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 Looking for old Polyhedron Newszines

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
El Magnifico Uno Posted - 29 Aug 2005 : 22:48:13
Hi All!

I'm looking for some back issues of Polyhedron #96, 98, 101, 103–8... To be more specific, I'm looking for the Turmish info in those issues... Anybody know where I could acquire such lovelies??... Or even better, scans of said pages, or even just copies of the text itself??...

11   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Kuje Posted - 30 Aug 2005 : 18:00:05
Well nobleknight has a whole lot of them. :)
Wooly Rupert Posted - 30 Aug 2005 : 11:26:56
Yeah... They really should reprint or otherwise make that old lore available to us. I'm another who would love to get his hands on the old Polyhedrons.
Dargoth Posted - 30 Aug 2005 : 07:29:56
Damn it Pazio dont sell back issues of Polyhedron!
George Krashos Posted - 30 Aug 2005 : 06:35:23
Originally posted by Dargoth

Where those issues in Polyhedron magazine or where they in the back of issues of Dungeon?

The stand-alone issues had Ed's column. When it got integrated with DUNGEON, the column disappeared. No doubt the columns from O to Z are now mouldering in some filing cabinet or were on a PC that long-ago landed on a garbage heap, as much as it pains me to think that.

-- George Krashos
El Magnifico Uno Posted - 30 Aug 2005 : 05:04:09
Alaundo, if you could do that, you'd be my hero... Thanks!
Dargoth Posted - 30 Aug 2005 : 02:54:31
Where those issues in Polyhedron magazine or where they in the back of issues of Dungeon?
The Sage Posted - 30 Aug 2005 : 02:45:58
The entire series ran from issue #109 to issue #148. The Polyhedron issues with the Border Kingdom articles are 109–111, 115–121, 123–148.

Unfortunately though... the alphabetical detailing of the cities and kingdoms finished at "O".

Krash once told me that Ed, many years ago during the old TSR days, suggested that we might see a "Border Kingdoms" sourcebook which would collect and collate all the articles while adding a bit more stuff, done by some junior staffer/designer, about 6-12 months after the column had run its course. Unfortunately, this never came to pass...
Dargoth Posted - 30 Aug 2005 : 01:12:51
Can anyone tell me which issue has Eds article on the Border Kingdoms? and better yet does anyone know where I could get it?
Kuje Posted - 30 Aug 2005 : 00:37:56
Try :)
George Krashos Posted - 30 Aug 2005 : 00:34:17
The info in Polyhedron was shown to some degree in the "Vilhon Reach" accessory by Jim Butler. Some of the realmslore didn't make it, but most of the location info did IIRC.

-- George Krashos
Alaundo Posted - 29 Aug 2005 : 22:50:06
Well met

I believe I have the same scrolls, El Magnifico Uno as I specifically recall the said Turmish articles (part of the Elminster's Everwinking Eye article, I believe?). Unless anyone can get these to ye sooner, i'll endeavor to dig them out later this week.

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