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 Lycanthrope discussion

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Kitira Gildragon Posted - 14 Jan 2003 : 16:39:32
I'm making this a whole different topic from D&D ideas to prevent the mad off topics. Perhaps there's some way to clean that mess up? Anyhow:

IMHO, I don't remember the Monster Manual I read differentaiting between which kind could use all three phases. Since there was no distinction, I assumed that there was no difference. I think the edition was 2nd, so 3rd edition might say differently.
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The Great Drizzt Posted - 23 Jan 2003 : 08:44:44
.....yes.....or no I guess.....Potato....
The Great Drizzt
Kitira Gildragon Posted - 21 Jan 2003 : 14:14:19
After all if their your friends, and you kill another friend, what would they do?

*L* That depends on how close you really are. If they are *good* friends, they'd probably try to restrain you and/or find some way to cure you as well as raise the fallen. If they're not, they'd probably do the most reasonable thing- kill you to save others. More than likely the latter.
Salius Kai Posted - 20 Jan 2003 : 04:56:52
Origianaly posted by Kitira Gildragon
Are you speaking about the party or the lycanthrope here??

I was refering to the party. After all if their your friends, and you kill another friend, what would they do?

Origianaly posted by Kitira Gildragon
For one of my created characters this would be ecstacy. Blood, the instincts to kill, the way it freaks people out, not to mention the everlasting line of people who want to hunt her down! Hehehe

I guess that would all depend on the character your playing. I see where your comming from with this and I totaly agree. If you have a character that feeds off pain and death, there wouldn't really be a whole lot of set backs to this "curse".
Kitira Gildragon Posted - 16 Jan 2003 : 12:55:09
I see your point Rad but I thought it was closer to how the Druids shapeshift? Even if it isn't,remember, there must always be sacrifices for power. I can deal with more pain than most people and besides that it passes eventually.
For one of my created characters this would be ecstacy. Blood, the instincts to kill, the way it freaks people out, not to mention the everlasting line of people who want to hunt her down! Hehehe

Will they hunt you down, or just avoid you at night?

Are you speaking about the party or the lycanthrope here??
Salius Kai Posted - 15 Jan 2003 : 18:50:20
Thank you Kitira, that answers my question perfectly.

To Rad, that is a new way of looking at it. I was one of those who saw it as a power gift, if you will. But looking at it from that perspective, I would have to say that must be quite horrible. But still, it would add to some interesting RPing, espescially if one of the people you killed was one of your party. Will they hunt you down, or just avoid you at night?
Echon Posted - 15 Jan 2003 : 18:44:09
Originally posted by Rad
Anyway, hope you get the picture

I do. However, keep in mind that some players might enjoy what you have just described...

Lord Rad Posted - 15 Jan 2003 : 17:40:52
IMO, people take lycanthropy too lightly. Many players see their infected character has having a great ability. Ok, so the transformation may result in a powerful, often aggressive creature, but look on the negative side......

Sit back a moment and imagine the excrutiating pain of the transformation! The limbs altering shape, nails growing rapidly, teeth sprouting and elongating.... it must be unbearable!!

The devatating effects on your companions and family, them feeling uneasy with you when the hour and time of possible transformation comes!

The nakedness and awaking not knowing what transpired the night before, being somewhere unknown, not knowing who you may have killed...

Anyway, hope you get the picture
Kitira Gildragon Posted - 15 Jan 2003 : 12:57:19
*ignores the sarcasm..* Salius, I think they are born with it but don't see it as a curse since they never knew another life without it; it's part of them. The "curse" is when someone is bitten and infected, since they know of a time when they were "normal".

Zemd- remember, I'm only going on what I've read in a 2e Monster Manual, so I could be wrong. Everything changes, but I could almost swear that there is a hybrid form!
zemd Posted - 14 Jan 2003 : 20:27:43
I don't think that they can all assume the three phases. I thnik for example that the werebear can only be a human or a bear... I need to check that anyway
Salius Kai Posted - 14 Jan 2003 : 18:53:04
LOL! You made a new string and the Lycanthrope discussion was the only thing keeping Feanor's string alive. Oh well, what is a true lycanthrope? Is that where someone is born with the curse?

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