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 For your pleasure, a high-Res map of middle Faerun

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Arravis Posted - 17 Mar 2005 : 16:35:40
I had realized not too long ago, that I never got around to posting a map I had done last year...
Anyway, it's a high-res map of middle-faerun and I hope you guys like it. I tried to include all the sites I was aware of in the area, if any are missing (which I'm sure), please let me know! Thanks!

High Res

Medium Res

Low Res
30   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Dalor Darden Posted - 30 Apr 2012 : 18:45:40
My memory is a haze sometimes, and so I may not be remembering this correctly because I don't even remember if I heard it (or it was of my own thoughts); but Sembia was made the "DM Sandbox" because it fit on the Heartlands Close Up map.

I remember thinking at the time that I thought the WESTERN HEARTLANDS would have been much better suited for this!
Matt James Posted - 30 Apr 2012 : 18:42:20
Yeah, I always thought of the Border Kingdoms as the playground area. I can't recall where I heard it from, but the BK area was supposed to be for this purpose specifically.
Markustay Posted - 30 Apr 2012 : 18:28:47
The promise had the exact opposite effect, IMHO. Where better to plunk-down your own 'kewl ideas' then in a nigh-empty sandbox.

Saying it was a 'DM-only' area was like attaching a lightening rod to the place.

Still, I thought it was stupid to do this with Sembia, Cormyr's major neighbor. Turmish would have been the much better choice (and still remains largely undefined). Erlkazar made sense, but Sembia, not so much.

Were there any other areas purposely left open like that? Maybe the Border Kingdoms or the Chultan arm (in 1e/2e)?
Matt James Posted - 30 Apr 2012 : 18:24:02
Pretty rough, Arik. I wonder how many individual writers and designers knew about that promise.
Markustay Posted - 30 Apr 2012 : 15:56:41
Thank You Oh furry one.

Nice map indeed.

Sembia was tough for me - I dug up LOTS of 'lost' locales in novels and weird places, but almost nothing in Sembia (despite a lot of 3e activity there!). There was one town that was never named in the anthology story And Wringing of Hands in Realms of Infamy, and I couldn't even get a precise fix on it to place it. One other canon town was named, IIRC, but the town the apothecary(?) is from is not (and he's the main character).

Good story BTW - small but poignant, just the way I like 'em.
GRYPHON Posted - 30 Apr 2012 : 15:38:48
Nice work...
Ayrik Posted - 30 Apr 2012 : 08:36:20
TSR promised to leave Sembia undeveloped and "fallow" for DMs. They technically never broke that promise, while WotC technically never had to observe the promise.

Unsurprisingly, WotC immediately attacked Sembia with the phaerimm, dragonrage, Shadowstorm, political infighting, civil war, Shadovar takeover, a kraken and some other big city-destroying monsters, etc ... they did a good job wrecking Sembia before moving on to their next edition.
The Sage Posted - 30 Apr 2012 : 08:05:28
Originally posted by Eladrinstar

Why is Sembia so empty? Why has it never been detailed?

Sembia was left as a region for DM's to develop back in 2e. Which is largely why so many of the details pertaining to the merchant realm are pretty sparse in pre-3e material. It wasn't until the Sembia series of novels, and the return of the Shades, as well as Paul Kemp's early focus on Sembia, that the region began to be more heavily detailed.
Eladrinstar Posted - 30 Apr 2012 : 06:50:21
Why is Sembia so empty? Why has it never been detailed?
Dalor Darden Posted - 30 Apr 2012 : 04:51:18
Many thanks ol' furry one!
Wooly Rupert Posted - 30 Apr 2012 : 04:08:24
As promised, so delivered: Arravis's map
Eladrinstar Posted - 29 Apr 2012 : 20:51:50
What is your website then?
Wooly Rupert Posted - 29 Apr 2012 : 04:48:52
I'll zip it and toss it up on my website tomorrow, so anyone can grab it.
Dalor Darden Posted - 29 Apr 2012 : 04:26:52
Originally posted by Markustay

If I could possibly get a copy Wooly, much appreciated.

I'll add to that in fact...but can it get posted here at Candlekeep, or would that need the creator's permission?
Markustay Posted - 29 Apr 2012 : 01:06:54
If I could possibly get a copy Wooly, much appreciated.
sfdragon Posted - 29 Apr 2012 : 00:55:09
Originally posted by Dalor Darden

All I get is a Japanese Website.

Dalor Darden Posted - 28 Apr 2012 : 23:40:03
All I get is a Japanese Website.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 28 Apr 2012 : 23:18:11
I think I do... I've got a jpg with the same name, dating back to the date the map was first posted... So the map I just looked at is likely the same one.
thebaron Posted - 28 Apr 2012 : 21:17:57
anyone still have this map?
edbonny Posted - 29 Mar 2005 : 23:12:41
This is a beautiful and wonderful map! Thank you very, very much!

- Ed
VEDSICA Posted - 29 Mar 2005 : 17:51:32
Very good work Arravis.I really enjoy all the locales.Two thumbs up!!!!
Arravis Posted - 28 Mar 2005 : 15:55:01
Thanks Knightcrawler, and that is exactly the reason why I made this map. I hated having to cross-reference so much when all the data should have been on one map. Anyway, I created the map using Photoshop and alot of time ;).
Knightcrawler Posted - 26 Mar 2005 : 22:39:24
Very nice Arravis. Well done, with all locations marked. The official maps always seem to be lacking in marked locations. In fact I've gotten so frustrated that with my current campaign and maps that I considering picking up some mapping software and just making the maps myself. What do you use?
The Sage Posted - 18 Mar 2005 : 05:00:01
Impressive work Arravis, yet again .

I'm glad you picked up on a few of those lesser-known Realms-locales, since many FR maps tend to overlook them.

I'm looking forward to whatever you're going to come up with next.
Rinonalyrna Fathomlin Posted - 18 Mar 2005 : 03:04:42
Beautiful work. I want to see more.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 17 Mar 2005 : 23:00:54
Oooh, I like!
DDH_101 Posted - 17 Mar 2005 : 21:48:43
Arravis, what a fantastic job! I'll be sure let others know of this impressive and useful map.
Melfius Posted - 17 Mar 2005 : 17:22:12
Absolutely impressive! Kudos, Arravis!
Arravis Posted - 17 Mar 2005 : 17:13:00
Lots of different sources (mostly 2nd ed)... I dug around ALOT. It should all be cannon though. Let me know which specific ones you have questions on, and I'll see if I recall where it came from.

And as always, you're welcome to include it in the Map Room, or anywhere else you see fit :). Thanks for the comments guys!
Alaundo Posted - 17 Mar 2005 : 17:06:53
Well met

This is a wonderful map, Arravis I'd very much like to feature this in the Map Room here at Candlekeep.

I'm interested to hear where you found many of these locations, there are a fair amount of the more minor areas which I have ne'er heard of

Excellent work

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