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Posted - 30 Aug 2005 : 02:32:25 Tinker
Person who helped me balance this: Cheiromancer.
Tinkers are the people of the world who invent wonderous devices that mimic magic without actually being using any magic at all. Tinkers also like to study the world around them and its creatures. Tinkers are often taught by a mentor, but there are some large schools devoted to teaching the ways of the Tinker. Intelligence is the stat that determines what level of device the TInker can make. A Tinker must have an INT of 10 to even be able to make any devices.
Races: Gnomes, Dwarves and Humans are the race smost likely to be Tinkers, but Half-Elves, Elves, and Halflings can also become them. Half-Orcs rarely become Tinkers.
Alignment: Any
Religion: Tinker usually do not worship any deity, if they do it would be a god or godess of invention and innovation.
Hit die: d6
Armor and Weapon Proficieny: Tinker are proficient with Simple weapons and light armor, but not shields.
BAB: As a Rogue
Save Progression: Good Will, Bad Reflex and Fortitude
Skill points: 4 + int modifier x 4 at first level 4 + int modifier at all subsequent levels
Class skills: Craft (Any), Profession (Any), Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering), Knowledge (Nature), Appraise, Disable Device, Open Lock, Handle Animal, Ride, Search, Use rope, Heal
Tinkering: Tinkers have the ability to make devices that mimic arcane spells, but the devices themselves are not magical. Tinkers also must have a tool box with them at all times to be able to maintain their devices. A toolbox contains a variety of tools ushc as wrenches and washers and hammers and screwdrivers. If a Tinker does not have a toolbox then they can not regain use of their devices once they have used up its uses per day. A normal toolbox costs 100GP. Tinkers are assumed to be messing with mechanical and clockwork parts and other small devices that they carry with them so that they can have new devices when they level up. The Tinkers devices come with some weaknesses that arcane spells dont have, such as the ability to be sundered by oppenents. The hardness of a device is (10 + the Tinkers level + the device's level). Device levels are similar to spell levels, the Tinker's device level progression is as the Wizard with the Sorceror's spells known as Device's known, and the Sorcerors uses per day minus two. Devices can only be used a limited number of times per day or they risk breaking, devices must be maintained regularly by a Tinker. Once the device has been used for all of its uses per day then it needs to be allowed to "rest" so it can be maintained properly for use again the next day. So, a 1st level Tinker will have access to one level one device that he may use one that day. The Tinker may have a plethora of different devices on him. but he has to choose which of his devices he will maintain for the day to use. So he can decide he wants to use his Flamethrower type device that mimics the Burning Hands spell that day, even though he has access to other devices, such as one that could mimic Magic Missile, he can only use the device that mimics Burning Hands for that day. The next day he could decide to maintain the device that mimics Magic Missile and not be able to use the Burning Hands Device. Tinkers get Bonus Devices uses per day based on their Intelligence.
Weight Reduction: (EX) At 8th level a Tinker gains the ability to halve the weight of any Device he makes. This also makes the device less bulky. So a gun-type device that fired out the spell web would now weight only five pounds instead of ten pounds.
How do you fit all that in there? (EX) At 15th level the Tinker may choose a backpack that he now designates to have weight reduction 100%. The pack has as much space in at as a Mordenkainens Magnificent Mansion spell. The Tinker may at any time hcange which backpack this affects, but he will have to move all his devices to the new backpack.
New Devices: Tinkers may choose to make new devices, making new devices cost (The level of the device to be made X 300) new device is like researching a new spell.
Device body slots: Some devices must fit into a body slot, such as boots that allow use of the Jump spell would go in the boots slot. The body slots are as follows: Head, legs, boots, gloves, rings, torso, back, belt, and neck. Not all devices do however, a flamethrower type device that fire out a Burning Hands spell takes up a weapon slot, not a gloves slot. Similarly a grenade like weapon that when throw lands to produce a Fireball does not take up any slots. A device weighs ( the Devices level x 5 pounds)
So, what do you think? I realize the hit die and BAB are high for someone that can basically use arcane spells. But I chose to offset this by knowing few devices and being able to use them only a few times a day. Not too mention they can be sundered or just break if used too much. If it is too strong now then I am considering allowing them to only learn up to level 6 spells/devices.
Please tell me what I can do to improve it.
I made this a while ago, and the general consesus on the other forum I posted it on is that it was balanced. I decided to post it here for you guys to look at and use if you want.
EDITL yes, I know I have posted several Tinker type classes before, but this one I made.
1 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First)
Slash Scarsmith
Posted - 31 Aug 2005 : 10:54:25 Looks pretty cool to me.