell and tattoo magic to replace the previous spells that anyone could learn does a great job (and each has their own unique place). Similarly transdimensional spell, and the prestige class abilities that require a character to give up SOMETHING in order to gain things like elemental substitution, better counterspelling, etc... also help a lot. Each mage now has their own tricks, and they can't change their tricks totally from day to day (but they still have enough flexibility that they don't have to keep doing the same things).

Phillip aka Sleyvas
Khaa Posted - 09 Nov 2005 : 13:00:28
Seems like a lot of spells. It would take a while to locate every new spell that has been cast. I can bet if you wanted to make a "complete" list. You would have to factor in hedge wizard cantrips and the like
Firhyanda Posted - 09 Nov 2005 : 08:29:34

Greetings All

Here is a link to a good index of most of the more current realms spells by book which gives page numbers and may be some help as a reference for this project.
See Source Books.
Arivia Posted - 08 Nov 2005 : 06:32:51
Originally posted by Darkheyr

I found a rather extensive list a few days ago, which includes fun stuff like Duhlark's Animerge, Dragonshape, and many other old FR spells. I'll pass it along, although is fairly easy to find in Google...

Okay, thanks.

Anyone willing to do a rules vet on an epic version of Phezult's Sleep of Ages for me? I'm currently reading an issue of KoDT just so I can clear my head before doing the reverse of it...
Darkheyr Posted - 08 Nov 2005 : 06:29:01
I found a rather extensive list a few days ago, which includes fun stuff like Duhlark's Animerge, Dragonshape, and many other old FR spells. I'll pass it along, although is fairly easy to find in Google...
Arivia Posted - 08 Nov 2005 : 03:49:21
I think I'm going to give this a try, as I know it would be helpful to myself. So, off to work it is...
DestroyYouAlot Posted - 01 Nov 2005 : 18:47:21
Firhyanda, your idea sounds like a +6 supplement, at least, the only problem is that these two points, together:
Originally posted by Firhyanda

1. All spells should have a complete entry with description in its original format from its original source. All to be listed with a page number.
6. This should then be put in a nice PDF file for free download.

are likely to violate all kinds of IP as far as WotC is concerned. It's the "complete entry" and the "free" part that they're likely to object to. However, a reference to all the spells published, where to find them, and 3.5 updates to all the ones not now represented would probably be kosher. You could also add additional descriptions and regional listings for spells currently in publication, without too much trouble.

Firhyanda Posted - 30 Oct 2005 : 17:52:17
Greetings All

Its worth notice that the new spell format may be much superior to any previous format used as I suspect it will take a more aggressive shot at classifying spells by type. I do not think that the format will be all that is needed for the proper recording of realms spells. At the vary least the realms spells will need to have a spot for region of origin, lore, and source reference. A complete reference on realms spells would include any ritual or group circle magic that appear in realms lore.
Dhomal Posted - 30 Oct 2005 : 00:34:48

Aye, this would be a useful tool. However - before anyone jumps all over working on it - I might suggest waiting until the Spell Compendium comes out in December. It is supposed to have a general new format for spells - including what they look like and such - which I think is a great addition.

Kes_Alanadel Posted - 29 Oct 2005 : 21:18:20
At one point in time, I had a document that most of the spells......not sure if i still do though..*thinks*

Edit: It's just a list of spells, and what book it is in (3.x only). It doesn't have a spell desciption or page numbers.
Kuje Posted - 29 Oct 2005 : 18:36:36
Originally posted by Alaundo

Originally posted by Kuje

Originally posted by Alaundo

Well met

My word! Indeed, 'twould be a great resource and I have actually thought of putting this together myself in the past. Alas, I know not of a current list of spells.

We have kept on top of PrC's and Feats, however, and contain complete lists herein, but have yet to put together spell lists. Maybe one day...

Why do I feel a beady pair of eyes staring at me over this.

Oh I wouldn't dream of it, my dear Kuje

Shivers and walks away mumbling.

But seriously, maybe someday I'll tackle this.
Alaundo Posted - 29 Oct 2005 : 18:34:25
Originally posted by Kuje

Originally posted by Alaundo

Well met

My word! Indeed, 'twould be a great resource and I have actually thought of putting this together myself in the past. Alas, I know not of a current list of spells.

We have kept on top of PrC's and Feats, however, and contain complete lists herein, but have yet to put together spell lists. Maybe one day...

Why do I feel a beady pair of eyes staring at me over this.

Oh I wouldn't dream of it, my dear Kuje
Firhyanda Posted - 29 Oct 2005 : 18:30:15
Greetings All

Thanks for the kind replies gentile moderators. One too many games of Baulders Gate when I was young has caused me to believe that candle keep should have a copy of every spell. I had noticed that Evil Knight has a link to an indexing format for the module Sons of Gruumsh in the forgotten realms RPG products forum. I think this format would be ideal for an index of spells. The keys to making this index a +5 resource as apposed to just +1 would be to use this format with the following changes.

1. All spells should have a complete entry with description in its original format from its original source. All to be listed with a page number.
2. A seconded entry should be provided that up dates the spell to 3.5 yes this should include all the lost spells those that went missing with addition changes like the ones in Volos guide.
3. Spells should be indexed alphabetically by class and level.
4. Regional descriptors are a must the loss of this info in later additions {3.5} was a mistake one of the keys that make the realms the best setting ever is regional flavor.
5. Where ever possible additional Realms lore should be gathered on spells that have a tie to major NPC or events in the realms. The history of the spell who wrought it and why.
6. This should then be put in a nice PDF file for free download.
Kuje Posted - 29 Oct 2005 : 17:34:46
Originally posted by Alaundo

Well met

My word! Indeed, 'twould be a great resource and I have actually thought of putting this together myself in the past. Alas, I know not of a current list of spells.

We have kept on top of PrC's and Feats, however, and contain complete lists herein, but have yet to put together spell lists. Maybe one day...

Why do I feel a beady pair of eyes staring at me over this.
Alaundo Posted - 29 Oct 2005 : 17:00:43
Well met

My word! Indeed, 'twould be a great resource and I have actually thought of putting this together myself in the past. Alas, I know not of a current list of spells.

We have kept on top of PrC's and Feats, however, and contain complete lists herein, but have yet to put together spell lists. Maybe one day...

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